CBD oil: Hi guys, Has anyone tried CBD oil for their RA... - NRAS


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CBD oil

Angie2212 profile image
40 Replies

Hi guys,

Has anyone tried CBD oil for their RA?

I'm looking into this just now as my pain is returning rapidly after being controlled with Sulphasalazine.

My RA nurse gave me 2 injections on Tuesday, but they haven't helped.

I read great reviews about CBD oil, but there are so many out there that confuses me as to which would be the real deal.

Any thoughts on this my friends?


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Angie2212 profile image
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40 Replies
JayneN profile image

Hi Angie I tried it . £20 from holland and Barrett and I put cpl drops under my tongue twice a day (tastes terrible) 2nd day I was virtually pain free as was Day 3. Day 4 I was violently sick so didn't take it again . Everyone is different and you hear so many stories so I would try it and see if it helps .... good luck 🍀

Angie2212 profile image
Angie2212 in reply toJayneN

Thank you for the reply. Ive ordered some that will arrive on Monday. Also bought a guide book that tells best methods of use.

I'm assuming I should keep taking my meds with the oil???

JayneN profile image
JayneN in reply toAngie2212

Yes but be careful that they don't interact with each other

Herbygirl profile image
Herbygirl in reply toAngie2212

You need to leave a two hour gap between CBD and any med's. It's something to do with enzymes and the way your liver metabolises them. If you don't leave the gap, you will lose the benefits of both because your liver won't have enough of this enzyme to work on both at the same time.

Needforname profile image
Needforname in reply toHerbygirl

I've never heard that before. My medical marijuana prescribing doctor and my other doctors have never mentioned this to me, and I've never seen any info on this online. Would you mind sharing where you got this info from please?

I currently vape a prescription of 50/50 blend of cbd and thc, and had tried straight cbd. I've never experienced any noticeable issues or complications. It helps me sleep and eat, though doesn't help with the pain unfortunately.

I'm going to ask my medical marijuana doctor about your mentions. I've been on numerous medications for my rheumatoid arthritis and none have helped even the slightest. I'm now wondering if the cbd is slowing the absorption. Though, I have gone without any cbd for long periods, and the RA meds still didn't work.

Herbygirl profile image
Herbygirl in reply toNeedforname

Hi again...you have a medical marijuana prescribing doctor? I'm guessing you aren't in the UK then lol. We aren't allowed this yet, only CBD is legal here, not THC. Lucky you! :)

I've put a link below that explains about the liver enzyme thing. I heard about it thru the Facebook group that I am a member of. We have a couple of medically trained people there who advise us. I don't know if it is really important or not, but the group is forever telling us to comply with the 2 hour gap, so that is what I do, in case they're right! I've just re-read your reply and it says you vape the cannabis. If this is the only way that you take it, you don't have to worry about the gap, it is only for those of us who ingest it. The vape takes the good stuff direct to your blood, whereas if you ingest it, it has to go via your liver to your blood. Maybe that is why your medico's didn't mention it, because vaping is fine. Best wishes xx


Needforname profile image
Needforname in reply toHerbygirl

Interesting. Thanks for the link. I appreciate that. Your mention about the vaping makes sense, with it bypassing the liver. Yeah, while marijuana is still illegal federally here in the United States, the individual states (including NY where I live) allow medical use for certain medical conditions. There are a few states that allow recreational use, but not here yet. It's pricey, but it's nice getting a consistent product that is regulated and free of possible contaminants. Hopefully as the science and studies become more available, MM will become more accessible world wide.

It's pretty apparent that it's much safer than the drugs doctors have no issues prescribing, but with the political and policy influence the drug companies have over the political realm, marijuana will continue to be demonized by the drug companies who's profits will dwindle as folks rely on mary jane instead of prescription drugs for many ailments. Anyway... thanks again.

Herbygirl profile image
Herbygirl in reply toNeedforname

I can only agree wholeheartedly with everything you've said. Over here, we hope for full legalisation but, as you say, it isn't going to happen any time soon!

Anyway, it was lovely to have 'touched base' with you...hope you continue to find help with your health problems, and keep smiling! :)

Bizzie profile image
Bizzie in reply toHerbygirl

Hi Herbygirl

Can you tell me how to join the Facebook group that you mention above please.

Many thanks


Herbygirl profile image
Herbygirl in reply toBizzie

Hi Bizzie. On Facebook, search for "CBD consumer group UK/EU". Click on the page, there will be a button called something like "Join Group", click on that. Be prepared for their strict rules on joining. These might sound mad but are very good and are to protect the members of the group from dodgy people joining, such as trolls or people trying to sell you dodgy products etc. There is a notice that explains all this at the top of the page. Good luck...see you in there!

gradyjackjacob profile image

I,ve read some of the reviews and they state that the oil you can buy in health shops is,nt strong enough and at thirty pounds it,s an expensive buy if it does,nt work.

