Breaking news on tv. Pfizer vaccine has been approved and they will start vaccinating next week. I know it won’t get to us yet but this is a very bright light at the end of the tunnel.
Yay! : Breaking news on tv. Pfizer vaccine has been... - NRAS

To all those who say they don’t want it - ‘move over I’m coming through’ !!
I’m going to have when offered 👏👏hopefully not to long to wait x
Brings us all hope x
Historic moment for science , this means amazing changes in the future, they may be able to vaccinate against some types of cancers etc now they can produce rna messenger vaccines, wow just wow!! And oxford as I said above should get a license next week !! All done safely and brilliantly by science ! I'm delighted
I hope that those of us on here who are happy to receive the vaccine will work hard with all our friends and neighbours to make sure that they are well informed about the vaccine and not influenced by the (many) myths already circulating. I recently read a sensible article on Huff news - I'm not sure if the link will work:
The BioNTech one is also approved; is that the Oxford one?