At last: Well it appears Sainsbury know I'm on the... - NRAS


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At last

allanah profile image
26 Replies

Well it appears Sainsbury know I'm on the vulnerable list as I was allowed to go in and get a slot. Got shopping then went to payment ....banks all down !!! Take it they are very busy ...

So I kept trying to pay for 90 minutes ( my spot was only being held until 5pm...) and eventually got in , then 5 times it dudnt oricess again but eventually it did, got an email confirmation!!

So now to look at videos etc of washing stuff etc , will leave it in the garage for 3 days anyway!!

So all of you trying maybe things are moving at last !

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allanah profile image
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26 Replies
Pippy25 profile image

Oh that's good news allanah, I've got a bit giddy as in my despair I signed onto Iceland, which is about 500 yards down the road from where I am and after over a week of trying hey presto a slot suddenly appears so booked it. Given very short the distance they could just walk with the stuff but hey a van will do! I'd virtually given up on getting food apart from the local wholesale delivery who very kindly brought me some veg/fruit yesterday. To which I will still show my loyalty to but I can't believe how emotional I felt when this slot came up and quickly rang my friend to see if she could have the same luck too. So I'm so glad you have been able to get some shopping too and fingers crossed for others to who are not being greedy but just would like a chance to get some essential food. Take care x

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Pippy25

I only git groceries as I will persevere to try get meat and veg from local shops who now deliver

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to allanah

I will continue too to get local deliveries but needed a few bits they can't supply.

vivgibbs profile image
vivgibbs in reply to Pippy25

Me to Poppy I cried down phone at the Sainsbury's girl who got me my slot for the following day and took my payment over the phone 😁

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to vivgibbs

It's such a relief and I think the way things are what would normally be matter of a fact we are grateful and emotional now. Take care and keep well x

3LittleBirds2 profile image

My husband works for a large supermarket sadly I can’t leave him in the garage for 3 days.. Do we really need to do this..I thought wiping with soap and water was ok? Good you got a slot chance here, luckily hubby can pick up a few bits or off shopping I go 😷

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to 3LittleBirds2

Lol, what am I like , what's he look like tho .....😂😂😂

Buckybri profile image
Buckybri in reply to 3LittleBirds2

Can he change a clutch on a vw transporter if so I will drop it off for him

3LittleBirds2 profile image
3LittleBirds2 in reply to Buckybri

Absolutely not..but he can get toilet roll

And pasta?

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to 3LittleBirds2

You lucky lady !!! 😂😂

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to 3LittleBirds2

Hope you get lucky and get a slot.

3LittleBirds2 profile image
3LittleBirds2 in reply to Pippy25

Thank you...glad you got one!

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to 3LittleBirds2

Thanks, I just wanted a few essentials and can't get out. I have never felt so emotional about shopping before which shows what this virus is turning people into, my friends feel the same who are also stuck in as you really are reliant on others and have lost that independence you have been trying to keep hold of. Take care x

3LittleBirds2 profile image
3LittleBirds2 in reply to Pippy25

Oh’s a very emotional and scary time for us all, and especially for those having to shield ..I think the supermarkets are starting to come up trumps with measures they’re putting in , not just to keep us fed and safe but to protect their own staff too, they took a lot of stick to start off with. Look after yourself and stay safe xxx

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to 3LittleBirds2


HappykindaGal profile image
HappykindaGal in reply to Pippy25

It’s exactly that! My friends don’t understand this and why I find it so hard to ask for help. It’s because we try so hard not to and it feels like a failing when we do. That we’re not quite the same as everyone else (although different is good!).

I did have to ask in the end and people were lovely. But I felt sad inside ❤️

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to HappykindaGal

I've never thought of myself as vulnerable before, maybe that's a combination of my independent spirit and having to care for my late elderly parents for many decades despite being ill myself since I was diagnosed at 37. I've just got on with things and have one way or another coped,managed and had to get on with things in some very difficult and stressful times in my life. Although none so as this and I think because we have no control over this virus, no cure, it's invisible and all I have known before now leads me to do things differently, change my patterns and routines and behave with caution, apprehension and yes fear, I for the first time in my life feel vulnerable and that is hard to admit when you are so used to doing and managing by yourself. We will get through this but it feels like each day is like walking on a tight rope. Take care Cwendyn and keep safe x

HappykindaGal profile image
HappykindaGal in reply to Pippy25

I'm totally with you. It's a strange feeling and I hate it. You too Pippy. Wendy xxx

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to HappykindaGal

It is so frustrating but maybe us with long term conditions are actually more ready for isolation, avoiding infection and staying in than others ......

Jora profile image

I’m not even allowed to put my nose out of the front door ( except on Thursday evening, heavily protected, to shake my Sharps bin for NHS and other key workers). So a friend shops once a week. I trust her with my debit card ( I’d trust her with my life) . She also does the recycling for me. And I order from Cook.

Every few days, a bar of chocolate appears on my door mat. And on other days, the doorbell rings, but by the time I get there, there is no-one in sight. Just a bunch of flowers. Aren’t I lucky! These gestures are even more touching when they are anonymous.

Some people may be tempted to venture out this weekend. I do hope not. But personally, I think I’m becoming more paranoid as the days pass.

Sorry, I e gone a bit off piste! x

sunnyweek profile image

Glad you have been able to book a delivery eventually after the payment fiasco!

I managed to get a sainsburys slot tonight for next Saturday delivery. I was amazed as I haven't even been allowed into where you book a slot. There were a few slots for next weekend but nothing at all for the following two weeks. I wondered if they are catching up now.

So hope for everyone that slots are more available.

I did register that I'm vulnerable with the government but ticked that I have help so not sure if it's anything to do with that.

I've had two offers of help and theres a mutual aid group localĺy I've joined but I've been a sainsburys online customer for about two years and like to do a bit myself alongside help.

So feeling a bit better now and thankful and hope slots are becoming easier for everyone as the supermarkets adjust.

Still using local suppliers where I can though for basics.

Otto11 profile image

That’s great news. We managed to get a normal slot last week & it was such a relief. Almost like Xmas! Still no letter for me though so can’t apply for a regular slot yet x

sunnyweek profile image

Update, I've now received an email from Sainsburys, maybe that's why I found a slot, but like you Allanah it wont update my order and let me pay! I'll keep trying, it says contact your bank.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to sunnyweek

Keep trying I think the applications to the bank were high , I just kept doing it till I got in

Katsmam profile image

I’ve had the letter in fact we both have but supermarkets have not Ben made aware that we’re in the vulnerable category

I take my NHS letter with me to places like that, which clearly states that with an underlying health problem, I would be more likely to have to be treated in hospital if I did catch Coronavirus and it puts me in the extremely vulnerable group of people.

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