Has any one ordered CBD oil through the site sponsored by Mary Berry and Judi Dench? I received my order but got some capsules as well as the oil. The dosage instructions are not clear. It says take one capsule a day and a full dropper of oil a day. Should I be taking both? A full dropper of oil daily is a lot. Usually with this oil the dose is 3 or 4 drops daily. I have twice emailed the company but received no reply.
CBD OIL: Has any one ordered CBD oil through the site... - NRAS
I wouldn't be taking both if i were you, especially if you're just starting using CBD oil.
For a start ,a full dropper is a lot.
I use Pure Kana CBD oil sometimes.
But I never use more than 2 or 3 drops under my tongue..Never a full dropper..
Unless it's as weak as water. You'd be buying a bottle every week if that was the case. DON'T TRY IT.
Did you order the Capsules at the same time. Or did they just come with the Oil.
Be careful where you buy anything like this from. Anyone can say anyone is sponsoring it. But it isn't always true!!!!!
If you bought it off the internet. and you don't get any response from the company that you bought it from. I'd report them to the Bank,,PayPal or to whoever you used for the purchase of it.
But if you do decide to do it. Check on some other sites to see if they sell the same CBD oil. Then perhaps the instructions will be clearer for you to read.
I don't know much about the CBD oil.
But I think taking 1 full dropper each day and a capsule is rather a lot. 🤔🤔
You Take Care. Gjkas
I use CBD admittedly from a different company) and I either take 1 capsule OR 2-3 drops under the tongue. I use it to help with pain and it also helps me sleep.
There was an article in the newspaper yesterday saying that Mary Berry was appalled to be associated with this scam. Here:
Personally I would worry that the actual products are rubbish too. Try and get your money back and buy from a reputable source.
I am really worried about this product and am now reluctant to try it

I wouldn't try it! Try to get your money back? The link NMH gave has an address of the owner of one of the businesses, so if this was the one you bought from then maybe worth a try.
Hope wasn't too expensive.

Well for goodness sake don’t, try it then.
As I said before I would never buy something online to put inside my body that I didn’t know 100% that it came from a responsible source-and that is an impossibility unless you are buying from a company recommended by your doctor or pharmacist.
Mary Berry says she has never recommended it , and I expect Judy Dench says the same.
Lessons are learned on this subject,,....& on the whole even after spending a lot of money .....not many people seem to get much benefit from this oil.
This type of thing has been of real concern to me. Maybe a read of this would be of interest for anyone considering buying CBD oil online medivita.co.uk/cbd-ads-dont...
Mary Berry is “appalled” her name is being used in this scam!
Google “is Mary Berry endorsing CBD Oil” & you will see all about it.
Nobody should ever buy health supplements on line...,you cannot possibly trust what an anonymous advert says to put a substance in your body,
Talk to your doctor & go to a trusted Health food shop
If it's sold as food then how can it be medicinal ? I fell into that trap bought CBD balm from Pharmacy for Shingles pain, Well it hurt even more as it cost £45 and it was rubbish. Didn't work and I did ask GP before buying it for advice he said that it probably had a placebo effect but I was desperate for relief. I'd say ask for your money back and I'm sorry to say but I think I'd even go to Trading Standards if miss sold with advertising.
A usual dose is 50 grams
If this article is right you might want to cancel you credit/debit card too.
There is a closed Facebook group for CBD users and they have a list of recommended suppliers. They also have a lot of information on how it should be taken. Shops and online suppliers are not allowed to give any advice on dosages etc.
I actually went to visit the supplier I order from and was very impressed with their whole set up.
I've been using THC-free hemp oil for a year now. I've noticed the advantages of using marijuana without thc after a month of using supplements. It also helped me cope with the depression that had accompanied me for several years due to the death of my wife. For a long period of time, I also used alcohol, from which I formed an addiction, but hemp oil helped me get rid of this addiction. You can order such oils on specialized resources, I personally buy them from PureHempFarms.com (purehempfarms.com) since they have a wide variety of marijuana varieties without THC. Also, before using any oil, read the contraindications, since each body needs a certain oil.
I understand it is better to buy oil not from this manufacturer. Who can tell me a really good manufacturer? I don't want to use a low-grade product.
I had been plagued by insomnia for an incredibly long time. I couldn't sleep for weeks or more, until I just passed out without strength, I felt very bad, my head hurt a lot, my eyes just burned. I didn't know what to do, and I was advised to buy cannabidiol oil. At that time I thought that they were trying to sell me drugs until I realized that although cannabis oil is made without THC, which gives a "high" as from marijuana. At cbdhandle.com/best-cbd-oil-... I read a guide on how to choose CBD oil. Already after the first dose I was sleeping like a baby. It's just incredible. Now I sleep just fine.
The recommendations you got on the package may be incorrect as it seems to be way too much. Even for me (I'm using oil for several years), it appears to be an exaggeration. I recommend you start with one drop and see how it helps you; then, you can add the dose day by day. It is also important which type of CBD you use as the dose can depend on the strength of your chosen one (there are multiple, and you can find more detailed information right here willowcbd.com/blogs/cbd-101... ). Be careful because it can reach to addiction, good luck👍
There are CBD oil shops around , try them if you want to try it 😊
I did not order CBD oil immediately, but only when I despaired that nothing helps me from insomnia. For a long time, I avoided bright lighting and activities that had a stimulating effect, such as intense physical exercise or solving complex work-related problems. Before going to bed, I tried to stick to the same calming and relaxing actions. I even took a hot shower or bath before going to bed tried writing notes in my diary, reading, doing light stretching exercises, or doing yoga. But I didn't get the effect of the best cbd gummies tillmanstranquils.com/produ... . Only CBD candies helped me fall asleep.