I have lumps bumps twisted fingers hate them 😩😩😷 and swollen can’t wear rings no more
Fingers: I have lumps bumps twisted fingers hate them... - NRAS

I absolutely understand, I have had my wedding ring cut off because of swelling. My hands\fingers are so misshapen now they make me really sad and I hate catching a glimpse of them in the mirror. The swelling and soreness makes so many things hard work. But my lovely hubby says he doesn't see them as ugly, he sees the hands that raised the family with love, creates things that make people smile, and they're just a part of what makes me!!
Beautiful. 💗 Exactly what my hubby says .. they are my hands and he loves them. I feel the same about my hands though and I’ve had nasty comments too from people I know and an in law.
Understand. 🤨😑 Mine are very damaged and misaligned but no swelling these days as I’ve no active RA inflammation. As they don’t actually hurt my rheumy said don’t have any ops on them. I am an artist and can still paint and draw as well as before and type no problem. I can’t wear my wedding ring or any rings. I’ve got used to it even if it’s annoying. 🧐 Have you seen an OT about them as they can give you the Oval 8 plastic finger ring type little splints to hold your fingers in alignment when resting. Doesn’t work for everyone but maybe worth a go?
I refer to mine as my ET fingers. My granddaughters do too.
Bless you and understand as my fingers look very similar to yours too. Gentle virtual hugs. Gail x
My fingers are a terrible mess, all bent in different directions and with lumps and bumps everywhere. I can just about manage to get my wedding ring on but it isn't a good fit. I have some lovely rings which belonged to my mother and even have my grandmother's wedding ring but I can no longer wear them. It is all rather sad.
I used to play both the classical and folk guitar but with my fingers like this I can no longer do that.
It’s not nice when your hands start to bend and get lumpy because we can’t really hide them like we can with the rest of our body , I dropped some frozen peas yesterday and bugger me I couldn’t pick the up I had to scoop them up with a spoon
My fingers are all swollen and bent and I find the veins seem raised and puffy making your skin very flushed. The joys of R.A.
Bless you💜, I have wonky fingers as well, two of which are very clawed and so am having them amputated as soon as safe to do so. I think it makes us all more special, it’s good to be different. Stay safe. Xx
Did you say amputated do our fingers get that bad we have to I didn’t realise that 😩