Beautiful Girl: This was my last one. She was... - NRAS


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Beautiful Girl

springcross profile image
24 Replies

This was my last one. She was beautiful in mind, body and soul. I thought I would share it with you. x

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springcross profile image
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24 Replies
Pippy25 profile image

Absolutely beautiful, thank you for sharing this photo. Happy times hey. xx

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to Pippy25

Very happy times. xx

Boxerlady profile image
Boxerlady in reply to springcross

Gosh - she really was gorgeous. So pleased that you're able to remember the happy times 💐

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to Boxerlady

Thanks, there were many. xx

Brychni profile image

Just like our Dante - brown and white cocker but springer lookalike. the most beautiful soul, really didn't deserve to go the way he did.

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to Brychni

Got any pics? I'd love to see him. What happened - if it's too painful, I understand. xx

Brychni profile image
Brychni in reply to springcross

Not on this computer, but very similar to your little one. What was she crossed with? Same sad eyes...

He went through the bin liners of a neighbour whose freezer had packed up. We think it was a chemical from the freezer. Classic kidney failure. Truly awful. He was such a baby, frightened of sheep and chickens! Soooo cuddly. If you let him on the sofa he would sit on you, literally. What happened to yours?

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to Brychni

Oh Brychni, that's so sad I'm really sorry to hear that. It breaks your heart doesn't it. Problem is they don't see harm do they? Ruby isn't crossed with any other breed. She is Springer through and through. She had gorgeous parents too, her dad Bob had the biggest head I have ever seen for a Springer but he was lovely and so was her Mum. Ruby developed arthritis in her back left leg and was put on a strong painkiller which caused thrombocytopenia causing her to go on strong steroids for a while which in turn caused more problems. Her ankle got worse which led to even more drugs and eventually she seemed to get dementia - no doubt brought on by all the strong drugs. One night she became ill and I had to get the vet to the house and he said she was bleeding into her stomach and he put her to sleep. She was almost fourteen but that didn't make it any easier.

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to springcross

Our Springer Spaniel lived till she was almost 17 which considering she was the runt of the litter as they called them way back then was good, as none of her brothers and sisters lived that long. They have a lovely nature, she was so gentle and loyal. You can see Ruby is a Springer through and through and has those lovely soulful deep eyes.

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to Pippy25

Yes absolutely. You were so lucky with yours, I wish we could have had Ruby that long and we would have done if it hadn't been for the stupid vet putting her on such a strong painkiller and starting off a roller-coaster of problems - if I had realised, she wouldn't have been on them. Still, that's days gone by. Yes they do have lovely natures and are very loyal. She just loved to please and would do any command tout suite even though she wasn't being pushed. I even trained her not to chase and catch wild rabbits - she only agreed to please me. 😊 She just loved the whistle commands, if she was out of sight and I blew the whistle, you could hear her shriek with excitement as she came running back. xx

rab1874 profile image

Beautiful xxx

Those eyes 🥰🥰🥰🥰

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to

Yes, I know they were lovely. x

Awww I love spaniels, so loyal, she’s lovely great memories forever 🤗x

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to

Absolutely, thanks. x

Aww, so beautiful! Spaniels are so lovely. My Bailey, a brown and white cocker, disguised as a springer (everyone mistakes him for one!) has just turned one and is a real bundle of mischief! Can be a right so and so! Loves nothing better than ripping the paper to shreds or even better, a box of tissues. Does absolutely nothing you tell him to unless there is a tempting treat in it for him, then he's top of the class intelligent haha. Loves to jump up on you, paws round your neck giving you a big cuddle the daft soppy thing! I bet you have similar tales to tell. Wonderful memories but so hard when the time comes to say goodbye xx

Brychni profile image
Brychni in reply to

Dante was also a cocker disguised as a springer! His eyes were unusually pale, a sort of amber colour which gave him a very 'knowing' look. After he finally came back that fateful night, he turned up at 7am, I took him straight to the vet who pumped his stomach and set him right. He went downhill a bit over the next day but I really thought it was just him recovering. He went back to the vet after another day and by then it was too late. They tried everything , but it was too late. I feel so awful that I didn't take him back sooner, I don't know if it would have made any difference. All the dogs I have had have had long, good lives with decent deaths, but Dante's was traumatic and I have so many regrets. His friend is still with us, the naughty little black working cocker, Black Dog and of course we love him but he is confident and assertive, not at all like Dante who was scared of everything, so loving and desperate for affection and eager to please.

We got Dante from a woman who had been offered a new full time job so he was second hand but had been very well brought up and cared for. He was a pedigree and after his death I actually contacted the breeder (not prolific breeders, there were only one or two litters) because I really wanted to replace him! Ridiculous really but he was one in a million.

his colouring was interesting because I had been sent pictures of him in the litter and there was at least one golden, one black, a real 'all sorts' of colours in the one litter - all working cocker types.

in reply to Brychni

Oh my gosh - yes! In Bailey's litter there were golden, black, red, chocolate and then Bailey. When we saw the pictures, Bailey was so much bigger and longer and we all said "Oh no, not him!" and we were going to get a chocolate girl with a white flash on her chest. When we went to see them though, Bailey kept himself apart from the the rest but would come immeditely if you called him over. The reds were really boisterous but Bails really stood out for us so we ended up choosing him(I think he actually chose us!) He's a big boy for a cocker but he's very handsome. Those eyes are just lovely in cockers I think. He's our first dog and it's been a baptism of fire, but on the whole we are getting there and we know he loves us even though we have made every mistake going!

I'm sure you did everything for Dante so please don't be so hard on yourself. It sounds like he had a lovely life with you, so try to remember the good times. Everyone I have met on walks (sadly, no walks for me at the moment - Bailey and I love our walks!) stops me to admire him and so many people eiher have WCS or had one. One lady stopped me and said that he reminded him so much of her girl. She was so traumatised when she lost her she couldn't get another for 4 years. She had a lovely time petting him and Bailey of course was adoring it all - he loves attention! I'll put a picture up of him if I can work out how!

Brychni profile image
Brychni in reply to

I wonder if they're related! Dante was originally called Bruce and his pedigree name was Wandering Button Moon! So cute. He was from Leeds.

in reply to Brychni

Ah no, Bails came from Swaffham - his pedigree name is Brindlewood Huntsman. The breeder had litter sisters and both had litters within days of each other. Both were chocolate with a white splash and both had multicoloured litters - there must be a right hotchpotch of genes there!

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to

Oh yes, many tales to tell. You're right, Spaniels are lovely - special. There are many lovely dogs out there in the big bad world, but Spaniels are a breed apart in my opinion. We have had four Springers now (we also had a Border Collie X who was just as gorgeous) and apart from one (who we rescued who was in a bad way and died after five days), they have all been wonderful and I know little one who died would have been too. Good times and wonderful memories. xx

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to

By the way, I love the name Bailey. xx

in reply to springcross

My daughter named him - she'd had her heart set on a chocolate girl so we let her name him. He had no name for a few days, but he's definitely a Bailey! Or Bottom as she inexplicably calls him most of the time!!

I made a post titled Handsome Boy for springcross & Brychni with a photo :)

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