PIP: I got the brown envelope yesterday I have lost my... - NRAS


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Lomo1964 profile image
37 Replies

I got the brown envelope yesterday I have lost my pip immediately. Anyone else lost it? I am shocked. Is it worth appealing causing all the anxiety?

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Lomo1964 profile image
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37 Replies
sylvi profile image

Appeal Appeal Appeal. xxxx

charisma profile image

Yes, yes, yes!! Don’t let the DWP rob you. CAB have trained, paid representatives. Is it better to struggle without PIP or to win and get it backdated after decision to reinstate it?

I won two Appeals for ESA. It stinks that we are forced to fight but that’s the system currently. Best of luck!

Moomin8 profile image

So sorry to hear this. I don't have PIP so can't help apart from saying good luck and follow the advise of those who know 🤞

Lomo1964 profile image

It was a review nothing changed only now the drs say I also have fibromyalgia as well as RA

nomoreheels profile image

I’m sorry, no. My renewal was increased from my initial award. To be honest I didn't know you'd had yours otherwise I’d have shared my experience. I would definitely ask for reconsideration in writing, ask for a copy of the assessor's report so you know what has been sent to the DWP in order for you to lose PIP. Do you mind me asking what you were awarded last time?

Lomo1964 profile image
Lomo1964 in reply to nomoreheels

I was on the lower rate living allowance only. So should I ask for the report and then ask for reconsideration or write and appeal and ask for the report in the appeal?

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Lomo1964

Right. You could start writing your reconsideration but you will need to ask for the report to know why the DWP decision maker has taken away what you had. Trouble is you only have a month to do it in & you need to refer to the report so you know exactly what the assessor has ‘interpreted' from your replies. You have to ask for reconsideration first, you can't just go to appeal, that's the following step if your award doesn’t change after you've asked for reconsideration.

Lomo1964 profile image
Lomo1964 in reply to nomoreheels

Ok thanks I will ring them first thing tomorrow and ask they send to me urgently shall I tell them I want it because I am writing for reconsideration?

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Lomo1964

Good, it's the assessors report you're requesting. You can tell, them if you wish, but you have every right to have it so don't have to. They may ask if you want to apply for reconsideration over the phone but I’d advise against that as you've nothing in writing & to be honest you need the evidence of what you say not what they interpret again.

Lomo1964 profile image
Lomo1964 in reply to nomoreheels

I have requested the report this morning

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Lomo1964

I'm pleased. You can use this time to gather as much further evidence as you can to support your claim & argue the result, including any of your new diagnosis. Stress that you didn’t think it was understood how much more difficult it is for you, more so since Fibromyalgia has also afflicted you. You could note down anything you’ve need to buy to to make things a bit easier. Ask for help from CAB if you think it would help. Be perfectly honest & scrutinise the report, highlight & list discrepancies etc. Ask for helps here again if you're unsure of anything or want any further help.

Lomo1964 profile image

I had a long letter saying why I didn’t get it I guess that is the report?

rab1874 profile image

Hi Lomo I would appeal it’s an absolute disgrace,I’ve filled in my review as mines is up and waiting for a letter to say what’s happening next,all the stress that goes with it I think that’s why I’m glaring at the moment hope you get what you deserve xxx

Lomo1964 profile image
Lomo1964 in reply to rab1874

Thank you I hope you do too xx

Lomo1964 profile image

Ok thank you I will call tomorrow for the report

I’ve been turned down now going to tribunal . Take nothing for granted. This pip scheme is set up for failure.so many people give up because they make it so bloody difficult. Get proof of postage I would pay for a signature on arrival. 3 times they claimed my forms etc were late and each time I proved them wrong. Gather your support letters from all your medics(physio, clinic nurse etc)good luck this process drags you down. REMEMBER YOU ARE ENTITLED . FIGHT!!!

Ruth12345 profile image

Sorry to read you got knocked back. I am watching this with great interest. Posted my first review forms off last week. I'm dreading getting pip taken away. It pays for my cleaner and extra petrol now I can't walk as far.

I wish you all the very best. Xx

Mmrr profile image

Yes, appeal. Lots of good advice above.

BoneyC profile image

Read about it on the Benefits and Work website.

Cogorno123 profile image

Yes, definitely appeal!

Stats12 profile image

Defo appeal huney, good luck, it ridiculous you have had it taken away after u have added fibromyalgia to the mix too 😳

Big hugs


Lee1945 profile image

Sorry to hear this.

YES you MUST appeal. These 'guys HAVE TO make a certain number of marks against you or your application form is returned to them to find a way to reduce your score!!

IF you appeal and have not already sent proof from your GP, CONSULTANT AND other health professionals, DO SO!

A VERY large number win their appeals.

Make sure that ANY AND ALL ISSUES you face are covered and ONLY PUT DOWN how you are affected on your WORST DAYS .(of course you do NOT tell them that is worst days - just that is how bad it is)!

