Off topic hubby shopping : I don’t know if you remember... - NRAS


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Off topic hubby shopping

114 Replies

I don’t know if you remember the first lockdown when I sent my hubby shopping and returned with 50 tunnocks tea cakes.. anyway learnt my lesson and did click and collect since. He dropped my son off at the health centre for his vaccine. I said to hubby while you are waiting just pop across the road to Waitrose and get a loaf of bread . Thought can’t go wrong one item in and out ..... no returned with milk and dark chocolate tunnocks . I questioned him .. his excuse oh I haven’t tried the dark chocolate ones so thought I would buy them ... raised eyebrows I said and the milk ones .. oh he said just in case I don’t like the dark...

And the Guinness there is 12 cans of Guinness .. for st. Patrick’s day ... my response ITS STILL BLOODY FEBRUARY.. that’s it he’s not aloud to go shopping..

oh he forgot the bread 😂😂😂 he’s like a kid in a sweet shop.

114 Replies
Mmrr profile image

LolA man who knows what he likes, tunnocks tea cakes are quite yummy.

I asked my partner to bring veg for the evening meal, good old Scottish mince and tatties...anything green will do I said....he brought a cucumber.....nothing else just a cucumber 🥒....🥦🥬

in reply toMmrr

😂😂😂 how do they live with out us

allanah profile image
allanah in reply toMmrr


Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply toMmrr

Certainly green....very different mince, tatties and a spot of yummy cucumber on the side! :-)

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply toPippy25


Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply toMmrr


Deeb1764 profile image
Deeb1764 in reply toMmrr

I am howling with that one x

Durrell profile image
Durrell in reply toMmrr

Hilarious 🤣😂. Starting rating my day laughing, very funny x

Lizard28 profile image
Lizard28 in reply toMmrr

You could maybe start a trend, mmm maybe not 🤔

allanah profile image

Ha ha ha. I send hubby for dinner once and he returned with 3 cumquous ( if that's how you spell the fruit) and an aubergine ....

in reply toallanah

Ready steady cook would struggle with those ingredients 😂😂

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to


nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply toallanah

Kumquats? Love em. We have a tree & it rewards us with a good few each year. H has made kumquat chutney too, rather delish.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply tonomoreheels

If only id known 😂 or even how to spell them lol

in reply toallanah


nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply toallanah

Hehe 😂

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply toallanah


nomoreheels profile image

What's he like?! Must say that the dark chocolate Tunnock's Tea Cakes are lovely though. Rarer to find than the milk chocolate but when I see them I get them too. 😋

in reply tonomoreheels

Don’t encourage him 😂

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to

Teehee. 🤣

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply tonomoreheels

Never seen a dark choc one. Sound much nicer. x

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply toNeonkittie17

They are yummy. More grown up taste. x

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply tonomoreheels

I always prefer dark chocolate but don’t eat much these days anyhow as it affects the sinuses. I did sin at Christmas though. 😁 x

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply toNeonkittie17

Noooo! Love my choc, though my h is the dark connoisseur. He loves Willy's Cacao Rio Caribe Gold though did treat him to 6 bars of other estates at Christmas. I can't tell much difference between them but he says he can. Have you tried any of them? x

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply tonomoreheels

I’ve had Booja Booja and Montezuma’s which have lacto free and dark variants with different unusual flavours Also Duffy’s. I also like Green & Black dark choc and love the one with cherry pieces in and also the one with ginger. I do have to leave it alone when it triggers catarrh and coughing episodes though as it isn’t worth it. Not even for a choc lover like myself! I am better if I eat it during the day and not evenings of makes me react more. I’ve heard of Willy’s but not tried it yet. x

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply toNeonkittie17

I've heard of Montezuma's but not Booja Booja, will look for it though because our local Booths' have stopped selling Willy's so had to buy online last time. He is lacto intolerant, not why he chooses dark, he just prefers it, so it could be an alternative. He's not too bothered about anything in it, although he did like a chilli chocolate he found once. A shame it affects you that way though but can understand avoiding it when it does. x

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply toNeonkittie17

Just checked, our local Booths' sell it, & Holland & Barrett too so will have to tell him to look out for it, he due to go on Friday for his wheat bran. Have you tried the ice cream at all? We rarely have it but when we do we buy a good one but since being diagnosed LF we've just not bothered. x

