Night sweats : Does anyone suffer dreadful night sweats... - NRAS


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Night sweats

33 Replies

Does anyone suffer dreadful night sweats?

I’m suffering terrible fatigue and brain fog nights sweats are so bad I’m not sleeping a vicious circle.

33 Replies
Deniseelk profile image

Have you had your Potassium level checked? Only I notice these are all on the list of symptoms for low Potassium.

mccaffs2014 profile image

Are you female? Could it be menopause?. I suffered really bad from night sweats. I bought an air conditioning unit for beside my bed and it was amazing. One of the best things that I ever bought!

in reply to mccaffs2014

Thanks but I’ve gone through the menopause and bad sweats . These sweats last for hours even my toes are dripping with sweat

singlecrochet profile image
singlecrochet in reply to

yes! I have horrible sweats! my hands and feet drip! --and not just at night either!

PinkLamb profile image

Hi J1707

Yes, I am too experiencing exactly the same night sweats as you, and yes and no they are not the same as the menaupause, I have found that these seem worse for me when I am taking Predisolone, which I am currently taking, I don't know if this is just a coincidence, I have a 15"fan right at the side of my bed, which really does help,

Ah the blooming joys hey!! 😥

Try a fan!!


I sleep with windows open it has been very cool at night recently. My husband bought a room thermometer because it was so cold about 10 degrees . He keeps muttering he will get hypothermia 😂 I’m nit on steroids but glad to know someone else knows what I’m talking about. Misery loves company 😜

Mmrr profile image

When I am better controlled I sleep fine, no disrupted sleep nor sweats. When I'm not good , as I am now, sleeping is a nightmare, I'm hot, burning feet, sweaty feet in , feet out of the covers... thirsty, it goes in and on.

VeronicaF profile image

yes I get them when I am in a flare, the evenings they start and same can't sleep too

juneann profile image

If a cough develops or weight loss then straight to a doctor. I have latent TB but also peri-menopausal as well as taking RTX, so it's always at the forefront of my mind.

Plumcrumble profile image

Hi, I would go to your Gp to get it checked, it could be a symptom of other things not just RA, don't won't to alarm you, but we are all different and symptoms vary, hope this helps 😊

Asheen profile image

Yes I wake with very bad sweats, head, neck & pillow .. yuk sometimes 3 times a night. Then like you said so fatigued. What’s the answer? 🤔

in reply to Asheen

If find out I’ll let you know 🤔

Asheen profile image
Asheen in reply to

Thank you for that 😊

Whiskers64 profile image

Hi in reply to your question on night sweats, I have suffered with RA now for 8 years I'm now coming up to my 70th Birthday. I have had suffered night sweats & day sweats now for the past 5 years could never get a straight answer from my Rheumy or GP on why. Eventually after getting fed up with no answers 2 years ago I cornered my Rheumy & said that I needed to know what was causing them was it the medication I was on or what (I'm taking Hydroxychloroquine, Gabapentin & Naproxen). He then told me it was due to RA apparently it is one side effect of this painfull complaint not everybody suffers with it,in some sufferers it's only very mild in others it can be quite bad, I've woken many a morning with a wet damp sheet & also had sleep disturbed. Also as a final note it has happened during the day I was in Brugge site seeing it was December went Into a caffe for a coffee took my coat off & my shirt was wet through very embarrassing so quickly put my coat back on & hopped nobody had noticed. So please your not alone. If you go on the web & look up RA & night sweats it does tell you about them. PS I'm male so not menopause.

in reply to Whiskers64

Great response your description really reassures me. Spoke to my RA nurse she said it wasn’t RA related and needed to go to GP I had stated to worry but am calmer now after you post . Thanks

singlecrochet profile image
singlecrochet in reply to Whiskers64

I too, believe it is from RA. Is our bodies fighting against this disease--working too hard??

Beccabee123 profile image

My temperature regulation is all over the place. Hot sweats, or so cold with goosebumps. Can never get right temperature. I also wake up and bedclothes are wet from sweating. When I take my temp -when I have the hot episodes, my temp is 38.5/9. This suggests it’s internal core temp regulation as opposed to menopause symptoms ( apparently your core temp does not go up with menopausal hot flushes.)