Junebee profile image

It will take up to seven weeks to get into your system and it such I low dose I thought it was doing something at first but it’works out very costly for little results

Nsmith13 profile image

Yes it is rubbish from there but you could always have a trip to California lol we could organise a trip like the tv show and try them all I think it would be popular and the thought of being painfree would be priceless !!!!

in reply toNsmith13

Count me in lol 😄

JayneN profile image
JayneN in reply to

Me too lol 😂

Needforname profile image
Needforname in reply toNsmith13

Just because it didn't work for you and me, doesn't mean it's "rubbish". There are countless people in these forums who say it has helped them. And it's much safer than the toxic meds the doctors prescribe for pain. With that said, I'm sure there are a bunch of rubbish articles promoting the CBD products, and I'm sure it doesn't actually work for most people; though it apparently does for some. It can help reduce seizures, can help with glaucoma and parkinsons, anxiety, etc; so not quite "rubbish" to those who find it life changing.

Mileydog profile image
Mileydog in reply toNeedforname

Hi, I have been trying CBD oil for three weeks now for burning, tingling and pain in my lower legs and feet, so far there has been no improvement but my neighbour who has MS takes it when she has a spasm and it works for that. I have tried different supplements but never had any pain relief . I did have a spinal injection that seemed to work but a different specialist said that I couldn't have another because he wasn't sure it was caused by a slightly bulging disc.

summer32 profile image

Not really any benefits from the Holland and Barrett one in a bad flare, sorry felt it worth a try

AgedCrone profile image

If you are still on SSZ & it is not controlling your symptoms why don't you go back to your rheumatology nurse to move you on to something else?

SSZ is usually one of the first RA drugs prescribed, & there are many more you can try. I think most people on HU have gone through at least 2 or 3 Dmards before they find something that controls pain ....even then you may have to put up with some side effects.

It's surprising though how you can put up with a few minor side effects if you aren't in pain,

Taking anything together with prescribed medication should always be after you have spoken to your doctors & found out I it will be safe.

Hope your medics say you can take the CBD oil.....otherwise you will always wonder if it would have worked.

I tried one from a health shop. No pain relief, but a good deal poorer! I think not strong enough.

I buy Improve Me CBD Oil, 100% pure, comes in varying strengths from 250 up to 2000. Grape Tree stock it.

I had awful clavicle-sternum-shoulder pain last year that was nauseating but settled after taking that brand of CBD Oil.

It comes in a dropper bottle, 10ml size; small, expensive, worth it!

I started with the 500 strength at about £30. Have not gone on to higher one as the price rises with the strength.

It also has general health benefits, according to various holistic doctors.

Available online too!

thelmar profile image

If you are on Facebook I suggest you look for CBD Consumers UK/EU. There is a wealth of information on there. It is important that you start with a very low dose and build up slowly. They have a list of recommended suppliers as,like most things, there are a lot of cowboys out there. It is a closed group and you have to apply to join (designed to keep out the whackos)!

My daughter and I went to visit one of the suppliers in Suffolk and were very impressed. By law they are not allowed to recommend for specific conditions but they are more than happy to provide samples for you to try.

I am due to have a hip replacement soon and CBD has made a terrific difference to my pain levels. It has also helped with the RD fatigue. If you decide to give it a try then do update us on your progress.

Herbygirl profile image
Herbygirl in reply tothelmar

Thank you, Thelmar...I was just going to suggest CBD Consumers UK/EU. I've been a member since last August. They give great advice and are very friendly! :)

Angie2212 profile image

Thank you for all your comments and support.

I have ordered Pure Kana which has 97% of positive comments about pain relief and sleep. It has to be worth a go I reckon.

I shall of course let my RA nurse know.

I shall keep you posted.


ciarao profile image

Hi Angie , i just had my training on it as we sell it in the pharmacy I work in. The brand we sell is Greenlight. It doesn't interact with any medication. But as its so effective , you should mention to your go you are taking it as you may be able to work together reducing your pain meds . It's sold for chronic pain but has many other benefits. I myself will be trying it on pay day! Results are felt within a few days.

14penny profile image

Hi Angie 2212,

Just read your post and am interested in what you eventually try as I too am getting nowhere with injections and pain is getting worse and I have heard that the cannabis oil can help but am a bit worried about where I get it and taking it so will be watching any posts regarding this as I cannot text very easily and left arm and shoulder is so painfull now it is depressing. Good Luck with finding some help. 14penny

Nsmith13 profile image

Yes think there is a lot of us keen to try and none of my meds are working at all it costs a lot of money for benapali and yet they give it out and it doesn't do anything apart from making you feel fed up and depressed because it's useless, I'm sure the cbd oil is with trying just to help with pain !!!!