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply tonomoreheels

I’m not such a great lover of ice cream these days .. ot has to be a really enticing flavour. Love sorbets. I do adore Northern Bloc ice cream (and sorbets!) and they have vegan ones. We used to have them each theatre visit in Leeds, who stocked their full range. Chocolate orange was my fave and also ginger caramel. They also have a vegan range now. Tiny little tubs at the theatre but you can get a larger one to serve 4 approx in some supermarkets. Do you mean Montezuma’s do ice cream at yours? Haven’t been in a supermarket since last February! I’ll look at the supermarket online though. x

HappykindaGal profile image
HappykindaGal in reply toNeonkittie17

Books Booja. My favourite ever. I am biased as they’re made down the road from me. 😂😂😂

Green230461 profile image
Green230461 in reply toNeonkittie17

Fortnum and mason do lovely lacto free choccy Not too expensive

sylvi profile image

Pmsl. That is so funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.xx

Pippy25 profile image

I don't know if you remember a Victoria Wood Sketch where she goes to the shops for a loaf and goes on to describe as she reaches her car on her way out strapping the washing machine on to the roof etc etc. Always makes me smile.In the halcyon days before Covid and online shopping slots....if I didn't have a list on going to the shops I was hopeless. I would remember I needed five things go into the shops and come out with five things. Only not the five things I wanted! Although I think I could manage to get a loaf :-)

in reply toPippy25

Been there 😂😂

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply toPippy25

Changing the subject a bit....did anyone else get an email from Asda saying they would “put you on their priority delivery list...or any other supermarket...but only choose one” (!) because they have heard you may need assistance? Bit of a waste where I live...I have no idea where the nearest Asda supermarket is....but where did they get my details from?

Do you think our friends Matt & Rob have been selling their CEV Mailing list?

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply toAgedCrone

How strange, it does make you wonder. Perhaps the NHS have a list as in Nearest Honline Shop :-) Seriously though it does make you think where have they got your details from? Would be interesting to hear if anyone knows or has experienced the same.

in reply toPippy25

Your good pip

vonniesims profile image
vonniesims in reply toAgedCrone

I think initially the supermarkets were sent a list of those shielding, way back in March/ April

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply tovonniesims

Well I wish Marks & Spencer’s & Poundland reacted like Asda!I wouldn’t need to go to the shops at all then!

Lolabridge profile image

I never got into the tea cakes but have always loved their caramel wafers. When I was a child, the milkman used to deliver them with the milk, and the Corona "pop" we were allowed for special occasions.My daughter is also learning it's not always a good idea to send her (new) husband shopping for her. They now have a large stock of tinned Tomato soup (from 57 varieties) and baked beans "just in case" he said. Considering my daughter is a brilliant cook (she doesn't take after me!) and cooks nearly everything from scratch, I'm sure she will end up giving them all to the local food bank.

In mid-January he bought some Seville oranges so she could make them some home-made marmalade. I nipped in to see them for a coffee on Sunday (support bubble excuse!) and the oranges were sitting on the dresser looking a little past their best. Guess who ended up making the marmalade? ME! What a mug for offering! 🙄. I was absolutely worn out afterwards yesterday evening but had some lovely toast and home-made marmalade for breakfast this morning. 😋

in reply toLolabridge

I’ve never made marmalade. Well done you feel like you’ve achieved something.. worth the tiredness..

Don’t get me started on caramel wafers top of the order list every week.. I don’t eat them 👍

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to

I used to always keep a supply of them in the house for my maths students for our tea break.

in reply toLolabridge

Spoilt rotten!!😂

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to

Yes I know. But most of them looked forward to our lessons (or was it the tea break and caramel wafers)?🤔

in reply toLolabridge

Maths ??? Definitely the caramel wafers for me 😂

Pat9442 profile image
Pat9442 in reply toLolabridge

Sent my husband for satsumas and he returned with Seville oranges! I don’t make marmalade so I peeled and segmented them, put them in sugar syrup with spices and a good slug of Cointreau, boiled it all up and served cold with clotted cream. MUCH nicer than marmalade.He went for a loaf too once - and came back with a new car!!

