Inflammation relief and IBS: Hi,although I haven't been... - NRAS


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Inflammation relief and IBS

18 Replies

Hi,although I haven't been diagnosed yet,I have been reffered to the rheumatologist,I read a lot of your comments as I can't answer any of the questions asked.....but I was wondering if anyone else suffers with IBS too. I was prescribed naproxen,which made me ill,so now back on regular ibuprofen but these upset my tummy so much. I was prescribed lansoprazole but these seem to upset me too. Voltarol helps but you can't slaver that all over your body......I was just wondering if anyone else suffers in this way and if they have found anything else that helps them as we all know trying to see a doctor isn't easy at the moment and everything I have taken has been prescribed over the phone. I am single so don't have any support at home so do enjoy reading the posts on this site

Keep up the good work you lovely people x

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18 Replies
VeronicaF profile image

I am so sorry your going through this

its a nightmare, our hosptails in wales don't want to see you, GPs don't want to see you, only treatment is over phone

its a nightmare here too

I am in the same boat I am having acid reflux issues

summer32A profile image
summer32A in reply to VeronicaF

Same in Gloucestershire, england

VeronicaF profile image
VeronicaF in reply to summer32A

I have just started silicolgel from tesco's

it has 5 star reviews

in reply to VeronicaF

I have just googled this might ask the pharmacist who works inside my shop if they have any advice on this

Minah profile image

Sorry to hear about you ,suffering with same condition from three weeks .I observed that it is due to tramadol .yesterday phoned the surgery and I have been suggested that stop tramadol and try ibrufine or paracetamol but unfortunately can not tolerate both of them so I have been suggested stop your painkillers or keep on trying along with omeprazole and some laxatives. Always received orange flavour in laxatives although many times have informed that sour thing make my throat itchy and painful, Than again called my surgery and now waiting some other thing which my pharmacy will deliverd me tomorrow.Takung light food even than have stomache. Now have left tramadol from two days just took one paracetamol. Whatever I eat it makes my tummy painful ,In this situation when we are not offered f2f appointment it has become too difficult to diagnose the actual problem .yes if you do not have fever than antibiotics yet cannot be prescribed .I found that it's better to discuss with pharmacist or go yourself to pharmacy to buy over the counter so I did this too and felt a little relief with bowl problem but &stomeche is sane along with RA pain.But no need to be worried at all .Do not hesitate to call again.

in reply to Minah

Thank you Minah I have a pharmacy situated in my work place and I do talk to them a lot. I take mebeverine when IBS flares up but working shifts doesn't help as I have no regular eating pattern

Gnarli profile image

I'm afraid that only your GP can advise you on this. He/she knows you and your medical history. Tummy troubles do seem to be very common in the general population not just those with RD. Until you can get an appointment have you tried paracetamol?

in reply to Gnarli

Thanks Gnarli,I actually called doctors last week to discuss taking lansoprazole and mebeverine together and the receptionist actually told me as they are both prescribed by my doctor they are fine to take together. ......they are shielding the doctors more and more. I am going to try to talk to the pharmacist at work later but they are always over run with patients

VeronicaF profile image

do you know what this virus has a lot to answer for, I am sure all this hand santizers don't help your insides but you got to use them

I know the stuff is on your hands but you do touch your mouth with hands

plus with the masks it made me lose my diamond stud earing ,I have had it in for years, but your life is more important than tum or ears so you have to do it

but tis blinking virus has a lot to answer to

Sparrowtracks profile image

I have terrible IBS and just finished a myriad of GI tests which showed nothing. My RA doc started me on sulfasalazine, which is supposed to help with joint and stomach inflammation and I think I’m feeling a bit better. I had an allergic reaction to a sulfa drug for UTI back in 1984, so started slowly with this med. cautiously optimistic! Praying you find answers. I got to where my stomach hated everything!

in reply to Sparrowtracks

Oh bless you,sounds like you've been through a lot....I'm hoping that when I finally get to see a rheumatologist I can get some proper answers,but with how things are out there at the moment,you do lose hope a little.....I hope you find something that helps you too

Dawnee28 profile image

Hi I have had cramps in stomach all week been on phone to doctor who prescribed omeprazole and buscopan. Also very bad diahorrea in fact he told me also to take loperamide to stop this as it is a side effect of omeprazole. Going for blood tests tomorrow and fob test I think they call it. Such worrying times. All I’m passing now is mucus from back passage. I’m not sure what is wrong but it’s impossible to see a dr face to face

in reply to Dawnee28

Hi Dawnee28,that sounds dreadful. One medicine doesn't fit all,I never knew there were so many different types and if I can get by receptionist I then have to go through nurse before a doctor talks to me. I have tried not to take ibuprofen today as I am sure that's what is upsetting my tummy but in pain now,I was on late shift,just home and I am in at 6.30am tomorrow and as a supervisor it's not ideal to spend my shift on the loo. It's dreadful not knowing what medicines to take just to get you through the day and if they are going to make you worse. Good luck and I hope you get an answer soon

Dawnee28 profile image

Hi my dr thinks it was the ibuprofen that has upset my stomach lining I depended on them too. He’s prescribed topical ibuprofen which is not going to be much use. Plus the fact the RA medication I am on can upset my stomach too it’s like a no win situation.

Who knows anyway I hope your ok at work today and not in too much pain 🌻

Liggle profile image

I have been taking Sulfasalazine for about 8years it definitely helps with I.B.S I can recommend it but we are all different, keep smiling, its very hard in this terrible time , you feel no one cares . Wishing you best wishes , I understand and care x

rabbits65 profile image

Everyone read In yesterday’s Daily Mail health pages and they explain the damage we are doing to our health with all these medicines .

Interesting reading .

Brychni profile image
Brychni in reply to rabbits65

The Daily Mail is not the most reliable source of medical and health information.

Biofreak profile image

When you speak to the pharmacist, ask about Gaviscon advance. This may help protect your stomach so that you can tolerate the ibuprofen. But I'm no expert and I don't know if this would affect your IBS.

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