Hubby back from shopping : Bless him he tries... Asked... - NRAS


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Hubby back from shopping

19 Replies

Bless him he tries... Asked for brown very small bag of rice that will do one meal.. that’s the plan gone out the window for next weeks menus 🙄🙄.. NO TUNNOCKS he’s bereft . I’m itching to do my own shopping

19 Replies
allanah profile image

Send mine once a few years ago , got 2 cumquats .... and pasta

Gnarli profile image

My son has been shopping for us and, well, he did well considering. I did wonder why Robinson Crusoe drove up though as the hair and beard are flourishing. We made a proper pair with his mane flowing in the breeze and my wispy grey witches' barnet flying.

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Gnarli

By the time this shielding is over we all will look so different wont we, I'm sporting a version of Crystal Gayle at the moment, although better than letting my arthritic fingers loose on a pair of that would be tragic!

Pinkypie2018 profile image

Same here! I was looking fresh vegetables for dinner tomorrow, hubby came home with 2 carrots and 1 parsnip. Like really for a family of 5? Didn't seem to be a shortage of chocolate bars though. Roll on June so hopefully we can get shopping ourselves.

AgedCrone profile image

Don’t get too excited.I ventured out on Thursday to pick up a prescription,,,,at every supermarket I passed there were queues of people with their trolleys queueing round & round the carparks just waiting to get must take forever to just get inside ......let alone pay& get out!

medway-lady profile image

I ordered from Farm Shop and we grow our own but have to give the seeds a chance to come up. It's a good idea to look for a Farm Shop locally ours does grapes and oranges but not sure where they're grown in Kent. Although Biddenden Cider is lovely but 8% proof ! lol x

charisma profile image

My son has so far done better... asked him to buy whatever green veg might be available, with two or three suggestions, for our Sunday dinner. He came back with sweetheart cabbage (whole) and a pack of Brussels sprouts.

He has been shopping for himself since 2009 anyway. Being on the autism spectrum means he might go when it is not the best time, but he goes.

Biofreak profile image
Biofreak in reply to charisma

My daughter also on the autism spectrum , also tried her best to do the shopping but ended up going to 5 different shops to fulfill the list, even though I told her just to get what she could and come home. Bless her. She got most things but came back really anxious. Not good. Wish I didn't need her to to do it.

KellyInTexas profile image
KellyInTexas in reply to Biofreak

Yep! Our son has mild (?....really?!?) Aspergers.

Still in school- last year before uni, or American high school senior. So “distance learning” now with videos.

Change in routine a problem much? 😳😂

charisma profile image
charisma in reply to KellyInTexas

Yes, routine counts so much to our Aspie!

Mine is 41 now. He began to cope better at the age yours is now. However, since gaining his degree (very slowly over several years) in 2015, and nothing to replace it, he has reverted to ‘owl’ behaviour; stays up all night, sleeps all day.

But he also works on a couple of books he is writing, chats to folks online (as we are doing) and watched a movie now and then.

charisma profile image
charisma in reply to Biofreak

Bless her! X

Oshgosh profile image

I know,my husband rewrote my list then when stuff was unavailable,didn’t get anything else.he returned with 2 pies,which he ate for his lunch,oatcakes,bacon., white bread. I got some rocket,which went out of date the next day-slimy!

We have since had a serious conversation about not editing shopping lists, and the need to concentrate.if I’m on lockdown for 12 weeks,I need something I can eat.we don’t like the same fingers crossed. On a positive note I have a Tesco slot,so every thing crossed.

Stay safe

achyknitter profile image

My OH had a brain tumour removed last year and, although he is vastly better, he is having difficulty getting his head round this situation. Yesterday, after a walk during which we climbed several stiles, he went straight into the bedroom, opening doors on the way, sat on the bed to change his cloths and then opened various cupboards and drawers putting stuff away before washing his hands, totally oblivious to any germs he might have picked up outside. I shudder to think how he would cope with all the potentially germ laden surfaces a shop has to offer. Pity though, his interpretation of a shopping list is always far more attractive than mine and I miss all the pastries and cakes that he used to bring back. Still, I can dream until I get the better of my conscience.

Sockknitter profile image

Me too 1707! My personal shopper is my son. I've been asking for Earl Grey tbags and flour for baking, any kind, plain, self raising, bread flour. I dream of cakes fresh from the oven....with a nice cup of tea....

Instead I get easy cook rice and decaf coffee. These are substitutions apparently. Can you hear the frustration? Rant over!

in reply to Sockknitter

😂😂😂 good grief your not asking much but you might as well ask for the moon at the moment getting a shopping slot. Enjoy you tealess cakeless day 😁

Sockknitter profile image
Sockknitter in reply to

You too J1707. We will survive!

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply to Sockknitter


Sheila_G profile image

Sorry but can't help but laugh. 😂😂

Neverending63 profile image

I went to have bloods done on Saturday and that was such an adventure lol. Went to a health centre I don’t normally go to and spoke to a receptionist who I have never spoken to before let alone the phlebotomist.

It’s sad times when you look forward to a blood test just so you can have a trip out, talk to someone else other than you immediate family and change of scenery 🤦‍♀️

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