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply toPat9442

That sounds wonderful - how inventive of you. But a car instead of a loaf 🙄!!!

in reply toLolabridge

Better than Tunnocks and Guinness 😁

Sops profile image
Sops in reply toLolabridge

My late husband went to Makro for a large tin of paint and came back with a car! Thought I had the only one....

in reply toSops

Don’t mention Makro had to hide the card from my hubby 😂

Sops profile image
Sops in reply to

Its very easy to go wild in there! He bought for me, as a surprise, and it certainly was, a Mercedes A class . It seemed that easyJet had ordered them in fleets so passengers would hire their cars having got off their planes, thus eliminating competition from Avis Hertz, etc. All the upholstery was in brilliant Stally orange. What Stally had not thought about was that they would not hold much luggage if full of passengers so the scheme failed. When I opened the door of my RED car so see lurid orange inside i laughed until it hurt. I always thought it was a happy car and kept it for many years.

in reply toSops

Fab memories 😁

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply toSops

Shall we gloss over that....I bet your face was a picture! :-) :-)

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply toPat9442

Was it a Citrus hybread model car after the satsuma and bread mix up! :-)

in reply toPippy25


Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply toLolabridge

Love marmalade 😍

Green230461 profile image
Green230461 in reply toLolabridge

When my dad retired he became a corona pop man around Totnes. He loved the job everyone was always so pleased to see him and he got three bottles free every Friday. My teeth were always pink with cherryade

in reply toGreen230461

Oh cherryade 😋😍blast from the past . Loved the pop man coming on a Friday. Cherryade and limeade . Totnes my favourite part of the country

Neonkittie17 profile image

We have a cupboard full of chocs, sweets and biscuits. My hubby is a sugar fiend. Slim and and very fit (a runner) but it’s too much sugar, I’ve also just had to fight to get a bowl from another cupboard as it was blocked off by and full of six packs of crisps/savoury snacks. 😆 I also spied a box of the choc teacakes in the sweet cupboard but only one! In all fairness he gets everything I ask for 💗 all the healthy things .. and is a great shopper otherwise and brings me flowers every week and magazines, but we could do with an extra cubby for all these “extras”. x

in reply toNeonkittie17

I’m going to show my hubby this and highlight relevant points... get shopping on the list... healthy things and flowers 😂😂😂

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to

He he .. don’t show him the sweet cupboard part though! X

in reply toNeonkittie17

His sweet cupboard is well stocked as well so is his crisp snd nut cupboard as well as his booze cupboard . Mans as thin as a rake . I pack it away and gain 4lb😩

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to

My hubby runs most evenings but even if he didn’t he would be skinny as that is his way. So was mine until 55 when the meno made some changes to midriff, and since then I have to watch my intake now more carefully. My hubby rarely drinks but does like a craft beer or a glass of wine now and then.

in reply toNeonkittie17

Me too loved exercise I had a good figure until 3 years ago . I exist on air and still put on weight 😂 hubby has no problem he’s an exercise freak as well . I just watch these days

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to

I usually walk quite a bit but it got awful with people refusing to keep distance this summer so I gave up. I did two sessions of aqua aerobics:hydro a week but they had to stop whtn everything got closed.

in reply toNeonkittie17

I love too walk last few weeks I haven’t been able . I hate the inconsistency some weeks I just can’t .

vonniesims profile image
vonniesims in reply toNeonkittie17

Oh, I do miss the pool

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply tovonniesims

Me too. I was very strong for someone with RA until I stopped those sessions. You can do so much more in the water that you can’t on dry land re exercise. x

Deeb1764 profile image
Deeb1764 in reply to

My husband came home Tues and went “got you something” so assumed flowers. It was a tuna steak. Who said romance was dead

in reply toDeeb1764

Is he related to my middle son ? Told him I would buy anything from Sainsbury’s if he got a good report. Eldest sons marched to the chocolate isle middle son marched straight to the fish counter and wanted mackerel..🤢hate the smell of cooked fish in the house and mackerel is the worst

Deeb1764 profile image
Deeb1764 in reply to

Oooh love mackerel we are fish fiends and sushi lovers x

in reply toDeeb1764


Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to

I would be queasy with mackerel as it’s one fish I’m queasy about. A colleague used to stink the office/building out microwaving it. 😝

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply toDeeb1764

I would be delighted with the tuna! Our Tesco stopped selling fresh fish about a year of so ago. I’ve found a company locally who will deliver fresh fish though I’m glad to say.

