I used to do a lot of swimming (literally miles) but because of being ill and then lockdown I haven’t been for a while. I started again this week and even after a very short time felt absolutely exhausted. In fact I had to haye a sleep in the disabled changing room before I had the energy to get myself dressed and home. This is so unlike the old me - devastated.
Absolutely gutted : I used to do a lot of swimming... - NRAS
Absolutely gutted

Aw that’s very disappointing. Apart fromnot doing it for a while has anything else changed? Maybe try again when you feel rested and build it up.?
I can understand your disappointment but look on the positive side, you managed to get there and do at least a little swimming. You can build up gradually again. . I want to go back to swimming myself , ive not been either due to lockdown but I’m still worried about picking up the virus in the pool , so I’ve got to get my confidence back and “ take the plunge”. !!!
Maybe it was just a really bad day for you. It is a letdown though. I hope it goes better next time.
It’s so upsetting when you can do things that you used to do quite easily. But you got there & you swam be proud. Bound to be hard the first time back.
I think you’ll feel better week by week so don’t despair. Well done for going! I built up strength with aqua for over three months and then was at a peak of fitness. I haven’t been for 17 months due to shielding and the pool is being refurbished and won’t be ready till early next year at the soonest so I’ll be really out of shape to return.
We’ll done for going in the first place! From experience it’s tough regaining your fitness… start very small and build up slowly. Keep going!
Well done 👏. You did it. I do understand the disappointment . In your head you were ready to go then the body let you down. This disease has a lot to answer for . A little to start then build up. May it be any consolation my son is a competitive swimmer and the first time back he was on his knees and needed a kip straight after . He said it was a slow steady getting use to the water swim and it floored him x
Hey Smithycat, don’t feel down. I was the same as you only I used to run. When the time came to get back out there, I could barely make it down the lane but I kept going out and ran a little further each tine. Keep going, don’t give up. Each time you go you will get stronger and you won’t be needing that disabled changing room for a nap. As Dory says…. “ Just keep swimming “ 🐟 👍
How was it when you were in there, bet it felt good to get back though.
I like watching the Olympic swimming at the moment, they are awesome aren't they.
I use to swim about a mile a day before RA and for over a year ive done nothing, I dread to think what I would be like to be honest I think I would be a bit scared I wouldn't be able to get out!
I guess slow and steady, you've done the hard part of getting in x
I'm sure that it must be disappointing but I'm sure that you'll be able to gradually build up.
I'm at the opposite end - always been an exercise-avoider and very unfit. I started swimming lessons in Autumn 2019 and had got up to the grand total of 2 lengths when Covid hit; I also started Aqua Fit at the same time. I returned to Aqua Fit when the pool reopened and at my first swimming session I managed 4 lengths. I've gone to the pool 2 or 3 times a week and have worked my way up to 12 lengths but I have to rest at each end between lengths! When I get out I feel a bit weak and shaky and it's about an hour later that I feel really OK but I guess that's par for the course. I've been to a few Aqua Jog sessions and that's REALLY embarrassing as I'm SO much slower than everyone else but that's fine, they're all really friendly and encouraging.
I'm not sure where you are in your RA journey but I was diagnosed just over 2 years ago and am now fairly settled on a medication regime that suits me which is why I think that the time is right to try to exercise more and build up my stamina. This time last year I was really struggling and they were tweaking my medication.
It can be hard to come to terms with the "new you" but it might just be a step on the road and in a few months you could be feeling a bit better 🤞😘
It is so frustrating isn't it but as others have said, well done on having the motivation to go. I think you'll find you can do a little bit more each time you go - I certainly hope so. RA is an absolute bugger - before it I did Yoga, Pilates and walking but recently with fatigue and a broken foot I've done nothing and feeling my backside is melting into the sofa and I'll end up a big puddle!!
It takes time to build up your muscle and body strength. As you get older it takes longer I've found. But it can always be done. Start slow and build up each time. Use land based exercises in between to build up your muscles and stamina.
I think it's a case of having to build your muscles back up and that's usually a slow process - I'm sure you'll get there again though given time, little and often. 🤞
Definitely well done for starting up again. Even if you can’t do as much so soon, it’s completely understandable, you’ll build up your stamina over time.It must feel soothing though to have the warm water lapping over your joints, swimming is so wonderful.
Despite being mid-flare at the moment, I'm determined to go to a massage I have booked for tomorrow 😊 can’t wait to have the old joints done!
It's fine to feel devastated. You'll get there. I know from my own experience of being off drugs for 12 weeks and not being able to exercise as usual. It's now six weeks on and I am no where near to my best. I know I'll get there though and that keeps me going. This time next year you'll be back to miles and miles.
Thanks to you all for your supportive messages. I think that I thought that I could get in the pool and do what I did before. Now I realise that I really need to build up slowly. Perseverance is the key. Thanks again it’s so helpful to get input from people that understand the challenges of the disease and how the medication affects us. I am on Imraldi and Methotrexate so I guess that these are having an impact 😘
HiI am not a strong swimmer by any means but started swimming to try and maintain mobility of my joints and give my heart and lungs a good workout. I do not go mad but set myself a target amount of lengths but my priority is to maintain good range rather than anything else. Sometimes it’s slow and sometimes I even use a float but the fact I’m doing it makes me happy. Although you may not be able to do as much or as many lengths as before as others have stated do a slow build up and I’m sure it won’t be long before you reach your target. The fact that you are providing your joints with a good range of movement I’m sure the muscles and cardiovascular/lung capacity will get back to where you were before. Good luck and don’t give up