Just had my flu jab no problems there. Walking down my high street I was aware of a number of people spitting into the gutter.🤢🤮 surely these people should be fined in the present situation.. personally should be find anyway 🤬
Sorry moaning again : Just had my flu jab no problems... - NRAS
Sorry moaning again
It's always been a pet hate of mine (alongside discarded chewing gum and throwing cigarette butts everywhere) more so now as spit carries all kinds of potential germs and bacteria. People just don't realise...or care I'm afraid.
I had this for many years when I was a student at a certain college in a neighbouring city. I was spat on, spat at and it was horrible. Nothing is done to warrant any of that. In fact the college put notices everywhere outside on the campus but it made little difference. The entrances and steps to the college were covered in it. I agree it’s disgusting and seems a throwback to the ... “No spitting on the bus” era, which was way before my time of course! Thinking of one of my fave singers now, Steve Gibbons and his song of the same title. Seriously, this is not good to be spitting. 😖😑
Some of the signs they used to put up years ago, I wonder if they would get away with it now, as someone no doubt would challenge their 'right' to spit . One sign I do remember as a child was at our local baths in the late 70's which said, 'We don't swim in your toilet so please do not pee in our pool.'
😁our swimming teacher use to say if you pee in the pool we know it’s you as your pee turns blue and we can see it. Petrified 😂😂😂

I know it is absolutely disgusting - I think in the 40s/ 50s spitting must have been quite common. I’m of an age where as a child it was quite common to see ‘No spitting’ on signs in public places. Defence de cracher (do not spit) was one of the phrases I learned in French. I imagine apart from it’s general disgustingness one of the reasons for it was to prevent the spread of TB which was rife in those days.
I noticed a couple of months ago that footballers were still spitting and I thought that had been banned. If I noticed it as I passed through the room where my husband was watching then clearly footballers haven’t stopped and set an appalling example. Considering the behaviour we have seen from a lot of them breaking covid rules etc it really doesn’t surprise me.
All I can say is thank goodness for decent young footballers like Marcus Rashford who think of others.
Disgusting habit. xxx
That's awful ....
Ugh - totally gross!!🤮
It really is disgusting.
It is the most repulsive action that needs the strongest action, I despise it and no wonder tb came back. Same as people letting their dogs poop. There you go, there’s no jobs about the govt can employ people to actually impose fines against this.
It’s the society we live in today, leaving much besides to be desired.
Yes I agree . The government could give these kind of jobs to those who have lost theirs. Covid blamed for lack of maintenance to roads and green spaces. Weeds growing through the pavements and tarmac. And don’t start me off on litter ...

Good point about jobs. I saw on the Teletext news we need more butchers, bricklayers and welders.........
Schools should be teaching trades at school for those that want to or aren’t so academic. Technology is good but we still need trades , there was a lot that was good in the past, not Everything needed changing
I totally agree- as would my engineer husband. Who is not academic and only had a few cses but his practical knowledge and understanding of engineering is phenomenal. I couldn't begin to understand any of it. As a retired teacher I worked during the changes and was very disillusioned by it all. When I started teaching there was a full range of subjects for all skills and abilities, like there was in my schooldays.In those days you could do mechanics, gardening and other things as well as the usual woodwork and metalwork.
Yes , I truly believe it would not only be helpful in the job market but also to Children’s attitudes, as your husband not everyone’s academic, and as long as basics are taught I do believe a trade especially as we have shortages, would give those a purpose who Otherwise fall wayside. Even those who are academic may want a trade . There is no investment in the young , just having to abide and our govt have so much to answer for it breaks my heart to see how things have gotten. I bet you wouldn’t want to teach now? Children do minimal practical subjects nowadays that’s why we bring in skilled workers from other countries.
Look at knitting crocheting and like you say woodwork, they’re dying trades, plumbers etc.
That's a good point- academic students might want a trade
. I must admit I did consider giving up teaching when things changed. I kept going for many years and got so fed up I was seriously thinking about taking early retirement, but RA finally made the decision for me😊.
Yes I am glad I'm not teaching now, but thankful that I had a long and mostly happy time. The students gave so much back in many ways.
Round here you go for a nice walk and come across loads of different coloured dog poo bags hanging from branches and fences - like some weird sort of prayer flags. It’s disgusting.
I don’t know why they can’t just take it home with them, there are lots of dog poo bins in this area too.
I have a dog and never dream of doing this. We have a serial dog pooer who poos on the ground right in front of a poo bin 🤷🏽♀️

Do you think he’s trying to make a point?
We had friends who rescued an Alsatian that had been tied up and left outside his shop, they got a lovely dog who got a lovely home.
Well a neighbour a further down the street had a dog that was let to poo all over the place including in our friend’s garden.
Our friend who was a really quiet, mild mannered, gentle, kind guy watched the dogs progress then collected the dog poo in a box over a week or so, then he took the box down to the dog owner’s house , knocked on the door and handed him the box saying ‘Excuse me, I believe this belongs to your dog’ End of problem!
😁I like it
Here too and worse after lockdown not even bagged, a bit like no one can see me. I am a dog owner and clear up after my own dog so find it disgusting, if you can’t clear up don’t own a dog 😡 I watched a lady and her dog in the park whilst walking my dog, her dog poohed and she just left it . She was walking round so I headed to meet her on the way round and when I got to her I said excuse me do you have a pooh bag, she said yes and pulled one out of her pocket thinking I wanted it and I said good then go and pick your dog 💩 up then . She did she said oh I didn’t see it but I watched her watch her dog do it 😡
Good on you can’t abide people who have dogs but take no responsibility. They think if the dog is off the lead they can just pretend their dog doesn’t do it😡
Ewwwww - revolting!
If they spat at people they could be arrested and charged with assault, but not for spitting on the ground as far as I am aware 🤔
No but I thought footballers had been told not to spit.
I’m sure people have been arrested for deliberately spitting at and coughing over people. There was a spell where you read of that almost every other day in the papers - hopefully it has stopped now. It’s really quite a horrible thing to do.