Deeb1764 profile image

Love that story and I love Tunnocks. However since hubby a chef we go in a shop and I turnaround and the shopping trolley is full I mean FULL he buys everything new he has not seen and I spend the time trying to get things back out the trolley. Thank god for delivery service keeps him in check!

in reply toDeeb1764

Like shopping with a toddler. Spent hours putting things back when mine were little. The worst was when I left them in the pushchair double buggy got home my nephew was sitting on his stash .😂middle son was about 18 months I put in in the car seat but couldn’t do up the seat belt ... why? A teddy stuffed under his coat . Had to go back to the shop embarrassed and ashamed the teddy was very expensive ... middle son was a nightmare.😂

opalfree profile image


snoopy29 profile image

This has made my day 😂😂

LoneEra profile image

This is a tiger sculpture I once saw...covered in Tunnocks (and some M&S) tea cake wrappers! Maybe your hubby and the artist could get some kind of mutual arrangement going? 🙂

in reply toLoneEra

Your a bad influence 😂

LoneEra profile image
LoneEra in reply to


Green230461 profile image
Green230461 in reply toLoneEra

That is fantastic

bubblyalex profile image

I misread this as you were off shopping for a hubby? 🤣

in reply tobubblyalex

You worry me ba 😂😂

bubblyalex profile image
bubblyalex in reply to

Oh I am glad 🤣🥰

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply tobubblyalex

That reminds me.... if you buy one do you get one free or can I redeem my points for one! Or in today's times can you just click and collect :-)

bubblyalex profile image
bubblyalex in reply toPippy25

🤣 .... I wonder 🤔🤣

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply tobubblyalex

Knowing my luck and more so with this on line shopping I'd end up with a substitute or discontinued that bears no resemblance to what I asked for! :-)

bubblyalex profile image
bubblyalex in reply toPippy25

Lol I so know what you mean. 🥰🤣

Durrell profile image

Hilarious good to start the day laughing, sorry for you but a damned good laugh for us 🤣😂, thanks for sharing x

in reply toDurrell

My pleasure 😁

Goldsky profile image

Bless his heart

in reply toGoldsky

Don’t feel sorry for him ... what about me !! 😂😂 the magical mystery shopping tour 😁

Mollie22 profile image

Loved reading all these posts 🤣🤣🤣 the tigers great to.

CagneysMum profile image

This really made me belly laugh ... so like my hubby. He’s not allowed in shops unaccompanied now either 😆😆😆

in reply toCagneysMum

😁gotta love them

Wraf22 profile image

Love it,

Lizard28 profile image

Love Tunnocks Teacakes, I used to stay in the town where they were made, when I walked past the factory, oh the smell of caramel wafting about was great. You realise I will have to add some to my shopping list this week. 😬

in reply toLizard28

Blame my hubby .. first lockdown others panicked bought toilet paper.. my hubby Tunnocks 🙄

Lizard28 profile image
Lizard28 in reply to

Hubby was correct as our supermarkets did not have any, I resorted to getting cheaper ones and they just weren’t the same. I sent my hubby to get me a bar of chocolate and he came back with £30 worth of chocolate. I didn’t complain as it kept me going for a while lol. He doesn’t even eat chocolate. Xx

in reply toLizard28

Ahhh that’s love ❤️

Lizard28 profile image
Lizard28 in reply to

He knows how to keep me sweet lol 🥰

in reply toLizard28

I didn’t get anything 😂

Wobbies profile image

Dark chocolate Tunnocks, will now be searching high and low on the web for them. Bet they are scrummy!

in reply toWobbies

What has he started ???? 😂

Green230461 profile image

Oh dear! My husband does the same with cheese.......

Green230461 profile image

I would like a surprise car......can you rent out your hubby?Blue with grey interior and a sunroof........

Leics profile image

Haha so funny I’m lucky my hubby does all the shopping we use click and collect and have done for quite some time. But he still buys too much I’m just glad he’s not going in the shop for ‘bargains’ or we would probably feed the street lol. Have to watch out for lots of extras being added though but haven’t ended up with your shopping bag yet instead of a loaf or bread haha.

Empress30 profile image

We have to remember MEN in many ways are still little boys! What a riot! Never laughed so much!🤪🤣

Empress30 profile image

Lol! I am still laughing. I went on Amazon and found the tea cakes! I ordered the milk choclate ones. Never had them before I'm from the US waiting in anticipation . They sound yummy. The also have the dark choclate ones. You get all types of information on this site. Even though your hubby was naughty. Aren't they all.🤪

in reply toEmpress30

My hubby has a lot to answer for 😂😂😂 hope you enjoy them ... you nutter 😂😂 I like a nutter x

Empress30 profile image
Empress30 in reply to


Green230461 profile image

Just read this and laughed again 🌺

Gottaloveastaffy profile image

😂😂😂😂😂 made me laugh 😂

in reply toGottaloveastaffy

This was tame compared to the first lockdown 😂

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