I started truxima and have had both dosages and I have developed a rash on my arms and chest just wondering if anyone else has experienced this
Truxima side effects : I started truxima and have had... - NRAS
Truxima side effects

I have not had a rash after Truxima. But as your immune system is suppressed on the drug you may have picked up an infection/virus. I suggest you seek advice. If you have a patient helpline in your Rheumatology department do call them.
Hi Csavo, sorry to hear of rash on arms and chest - had first Rituximab infusion last Friday ( Piriton tablet, small bag steroid , then Rituximab infusion ) about 5 hours , bussed there and back but could of driven as felt good. ( have 2nd R. infusion next Friday ) Lots energy all over weekend , but come Monday fatigue had set back in , so put surge of energy down to steroid infusion , but no rash . Agree with Lolobridge - ring Rheumy helpline , of which you’ve probably done so by now - hope all clears up well
I had truxima two weeks ago and not had a rash. As suggested I would ring the helpline, it could be a side effect they have heard of before.
Give the Biologic nurses a ring....they will know if you should see your rheumy nurse
I had an itchy rash with my first Rtx infusion....it just went away with no problems after a day or two
Yes I had a rash after both first then much worse after second two infusions. Same as you arms & chest. Red like a burn on both arms & itchy. Rheumy referred me to Dermatology but it took 5 months to get an appointment by which time it had gone. I showed him photos though. They said they would be interested to know if it happened again after next Truxima infusion & suggested maybe it was steroids rather than Truxima. Anyway it didn’t happen next time round. I hope you get some answers soon x