Has anyone on methotrexate and infliximab had the shingles vaccine ? Do you have to get it every year ?
Shingles vaccine: Has anyone on methotrexate and... - NRAS
Shingles vaccine

If you go on Vaccination against Shingles Vaccine - The Gov. UK website it’ll tell you all about all the various shingles vaccinations for those who are and are not immune suppressed - useful info.
I’m pretty certain people on this site on Infliximab and MTX will be along to let you know about having the jab. There’s also info to the right of your post .
Hope you manage to find the answers.
You will only be able to have the Shingrix …….the non live vaccine.You will need to speak to your GP Practice nurse to see if you qualify. If she is not sure…ask your rheumy nurse.

Hi there - signposting to some information on the NRAS website, which also links to the NHS website that cover this info. Hope this helps: nras.org.uk/2023/08/25/chan...
not sure what age you are, but as of 1st September, anyone over 50 and on certain immunosuppressants will qualify for the shingles vaccine. Although it has to be the non live one. If your gp has your immunosuppressants on your record, they should get in touch. Under 50s don’t qualify.
But the consultant can ask for the patient to have it. That’s what I had to do as my husband could not have the dead one as asthmatic and I was too young to get the dead one. In the end my RA consultant wrote to GP and bearing in mind I had Shingles so badly 10 years ago I was hospitalised and been taking Acylovir since to stop it coming back. So my Gp sympathised but it was the rules. He did do it after the letter but be warned it’s possibly the worst vaccination I’ve ever had. Take paracetamol and be comforted even though it really hurt it’s better than Shingles even if it’s only 74% effective so Acylovir is still in the cupboard should that viruses reoccur.
Patient care
Almost a million more people (900,000) will become eligible for a shingles vaccination from September, the NHS announced today.
Anyone who is severely immunosuppressed and over 50 will be able to get two doses of the Shingrix vaccine – currently the vaccine is only available to those over 70.
From 1 September 2023, those turning 65 and 70 will also be able to get the vaccine after their birthday, in addition to those already aged 70-80. Patients will be contacted by their GP practice when they become eligible.
Eligibility will then be expanded to include those 60 and up by September 2033.
I am on Infliximab and MTX, had shingles vaccine, Shingrix as only one you can have apparently. Felt a bit rough for a few days after the first one but Ok after second, you have 2 doses some weeks apart.