I haven't been on for a few weeks now as I'm just not sure what is going on......a few weeks ago I wrote a post about my ongoing problems with an infection with no symptoms. I'm about to start my third course of antibiotics. This all came about when I went to my Rheumy nurse to get my first injection of 'gold'. Sample showed a UTI so a course was ordered. Second attempt turned out the same and now I'm on my third course.
The only thing that ever shows me that 'something is going on' is blisters on my lips or in m nose. But this time is really different. I'm sleepy or exhausted most of the time. I have no appetite, no energy, no longing for my favourite things, chocolate, wine, cheese......any food of any kind at all. I make myself eat as I'm an intelligent woman and know that I have to eat. My nourishment for the day is a slice of Bergin bread and usually a time of creamed rice with mandarins oranges, Greek yougart with honey or a bowl of soup. I don't have the energy to actually 'make' anything. It got so bad that I had to send my dogs to my doggy sitter for a few days so that I could rest. I can't say I'm sick but I'm not well either.......I'm just at a loss....
What is going on with me? I've never had this sort of thing before. More woringly though I can feel myself beginning to decline, sinking, curing into a ball, escaping or wanting to escape, disappearing. I know that m physical well being can influence my mental health......but I don't know what is wrong with my physical well being.....I don't have any pain, in fact my RD is sort of dormant at present.....J