Hi all,
Im new here and first posted before christmas about a rash i had from cimzia...it had died down with thr help of prescribed antihistimine. It was lovely to get reassurance and here from u all.
I started cimzia of in oct and now im on 200mg twice a month...pen injection...i have recently started to feel very tired...a lack of energy which is not me...i have plenty of energy. I have read tiredness is a side effect but thought it would be right from the start...or maybe side effects develop with time??
I have contact my rhuemy amd they are sending me for bloods to check iron etc as im always low....but i thought i would post here to see if anyone else had experienced the same with cimiza or another biologic??
Did it come over time? Or was it instant??
Reaching out to hear from others in similar space. Thanks!