Hi all I have just switched to methotrexate in injection pen form 25mg. Have been given a purple top sharps bin by my gp pharmacy but no clear instructions on where to take it when full, only thing they said was they don’t take them and contact the hospital or council. Seeing as this will be every four weeks don’t fancy going to hospital just for sharps bin. Anyone on here tell me where they go with there’s. Cheers all
Purple sharps bin : Hi all I have just switched to... - NRAS
Purple sharps bin

Mine go back to pharmacy....and have big bin that lasts for months.
How many litres is your bin and is it purple top.
Yes, purple top. I actually have two. One is 2.5l the other 1l
Maybe that’s why your pharmacy takes them. My one is 4litre as they said that’s what the prescription says and they can’t take anything over 3 litre back.
I was offered 3 month or 6 month sizes - don't know the size in litres. Every area seems to be different regarding disposal - I have to take them back to the hospital rheumy clinic. I'm on my 2nd 3 month one but they take more than 3 months worth; especially as a nurse told me that it's OK to go above the line as the Metoject needles are fully enclosed. You just need to make sure that you will be able to close the lid securely but apparently once it's locked it can't be reopened so no trying it out! 😉
The council pick my dads up (in Bristol), can email via waste disposal section of their website
Ring council they will arrange pick up convenient to you
I take mine to my gp surgery at the moment. I used to drop mine in at the hospital when I went for the regular blood test but now have those at the gps too. So maybe ask your gp?
It varies depending on where you live. My Practice both issue & take back mine. If you're in England or Wales I'd have a look here gov.uk/request-clinical-was..., that should made it clearer.
Sounds like you could do with a bigger bin though if it only takes 4 pens. The one is have currently is 13L but I've had 5L too, depends on what they have in stock.
The 4litre one would hold more than four pens so I will cram pens and wipes in upto the line then ring council or hospital. Thanks for all your help
My GP surgery gave me a form to fill out and they then sent it to our local council. I have to ring them when it's full and they collect it and leave me another one.
I take mine back to boots pharmacy in the hospital I do not get a prescription
Return to GP Surgery - their in-house Pharmacy takes them.
My local council has a contract with a firm that I phone up to arrange collection when my box is full. My GP gave me the council phone number to set this up. They leave an empty one in return. It has worked well although I haven't had a collection since lockdown.
my used methojets go into a yellow topped bin, never heard of purple topped ones x
That needs rectifying. They have to go into purple lidded as it's incinerated at a higher temp. Who is it that supplies your bins?
I too use purple top bins but was given yellow ones during lockdown was told I could dispose of both Biologic and mtx in same bin . I made a point of confirming this with Biologic nurse to make sure

Methotrexate is a cytotoxin and cannot be put in yellow top sharps bin it states this on the front Please read it. I would when confirming anything with nhs staff get it in an email, because they are very good at saying patient confusion when you question it again in front of senior staff.

So, it's ok to go against HSE instructions to dispose of cytotoxic pens in a purple lidded bin. I just don't get why it should be ok suddenly. I'm not having a go at you by the way! It just makes me mad when there are rules for good reason. It's not a suggestion for goodness sake.
I’m so confused. Given purple bins since January last month yellow . I wouldn’t have done it if I shouldn’t . I shall have to ring someone I’ve a full bin of mixed pens.🤬

I'm not surprised. Anyone would be.
My gp, but even my rheumatology hospital only supplied yellow top, Been using them for years x
I find that most odd, especially that your department supplied yellow lid, if they don't know then that's a big issue. This is info from two manufacturers but it's the same as others daniels.co.uk/blog/what-our... sharpsafe.co.uk/about/faqs/
I can’t take my purple boxes to pharmacy, gp or hospital! The only way is to get the council to pick them up in this area. Even more ridiculous is that the gp and council will not supply them so I have to ask rheum nurse to write prescription. To be honest, I just order them at my local chemist and pay about 4 quid which is much cheaper than the nhs would have to pay if on prescription. Just my opinion. Very convoluted though!
I just want to add that for so long, 3 + years, I was struggling to use the yellow sharps bin I was prescribed by my surgery, for my Methotrexate injections. They had the stupid, annoying webbing on the top, meaning it was a struggle to get them in, after first one. People with Rheumatoid Arthritis likely have poor grip, so isn’t it stupid to give us this?
What’s more bizarre (to me anyway) is I got so sick of it, contacted the company who make them I think, they told me I should request a “Sharpsafe “ box. Thought it was worth a try & was amazed at the different, longer height, easy to use & holds more injections! Isn’t this another illogical NHS stupid policy & wasteful too??