Hi all 👋, sorry to be a long bore but I think the full details of meds is needed to understand my situation, so grab a cuppa 😂and thanks to those who make it to the end.
Wondering if any of you have any hints or tips about discontinuing duloxetine / amatryptaline ?
Long story short .... RA for 20yrs Osteo and depression too. On biologic benepali, arcoxia, Cocodomol, pregablin, now buTrans patch, metaclopromode, and stemetil.
Nearly Two years ago my gp prescribed pregablin, then a year later amatryptaline and duloxetine. I’ve been careful with doses only taking what is needed to dull the pain. Unfortunately since Nov. the pain has been worse than normal, med doses remained the same and my GP refused to give me anything stronger citing the “opioid crisis”. Enter severe diarrhoea ( or should I say quick exit 🤣), which has not stopped yet !
Dec I got an injection into the hip joint of lubricant and pain killer, which has taken the pain down from 10 to 8 which is HUGE in my books as I live in pain and very very rarely know what being pain free means. The diarrhoea however, didn’t stop, I tried everything I knew & what I could find on the internet, I cut out meat, dairy, wheat and so on and still the flood gates opened, causing many embarrassing situations requiring a change of underwear.
I decided )since I got no help from the doctor other than oral hydration) to reduce the dosages of duloxetine and amatryptaline to see if this would help, and although the diarrhoea remained it wasn’t as severe, huge relief, 😊, but having to contend now with bleeding I decided I needed more than just oral hydration, so I booked in to see another gp in my practice who I have knowledge of while being a companion to my daughter and hubs on visits.
What can I say? Other than Thank God?
I told her about the months of severe diarrhoea, that I’d reduced my meds, about the bleeding, pain and lack of sleep. First words out of her mouth ( as God is my witness) omeprazole can keep diarrhoea going....😮. Simple. She then examined my bum and found fissures were causing the bleeding( again indicative of long term diarrhoea and being run down), and she looked through my meds asking me if I’d consider opiates?
I told her again that the other gp issued them once, I became nauseous and best friends with a bowl. She then there are anti sickness tablets and did I want to try them again?
Turn on the water works....... yes !! I will try anything to get the pain to dull down. This is now day 5 and all is well with the anti sickness tablets and BuTrans patch.
So, now to the part I’m looking for help with. The discontinuing effects of duloxetine seem to be playing havoc with me, and I wondered if anyone else has any experience, hints or tips in dealing with the tearfulness, sweats, panic, horrible dreams, and overwhelming emotions? I tried to explain to hubs it’s as if I don’t fit into my skin anymore and I’ve been woken up into this emotional world I don’t understand . The edge has been taken off the pain and I am eternally grateful for that, which is why I don’t want to appear ungrateful.
I’m back to see this very lovely gp next Thursday to report on the effectiveness of the buTrans, and situation on diarrhoea ( slightly better and I seem better able to cope with this just now and I’m assuming it’s because the pain is slightly less than it was?) but this weird emotional wreck I have become is tiring out me and hubs. I don’t want to sleep because the dreams make me wake in pure panic! I’m crying, irritable, freaking out at the stupidest little thing and just a mess right now.
Thank you very much to those who manage to read and hopefully make sense of this garbled post, and huge thanks to anyone with any advise. Sending all those going through a crappy time lots of love and support xx