I have been on methotrexate for a long long time (now injected), probably 20 years and also anti inflammatory Meloxicam for as long as I can remember. However today my GP surgery called me to do a medication review and said I shouldn't be taking the 2 together as it wasn't safe. I take the Meloxicam 7.5mg as and when I need it which probably equates to about 2/3 times a week. They would be removing this from my prescribed medication and replacing it an topical gel. Is this right and has anyone else had any experience of this. Any comments please.
Methotrexate and Meloxicam: I have been on methotrexate... - NRAS
Methotrexate and Meloxicam

Was the Meloxicam originally prescribed by your rheumatology team? If so, I'd contact them as GP surgeries don't have much experience of Methotrexate and can sometimes misunderstand the prescribing issues.
Speak to the RA nurse they have a much greater knowledge than most Gp's.The local pharmacist probably will have a much better understanding on the drugs they issue, good luck
This is an automatic response from the GP surgery. You are over 65 years, according to their guidelines you should avoid NSAIDs (Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs ) of which meloxicam is one. This is because the risks of taking NSAIDs increase with age. They did the same to me some years ago.
You need a discussion with your rheumy team about your pain relief and then they can advise your surgery on what is the best option.
It’s tricky isn’t it. I take Methotrexate too and was put on Meloxicam daily for about three months when my RA got out of control. The consultant expressly said it was fine to take the two together but two pharmacists plus my own research indicated otherwise. I’ve booked a call with my (good) GP as I will need it again soon and want to discuss things properly first!
My GP prescribes meloxicam and MTX as advised by the consultant. I have even queried it with him but he says all painkillers have side effects and he has nothing more effective than Meloxicam for me.
I was taken off Ibuprofen which is a NSAID like Meloxicam due to my age and I’m 68. I think it’s unfortunate because it is the only medication that helps at all.
Yes, all drugs have side effects especially the biologics. Methotrexate caused a soft tissue necrosis in radiated breast tissue several years ago. The NSAIDs can cause heart issues including BP issues. Actemra which I am currently on has a long list of possible complications. We just have to select what works best for us and go for it.