Nsmith13 profile image

I'm seeing my rummy on tues abt some new meds I think I will ask her opinion and try and find a reliable source on web can't be any worse than what I'm feeling at moment 😪

Phoo2 profile image

Hi angie. I started taking cbd oil in sep last year. It has helped so much I cannot tell you. I use a company called cbd brothers . It took a while to get the dose and strength just right. It is expensive but completely worth it.

If you search older posts I have gone in much more detail .

It helps not only with pain but general sense of well being.

It won’t take the ra away but it helps - see your doctor to get the right meds but I 110% recommend the product - just don’t buy the cheap versions from hand b - they aren’t strong enough

Hope that helps Hun xx

popsmith1874 profile image

Hi I'm am going to give it a try as the meds are doing nothing, I'm on 50mgs Benepali, 20mgs Methetrexate and been on 500mgs of Sulfazalasine which I've been on for a month now and my symptoms are worse now , I've been on Methetrexate for 3 years now and been on Benepali since August and all they do is throw more tablets at you

MamaKayrah profile image

First post on this site, but I live in the states and currently using CBD to help. It works and I swear by it. I don’t take any pain meds and my nausea is non existent. I am not sure what is available to you where you live, but I would look into RSO.

marie66 profile image

I use the Holland and Barrett cbd oil. I findon't it helps a little bit. Mostly I feel more relaxed and it helps me sleep better. I bought 2 bottles when they were half price (£10) thought I'd give it a bash and regroup in a few months.

I can't say fairly about pain as I've had a big flair and back on steroids but I think for what I paid and the improved sleep it's worthwhile. M x

NanaFifi profile image

I know someone who uses it, she buys it from the internet and pays something like £150 for 5 vials. She swears it helps with the pain but I really wonder if it is a placebo effect she’s experiencing.

I must admit that I have taken cannabis for pain when I was in Amsterdam and it was amazing!

AnneField profile image
AnneField in reply toNanaFifi

I must confess that my knees have never felt as good as that time I went to Amsterdam myself...

123cabezas profile image

I'm from California, someone told my mother how to make it with the leaves of the plant at home, honestly don't know how exactly she brewed it up because I just didn't believe it would work, but so many swear by it, so I tried it as none of the meds i'm on seem to do anything, and I can't take it anymore. I can tell you it looks like a dark brown murky, thickish, leafy concoction, and i smear it on my painful area's, and it helps for a short while, more so than any other things I Take. the smell can me a little strong, but I use it if I'm going to be at home.

nomoreheels profile image

It can be a minefield Angela, particularly for us taking regular meds. Personally I'd first talk to my Rheumy about my med regime, why aren't they helping with the pain, do I need an increase or is it considered a complete change is needed? Do I need any additional support med wise, an NSAID (or change of my current one), is there more appropriate pain relief I can be prescribed? Really you need to try to get your RD under control rather than choosing/opting for CBD oil because that's not going to bring your RD under control, the reason for your pain. It might help your present pain by relaxing you but the underlying issue is lack of disease control. Maybe try CBD oil as an add on for relaxation if that's a problem for you but I'd definitely talk it through with your Rheumy, or GP if you prefer of you find it easier to talk with him/her. Good CBD oil isn't cheap plus as I've already said it's a minefield, finding a reputable supplier (shop-bought oil isn't necessarily thought to be the best, or indeed the strongest) which is another point, what strength is needed & how do you find out the recommended strength/dose for you? Unlike your GP prescribing a med there's nobody you're sitting in front of going through your meds & working out what's best for you.

I hope this makes sense?

Angie2212 profile image

My oil is here and I cant wait to try it after only 1 hours sleep last night. Im at my wits end here.

Even if it only helps me to sleep it will be worth it.

Watch this space and 🤞

maxinecullis67 profile image

Hi Angie i hopevit works i started mine about 8 weeks ago i found mind through research and came up with Hempura uk as one of the other followers said you start the dose off low then work your way up you can all so search the site ob facebook but the page i buy from is HEMPURA.CO.UK HOPE THAT HELPS HUN XXXX

Izabella81 profile image


Does it matter much if you take it in oil form or smoke or vape it for best results for RA? Just curious if anyone has this info. What is the best method to alleviate pain and inflammation using canabis

Nessa28 profile image
Nessa28 in reply toIzabella81

I was discussing this with the chap who owns the vape shop this morning he was saying so many older people who don't smoke but have RA or OA are now vaping and saying it's cut the pain down and they are feeling so much better

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