Hi everyone - thanks for your kind & helpful messages since a joined a few weeks ago. My rheumatologist has diagnosed palindromic rheumatism and fibromyalgia. Prescribed Amitriptyline. It’s a relief knowing what is wrong, now I can start find out how to manage it. Has anyone else found Amitriptyline helps? ss
Finally a diagnosis : Hi everyone - thanks for your... - NRAS
Finally a diagnosis

So glad you know what you have now. Amitriptyline was no good for me at all as a pain killer when I fell on my knee and partially tore the PCL. Absolutely no effect on lessening the pain at all. It is also an anti-depressant and it did mess with my head a little. It isn’t an anti inflammatory. This is just my experience. I know a friend swears by it for her back pain following a car accident.
Amitrityline helps me sleep and i get six good hours most nights of the week. I take so many pills i couldn't tell you whether it helps with pain or not i can't answer your question. So glad you got a diagnosis.xxxx
Hi Sunnyseas I carnt help with the meds but must say I love your sunset and dolphin. I’ve spent most of my last 30yrs sailing so I’m a great fan of them.
Hope the meds work for you.
Kind regards Mikel
Hi Sunnyseas, I'm glad you have a diagnosis. Not knowing is bad. I don't know if you are aware of NRAS. Their website has so much useful information. Medication, treatment, fatigue, self management etc. They also have a help line and per to peer support. Knowing about all aspects has helped me a lot in managing RA . To me it was as important as the medication. All the best.
So glad you found out an answer phew!! Amytryptaline was good for me although I felt sleepy at first that did pass for me and it did ease the pain a good bit.
Good luck , hope you improve quickly , are they following you up?
It works for me and also helps my nerve pain,I take 3 tablets a night xx
Follow up in August, ss
Well you learn something new every day! My rheumy gave me a script for amitriptyline "to help me sleep " . Maybe it's in my head as I do sleep much better therefore are generally better overall. Only take half a tablet so small but by gum it works! I think it's probably addictive but don't want to stop as the bonus of sleep is too important.
Yeah amytryptaline was helpful to be able to get a good nights restful sleep. It did really dry my mouth out though for a while but didn’t last for too long. It can be used as an antidepressant but in much higher doses than you’ll have been prescribed. I’m not sure it helps with pain at all just relaxes your body and legs especially so they’re not as bad on waking. I don’t take them anymore as I’m usually exhausted by the evening so sleeping isn’t so much of an issue. I’m pleased you’re going to be followed up in August at least you should know by then if they work for you or not.
I take amitryptyline at night but I don’t have the same diagnosis as you. It helps me get a good nights sleep but I did have to build up the dose as it made me very dopey the next day at first. I hope it helps you.
I am so pleased that you have a diagnosis finally and starting some treatment too. I always seem to deal with things much better when I know what I am dealing with. I really do hope the amitripline brings so much needed relief for you. x
Hi, I was diagnosed with palindromic rheumatoid in January, after six or so flare ups with swollen red and painful areas, hands, wrist, elbows, shoulders and feet. I was prescribed hydroxychloroquine, which stopped any symptoms after seven weeks. So far it has been very effective for me, fingers crossed!