Will I get appointment about Pulmonary Oedema? - NRAS


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Will I get appointment about Pulmonary Oedema?

19 Replies

Two weeks ago I was told that a chest X-ray I had done a few days before showed that I have pulmonary oedema and that it could be caused by heart failure. This was a shock to me as although I have been breathless and wheezy for quite sometime I really wasn't expecting to be told that. On my father's side of the family there has been heart troubles and two aunts died of it at a young age. In November, I developed cellulitis and a leg ulcer which is being treated with compression bandages but is not healing up very well. My GP said she would refer me to the chest clinic.

I then received a letter telling me that if I didn't hear from the chest clinic by 27th Jan, I should ring them. I didn't hear so I rang them that day. The person I spoke to on the phone said that the letters sent out were old and shouldn't have been sent (sounds a bit strange, when dates for now have been given). She said I would have to wait at least 18 weeks to see anyone as the chest doctors are only working with patients with Covid-19 and are not seeing anyone else at all. I asked if it would be worth paying to see someone privately or to go to a different hospital and the woman gave a sort of a laugh and said that I wouldn't find any doctor who were seeing patients like that now while the pandemic is on.

I rang my doctor's surgery but it is very hard to actually get to speak to a doctor. I explained the position to one of the receptionists who said she would pass a message about it to one of the doctors and they would ring me back. That was on Wednesday and I have heard no more from them.

I am left not knowing what to do, as I don't know how serious it all is but I know the doctor told me it was a serious condition and when I looked it up on google it frightened me. It looks as if I will have to ring around again next week. It seems that these days we have to sort out our health problems for ourselves.

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19 Replies
rabbits65 profile image

Hello holly, you must be worried , keep pursuing your phone calls to your doctors surgery on Monday morning , insist on a telephone call from your gp . I have a few medical issues ongoing and I have had to keep ringing my doctors. You will get to talk with someone soon about your worries .Goodnight

in reply to rabbits65

Thank you for your reply Rabbit. I will ring the doctors again tomorrow as things can’t just be left as They are. I wrote you a longer message twice Rabbit but somehow they haven’t shown up. I hope this one does. Xx

helixhelix profile image

That's outrageous! Your GP is supposed to be your primary medical carer, and can't just ignore you in this position.

Keep phoning! And I'm sorry this is so stressful.

But also prepare a list of questions for when you do get to speak to a doctor. I would want to ask questions like

- could any of my medicines be causing this?

- can you help me get a specialist appointment, and do I need to be referred to a cardiologist as well?

- (if this has not been checked recently) might blood pressure and cholesterol be worth checking?

- what things can I do myself to help manage this condition?

And if you don't get a response quickly then write to your GP

in reply to helixhelix

Thank you for your your reply helix. I agree with you & I will reign the surgery tomorrow. The problem is that the receptionists always say they can’t say which doctor will ring me & one of them is worse than useless so I don’t want him to ring. Anyway I am not just going to lease things as they are. I have a right to be seen.

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply to

Be politely persistent, and be very clear that you would like Dr X, Y or Z to ring you and not Doctor A. You don’t have to say he’s useless, or say why at all, but just say you do not want to be treated by him. Often we are too cautious about these things. So just be straightforward and simple that you are happy for any doctor in the practice to contact you apart from X so would the receptionist please note that down.

in reply to helixhelix

I have just rung the surgery and told them everything and the receptionist agreed that it can't be left like it is now and said she will get the doctor concerned to ring me back today. xx

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply to

Brilliant! I hope they don’t wait until 7pm!

Summerrain14 profile image

Oh Holly my heart goes out to you. As if having these health issues isn’t hard enough but navigating the health care system especially in these times is so hard.

Could you book a telephone consultation with your GP as at least you would get to speak directly to the GP.

You should definitely should get an appointment though as I would have thought it would be classed as urgent. I have had some liver and kidney problems recently and an urgent referral was done. I was seen within three weeks despite it being Christmas and with the pandemic. Each area is under different stresses due to the pandemic I appreciate but definitely ask for a telephone consultation with your GP to see if they can sort out an appointment for you with the hospital.

Thinking of you x

in reply to Summerrain14

Thank you for your reply Summer. I am going to ring my doctors again tomorrow as this just isn’t fair. I have got the right to be treated properly before it’s too late. I will be pro active about it now. Xx

springcross profile image

That's disgraceful holly-willow. I would chase up that phone call to which you are entitled. I know you shouldn't have to but make a nuisance of yourself if needs be. If your doctor has told you it's serious, then he/she needs to start to sort it. Good luck. xx

in reply to springcross

I will ring them again tomorrow and keep on ringing them until I get a response. Thank you for your reply springcross.

DiHi profile image

I have had similar problems for the last 5 months,but,after many tests,scans,including a lung function test,I’ve developed asthma! I’m 76, so a shock,another thing that has no cure,and lasts a lifetime.Still got one more scan,they are being very through,this Friday! Same day as I get the vaccine- will,I’m sure,be knackered over next weekend,Hay Ho!

in reply to DiHi

I have had asthma most of my life DiHi & thought at first that was the problem but my inhalers didn’t help so I knew it was different. Don’t worry about having it as it can be well controlled these days. You are lucky to be getting your vaccination as I haven’t had mine yet despite being CEV.

oldtimer profile image

The management of your problem should be a priority for your GP and your description of how it has been managed so far is appalling and should be the subject of a complaint. But your first priority is to speak to a GP and ask what are they going to do. The GP who referred you to the chest clinic in the first place needs to chase this up. It is certainly not true in this area that patients who don't have Covid are being ignored - I have had had investigations and consultations as I would expect since last January.

in reply to oldtimer

Thank you for you reply oldtimer. I have just rung the surgery and they are getting the doctor to ring me back today so hopefully I will get somewhere. x

julie1908 profile image

Good morning

I had something similar to this happen to me 4 year’s ago and was told the same thing that i might have heart failure. But after an echocardiogram and a CT scan was told it wasn’t heart failure and told it was probably to do with my RA or the medication i take for it. Like you i was out of my mind with worry. So i know it’s hard to say this but please stay positive. X

in reply to julie1908

Thank you for you reply Julie. I have to admit that I am feeling down and a bit nervous just now. I have rung the doctors earlier and one of them is going to ring me back later today so at least that is a start. xx

aber218deen profile image

Hi holly-willow, I just came across your post and I’m absolutely shocked that the NHS is neglecting patients with pretty serious conditions apart from COVID related. My advice to you is to go to Accident & Emergency and tell them that you were given an ex ray recently and your Doctor explained that you have fluid on one of your lungs and mentioned that it could be related to Heart Failure, and you have been told that you may have to wait about 18 weeks before you can see a specialist, but now you are finding it a bit difficult to breathe and it’s causing you some pain and you don’t think you could be able to tolerate the discomfort for another 4 months!? Then hopefully the Doctor you see might be able to deal with your health issue there and then!? It’s just a suggestion as I’m only too aware how fluid in the lungs can be very troublesome. If you decide to go to the Hospital,remember to wear a mask or they will refuse you entry. Take care and good luck.

Hi aber, thank you for your reply. I have rung my doctors surgery this morning and one of the doctors is going to ring me back later so perhaps I am getting somewhere. I have also thought of A & E being an option but I know that they don't see people about problems that are on-going. However, it is started to become worse then I think that is another thing to consider. xx

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