Hi All
I just received a call from my hospital, very nice guy. He politely asked how many boxes of medication did I receive, to which I replied six. There are 2 injections in each box, which I was suppose to take 1, every 2 weeks.
Just to add, I was suppose to be trialing so my rheumy was concerned as to why they sent me so many injection packs last week.
Now his second question he asked was, if I could check the sell by date as he had received the invoice. Well lo and behold, the diabolical Lloyds pharmacy delivery service sent medication that expires JUNE 2019!! I was so darn shocked and frustrated as was he. I honestly would never have checked the dates 😕
So not only were they trying it on knowing the supply would soon expire in a matter of weeks, but they sent lots of unwanted packs, and quickly sent in their invoice. Thank goodness this chap took the initiative to check.
My whole experience with this company has been damning all round, causing great pain and anxiety. I have raised 3 complaints and still awaiting a manager to call from my call to them some two weeks ago.
Sorry for the rant, just wanted to bring this to your attention, as I was naive in not checking dates here. Lloyd's pharmacy delivery are an absolute disgrace.
Have an awesome pain free week, for those of us going through it.