I especially asked TWO different assessors for copies of their interview notes and was refused

Apparently you can only request them AFTER you have been refused

Waffs profile image

Hi Lomo1964, sorry to hear that you lost your PIP, I am amazed that people like us have to go through the loop every so often to continue with the award. I also was dreading the brown letter as my PIP was due for assessment next year. However I received a letter from them stating that as I am now of pensionable age they are extending my PIP indefinitely and will review in 2027 - what a result! I wish you the best of luck with your appeal and stay positive. All the best.

JoonPearl profile image

Hi Lomo1964, I just wanted to give you some hope, because this is a horrible and belittling situation to be in, and I know how it feels. But, you can win this on mandatory reconsideration, it can definitely be done. I applied for the first time in April 2019, had a face to face appointment in June, got the brown envelope (Failed) and got zero points in August. I did not have time to request and wait for the assessment report, and instead asked the gp for my medical files, and wrote a long and detailed letter to send with my medical files (within the 30 days) based on the decision letter they sent me in August. I did not get a letter back, but I checked my bank account today (to see if I had enough money to buy food) and DWP paid me today with a backdated amount. I nearly fell over. I thought I’d be fighting for this for months. The two diagnoses I have are inflammatory arthritis and fibromyalgia. Try not to ask for mandatory reconsideration over the phone, and instead write/type your letter and send it by recorded delivery within their time limit. P.s You can do it, you have truth on your side, and all they have is badly interpreted tick boxes xx

Lomo1964 profile image
Lomo1964 in reply to JoonPearl

They are saying as I have not so many medical appointments but as we know once diagnosed with RA you don’t get seen so much I had a steroid injection 3 weeks before my face to face and I have xrays tomorrow. It’s like they haven’t taken any of this into consideration. RA does not go away it’s there for life now I just don’t understand I sent all my dr and hospital letters with my review so don’t know what other evidence I can send to be honest but I will ask them to reconsider. Thank you x

in reply to Lomo1964

I too sent all my letters. I had a steroid injection in the March and they assessed me in the May ( they had a copy of letter from clinic nurse to confirm) I told them the injection hadn’t worked and I had an appointment to go back for another and a copy of a letter sent to my clinic nurse and Rheumatologist requesting my appointment be brought forward as I was struggling ( enclosed photos of swellingon hands and feet)showed swollen hands to assessor. Guess how many points I was awarded????? Zilch, nada . Zero for everything.. seems a common problem

JoonPearl profile image

Hi there, I think the medical appointment thing is odd.. I only had 2 appointments with the rheumatologist prior to the pip f2f, and when applying for pip in the beginning I was still on a waiting list for that very first appointment. I was also on prednisone for an allergic reaction, and I’d had a steroid injection one month before the pip f2f. I put the steroid info in my mandatory reconsideration letter, as it wasn’t even mentioned in my decision letter. To be honest they took nothing into consideration at the f2f I had. The decision letter I got looked they were speaking about someone else. I dissected the decision letter I got, piece by piece. That was then the basis of my mandatory consideration letter. Refute everything and put it in writing, I know it’s almost like banging your head off a wall, but it has to be done. Xx

Lomo1964 profile image
Lomo1964 in reply to JoonPearl

Ok thank you

JoonPearl profile image
JoonPearl in reply to Lomo1964

I just got my mandatory reconsideration decision letter, the post is very late here today. Possibly the most begrudging and degrading letter I’ve ever read. They gave me 8 points on daily living, and nothing for mobility. I’ll be reviewed again in Jan 2022. Xx

Lomo1964 profile image
Lomo1964 in reply to JoonPearl

My letter said more about me looking them straight in the eyes able string sentences together able to drive a car which takes a lot of effort but I am able to manage that. It’s ridiculous I will send my reconsideration. How long does that take to get the result anyone know please?

in reply to Lomo1964

I too had the same problem communication good could drive even though I said I drive no more than 8 miles and no long distance as I’ve lost my confidence and found it uncomfortable.. she said that in her opinion I was more than capable as I said I could use a satnav(this from a woman who was late because the satnav took her to the wrong address... she revisited this subject many times during my interview)oh and by the way I apparently dress nice??

Lomo1964 profile image
Lomo1964 in reply to

Yes me too so bad I looked tidy

in reply to Lomo1964

Next time clothes inside out with food all over and my knickers worn over my trousers 😁oh I won’t bath and smell of wee

in reply to JoonPearl

Perfect advice ... I too dissected the letter with a counter argument with every comment and included all the things I said that was never recorded.

jayne17 profile image

Yes I too lost mine 0 points after getting 9 points in 2017 when I went to tribunal then.

I am going to tribunal again, but it's wearing me down I have to say, it makes me feel that I don't deserve it. But when you read other people's comments on here it encourages me to do it again, so I will!! I am waiting for a date for tribunal since January this year.

Good luck

Lomo1964 profile image
Lomo1964 in reply to jayne17

Wow that’s a long wait almost a year. I hope you get a date soon

in reply to jayne17

I started my pip application in February this year sent my tribunal application this month . Told can take up to 8months for tribunal decision.. if it takes that long it will be 17months since my original application 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

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