On Thursday i finally have an appointment with a rheumatologist after a long wait.
My symptoms first started about a year ago but i took a long time to go to see my gp. He did bloods and i came back with raised rheumatoid factor. They then did xrays and i was referred. I then got a call 2 weeks later asking my choice of hospital but then told me all the lists were full. Four weeks later i was offered an appointment in 12 weeks. The time has really dragged.
My hands are really painful and my feet knees are sore. This week my elbows and hips have ached. I cannot make a fist with my right hand anymore and have very poor grip in both. The pain is particularly bad with movement laterally like when picking up a jug kettle.
My gp gave me Naproxen and told me to take paracetomol. To be honest i haven't noticed any difference when I take these.
I hope that after my appointment I will at least get some understanding of what is actually wrong and start to get some treatment.