I am absolutely fuming today. I did an order with Tesco for click and collect last week because I couldn’t get a delivery the cost came to £150 then during the week they removed items that were no longer available cost went to £120 so I then added some more stuff which brought it to £140. This morning the day we are to pick up they have taken just £75 from my bank and when I have looked they have removed loads of items that they haven’t got. They are saying not to stockpile and to self isolate for 12 weeks but now my husband who is 74 with asthma has had to go and try to source these items elsewhere. I’m feeling so angry. Sorry for the long post. But feeling scared at how this isolating is going to work if this is gonna happen. I have RA and I’m on biologics.
Shopping : I am absolutely fuming today. I did an order... - NRAS

Unless they are absolutely essential items, couldn’t you reorder alternatives? Our shops don’t have the full range of things available, but so far we’ve found acceptable substitutes. I think we are goimg to have to get creative over next weeks/months.
I wouldn’t have even known about it if hadn’t looked at my bank. They haven’t offered any substitutes just not available.
Also I had to order last week for today because there were no other spots. And now no spots till April.
I used to have deliveries before the virus but it’s gone crazy since. I have made orders for the next few weeks as my supermarket allows me to amend the order up to the day before delivery. It also does substitutes (if available). However I only order for a week at a time rather than block ordering and so far so good. 😊
Try smaller local shops too, mine seem to be able to keep well stocked. I’ve given up on the big supermarkets.
We are both on the list to self isolate this is why I did it online.
Me too but someone is getting shopping for me 😊
That’s good kitty. We are stuck at the moment one daughter has just come back from Australia this morning so is self isolating for two weeks my other daughter And her family are self isolating with a cough and cold. one son is stuck on an army base in Oman one lives in Sri Lanka and the other one is on the Wirral ☹️We will be fine if we need anything after the local ones all finish isolating .
I don't know where you live, rural or town etc but some communities are getting volunteer lists together of people happy to do shopping, collect prescriptions. Perhaps you local parish, church, facebook community page might be able to offer some help. Here's hoping.
in my rural area they are ignoring the less well off folk who need help. They are ignoring those they don't know. Am stuffed because am not posh enough
Pubs and local folk have set up takeaway meals - but they are ridiculously expensive - a couple of meals would blow some folk's weekly food budget.
That's the mentality of the selfish.
My order was exactly the same- significantly depleted and this was a normal order, which I’d waited a week for.
Tesco's and Sainsbury are flaky and aren't good on logistics Shop local, use markets and farm shops.
I am boycotting Tesco.. their stores in Herts have always been dirty and one in the Lea Valley had pigeons nesting in it.
I think we all need to look at what is available and think outside the box a bit. Think Ready Steady Cook style of food what can you get from Tescos and what have you at home. We got almost everything we needed by looking at alternatives and then hubby set off and did a shop and all ok.
There were fresh fruit and veg, there were herbs and spices and there was certain dairy.
I think it does depend on where you live but we are using local sources too from farm shops to local shops and this is helping too. Yes more effort and both should by Monday be isolated but needs must so planning ahead and looking at what we CAN get at tescos/asda/morrisons etc rather than what we cant.
Also think seasonal.
SO my special last night was a simple sausage casserole, local butcher sausages,chop toms and onion and herbs and spices with some rice.
I made a no knead bread... so easy so delicious.. making soda bread another easy bread recipe. I couldn’t get pasta so bought gnocchi instead. I had some chorizo chopped with a little onion a chicken breast diced and chilli flakes and basil . Tin of toms and some stock add the gnocchi with hand full of grated pecorino. Made this up but now will be a regular delicious 😋
Oooh that sounds lovely.