Hi a little advice please if that's ok, its my knee can't bend it its driving me nuts I'm irritable Moody and low with this knee pain and stiffness , I had XRay that's all clear its going on for over 3 weeks now went back my gp brand new baby f2 referred me to physio , I'm now wondering could it be a infection in my knee no temp just very tired pain stiffness and irratable can't see physio until the 7 th November I've got a meeting with rhem doctor to get back on ritx, early october failed on jak inhibitors stomache issues. Should there's be other signs if I had infected RA in my knee? Struggling daily here. No signs of baker cysts not swollen not hot just pain and stiffness which is draining th life out of me any knock or sudden movement is a touch of hell I've tried gentle bending excersise just makes it worst. Any advice folks ? Driving myself insane waiting so time i see physio it willl be more lkke 2 months of this .
Infected knee ? : Hi a little advice please if that's... - NRAS
Infected knee ?

That sounds awful, can’t you try advice line, maybe they could give steroid shot to tide you over or something. Also I recently found out mine have started a flare clinic one morning a week which I knew nothing about so maybe yours do something similar? I know nothing about infections sorry but hope you get some relief soon x
You're not having an easy time by the sound of it. Not sure if this is any help, but I had septic arthritis in my hip. It was extremely painful and I was unable to put any weight on it. Other than my hip being a little hot to touch I had no other symptoms. The paramedics did not want to take me to hospital because their obs were all normal, which goes to show how careful we have to be with infections. Apparently septic arthritis comes on very sudden with little warning as was the case with my hip.
Perhaps the doctors do not understand the extent of the disability you are experiencing? Sometimes we have to calmly but very firmly spell it out and say how excruciating and disabling it is or we get brushed off with a prescription or referral that might not be appropriate.
Looking at wishbone’s response, maybe taking a firm approach would help you faster; darned difficult when suffering so much.
But you should not be left to suffer either! 🙂
I’d insist on an appt with your rheumatologist. You might need an MRI to diagnose the problem.
I don’t know about septic arthritis but I had a similarly swollen and painful knee last year for 3 months, I understand completely how painful and exhausting it is.
Mine was simply a flare - no previous RA in knees so assumed was an orthopaedic problem, as did GPs and physios ... and in desperation I paid to see an orthopaedic consultant.
When I finally got to see the rheumatologist she took one look, aspirated the knee, gave me a steroid shot, and that night I walked up and down stairs for the first time in 3 months.
I learned that it’s no use trying to self diagnose. GPs and sometimes physios - if they’re not experienced RA physios, are sometimes also not skilled enough to diagnose.
I hope you manage to get a rheumy appt soon. I lost a lot of muscle tone whilst not being able to walk so put as much pressure on the powers that be to see you soon.
Thanks girls I will give the rhem nurses a ring my poor neighbours not well leukaemia so been next door half th day helping his wife out wet twice there 75 years old she struggling with him.. been blue lighted in not a well man... temp pulse sky high ..just feel like I'm not been listened to this knee issue its driving me nuts. This dreaded rheumatoid people including doctors don't even get it half the time... wishbone this came out of the blue with my knee so it needs seeing to . Hope your joints are playing nice x