Who takes this together please as apparently it works better together?
Rituximab and Methotrexate : Who takes this together... - NRAS
Rituximab and Methotrexate

Yes I believe it does. Shame I couldn’t tolerate MTX so only have the Rituximab. Still I find it works very well for me.
Most drugs can be supported with MTX so I’ve been told

Yes the specialist said it definitely works better with both long term! Thank for reply
Most people are prescribed Mtx along with Rtx & do well on it.
My rheumy decided the side. effects I eventually experienced on Mtx precluded taking it again,,,,so I have been on Rtx infusions alone very successfully since 2016.
I think most people do. However I couldn’t tolerate it. I take leflunomide and sulphasalazine along side mine. My consultant said the leflunomide would do a similar job to the methotrexate.
I was onRitux and Mtx together for 11 years. If you take a biologic with an amimal protein in it the mtx helps stop you rejecting it.

My specialist seem to think the Rituximab works better with . Thanks for reply 😁
I take 6 metho that was all I could tolerate, then have had rituximab infusions every 6/8 months. They are looking change this due to Chrohns disease. First time I had it felt tired for a few days, but then felt like someone had put duracell batteries in me. Due to Covid 19, have now not had I fusion for a year so can't wait for telephone appt on 9th. Some side effects with me included red hot burning patches on my face, that calmed down when I applied Rosacea cream. Sometimes get upset stomach, but grateful just to be able to move. I also take sulphasalazine, (salazoprin) as well as prednisone.
I find Rituximab works well on its own for me. I always felt nauseous taking methotrexate. X

I did find my hair was very thin on top! Thanks for reply X