I think that when my disease is becoming more active the night sweats and hot flashes with sweating increase. My rheumatologist said it is not related to my inflammatory arthritis and to see my family doctor. I am seeing my family doctor on Wednesday so I wanted to see what you all think before I go. I am long past menopause so it isn't that. Thanks for your input.
Night sweats and hot flashes: I think that when my... - NRAS
Night sweats and hot flashes

I sweat as well and boy is it bad. I usually get them from the shoulders up. I thought it was related to the fibro, but i have been told RA can cause it as well. xxx
I have the same problem. I can be fine one minute and the next my face is bright red with sweat running down my nose, it seems to be my head that sweats with the sudden hot flashes, my hair ends up soaked too. Long past Meno myself too. The night sweats aren't pleasant either. Let us know how you get on at the GP
When my RA is not well controlled I wake regularly feeling hot and sweaty. When my RA is better controlled I don't.I'm 62 and well past the menopause.
My previous rheumatologist denied all knowledge of people with RA waking up hot and bothered yet many on this website claim to do so.
A quick Google search all suggests there are many articles saying the same.
I do not understand why so many rheumatologists deny the problem.
At the start of RA when I was quite ill I had awful drenching night sweats but now 6 years later I just get very hot at night and a bit damp . It’s definitely worse when I’m flaring but even when I’m not so bad I still get it. I took HRT for many years and still had hot flushes etc when I stopped it, but I’m over that now.
I agree totally immune linked. I have been pretty good recently. Had covid vaccine two weeks ago now joints are flaring and back to sweating. Was told that this is hormonal in the past - I am sure it is RA related.
I am ready to say no more vaccinations for me. I had flares, too, and I don't think my medication has worked well since the second vaccination when I got super sick from it. Then after my third vaccination it is like my medication is not working at all. I hope we don't have to keep getting these vaccinations.
It seems a bit of a blind spot for the medics as soon as you mention hot sweats! I would agree that it is linked to degree of activity of my disease - they are always much worse during flares. I'm also taking more pain relief then so that might also contribute.
I haven't found anything that helps apart from practical ones like layers of clothing wwhich are easily removed, lightweight easily moved bedclothes and washing my hair (which gets saturated!) frequently.
Not only can it be a measure of how well controlled I am or not to muddy the waters further I still get hot flushes (both day & night) & I’m a good few years past the menopause. It is known, dependent on your hormone levels. As I didn't have any intervention or medicate it at all (HRT) I’ve come to accept that this is how it is for me, & always make sure my wonderful mobile fan (one of the best little gifts my husband has given me) is charged at all times! I find I'm less tolerant of summer heat now too & seek shade whereas pre menopause I searched out the sun.