TPaine profile image

Hiya as the others have said the sweating and fatigue are usually associated, I have found, with active RA, so usually when I am having a flare and have poor control. When CRP is less and I feel good then I have energy, nit quite like before RA but better then I have felt and I don't tend to sweat, unless I have done something to generate this response from my body. However as others have said may be worth discussing with your GP or rheumo team?

Mumcon profile image

Yes I suffer from this too, sometimes you would think I had an electric blanket on. Really roasting and I’ve been through the menopause You feel drained come morning I’m having a flare at the moment so I’m sure it’s all linked

Pulfs profile image

My internal thermostat also not working.

It's worse when I go to do a bit of retail therapy,often in cold weather I go out in thin top and light weight jacket, buying clothes is a nightmare when you have to struggle in changing room quite often I don't bother and bring clothes home to try on. Gets me really down having a sweaty back just strolling around shops.

Get hot in bed but not as bad as I've described above. Convinced RA has upset my metabolism and temperature gauge 🙄

Mumcon profile image
Mumcon in reply to Pulfs

I can also relate to this Going shopping is a nightmare even in winter I have to take my coat off in a shop so I know how you feel

Pulfs profile image
Pulfs in reply to Mumcon


Pelviccrusader profile image

I know this sounds weird but I get similar symptoms unless I do not look at a computer screen for two hours before I go to bed. You might try this. The other thing that helps is multivitamins that contain methyl folate (as opposed to regular folate)

in reply to Pelviccrusader

Mm interesting will mention at next appointment thanks

JFlay profile image

I've had night sweats for years (I'm well past menopause) I had them before and after my RA diagnosis this year (I had RA symptoms for years before diagnosis). Rheumy doctor specifically asked me about night sweats at my first appointment so I think they are connected to RA. Sometimes they are what I describe as a 'cold sweat' too, horrible 😒

Balletmum71 profile image

I am suffering the sweats in the night time ( and daytime too) .

I think it's usually when I'm in a flare and very tired - it's a cold sweat as well . Horrid feeling, and then I go stone cold can't get warm only to then swing the other way sometimes in a matter of minutes .

But I'm going to check with my rheumy on Tuesday when I see him .

Paisley58 profile image

Yep, this has been happening for a number of years. My GPs was no help. My mum suggested running cold water on the inside of my wrist, pulse area and that does help but I found taking large doses of Brewers Yeast quite helpful. I still get it but not as bad as it was, I hope these small suggestions help but I honestly feel your pain because it is hell when it hits.

in reply to Paisley58

Thank you for reply.

I’m so pleased others suffer (you know what I mean 🙄) and I’m not on my own. I thought it could be something else as I was getting no help from RA nurse she made me so worried . For me it’s one of the worst symptoms along side fatigue .

Paisley58 profile image
Paisley58 in reply to

I know my nurse wasn't helpful but when i saw my Rheumy he pointed out it was a combination of disease and meds (which can cause early menopause) that can cause these symptoms, he told me there was nothing that could be done and to just stay hydrated, exercise and diet are the best options. But after reading around the subject, I found that low B vits can also be an issue and that is when i started taking the Brewers yeast, it took about three months before i began noticing the difference. And yes, as weird as it seems it is good to know I am not alone to.

Nanabrodie profile image

Not to be unkind but it is so good to hear of someone else suffering from these dreadful night sweats. I too suffer and I am long past menopausal. I recently had a good couple of weeks Waking three or four times a night and having to wipe myself down but for the last five nights I have been fine but I know it won’t last.

Lolabridge profile image

Yes I have night sweats too. I think the Prednisolone is a cause. However I had them sometimes before I developed RA because I have non-diabetic reactive Hypoglycaemia and can have a hypo in the night.

Thankfully they are not as bad as some others have mentioned in their replies.

I get the brain fog too and blame it on all the meds I’m on.

My main cause of sleep problems is a geriatric cat that has taken to calling me in the night (03:30 last night) and won’t stop until I go to her!

cdab profile image

Yes I do. Ten years after menapause and they started. I was recently diagnosed with hashimoto disease and they had to do a total thyroidectomy. They are much less and it seems to come when I conume sugar products or drink alcohol.

in reply to cdab

Yes even if only have g&t I sweat even more

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