Hi everyone
Would anyone know any info on blood test results ?
Today my GP imformed me my last results were-
14 esr
17 crp
white blood cell 10.5
Gp said the results were ok but I still have a bit of RA pain.
Is this a good reading?
Thank you
Hi everyone
Would anyone know any info on blood test results ?
Today my GP imformed me my last results were-
14 esr
17 crp
white blood cell 10.5
Gp said the results were ok but I still have a bit of RA pain.
Is this a good reading?
Thank you
I don’t know about yours frankie but This site has levels:
Given to me by some lovely person on here ages ago.
Also lab tests online is very good website for explaining them. Hope that’s helpful x
They are a tiny bit high, but nothing to worry about. At the moment mine are 5 and 6. But my ESR has been as high as 88 in the past,
Values between labs can be different but based on mine your inflammation levels (ESR 1 - 7 & CRP <6) so chronic is a little high, as is your acute actually but much depends on your 'normal'. They can be a lot higher when not well controlled so if they usually run higher then it's an improvement.
Whit cell count (4.0 - 11.00) is the high side of acceptable. Did he suggest taking a urine sample at all? It's only if mine go considerably higher they start checking for infection.
Have you been given a monitoring booklet? Always useful to keep track of your own results so you get to learn your body patterns. You might find that this is normal for you.
Here's a link to it, and at the back it explains the blood tests and the ranges of results.
Thanks for that link helixhelix. I was never given anything at all when I was diagnosed here in Ireland 14 years ago so I'm going to read that now !
Sometimes I feel as if I live in a third world country when I read about what you guys get in the UK.
I had to go privately here or I'd have been waiting 2 years to be seen. But at least my rheumy is very good and very nice.
Thanks again for the link,
Slightly high, but not awful. Mine is now 11 since benepali. Was 82!
It’s not a brilliant reading and I can see why you’re still in pain. ESR stands for “erythrocyte sedimentation rate” and is a measure of body inflammation, while CRP stands for “C reactive protein” (C not very meaningful, just the name of a reagent). Protein is found in the blood during periods of inflammation as it leaks through blood vessel walls. Your white blood count isn’t too bad - I was told by a rheumatology nurse that as long I had one white blood cell (!) that was OK, if I was to take Baricitinib.
The ESR and CRP should ideally be less than 10 to put it in line with non RA sufferers
It's marginally above normal, but given that these markers can rise over 200 it is not alarming. So something to be aware of and monitor, but not something to worry about unduly. You are still early in your treatment, so I would hope that your rheumy would keep an eye on this and change treatment if it doesn't improve.
I so wish mine were what your levels are! I’m fed up of high ESR and CRP and the pain that goes with it...
Hope you got some answers with the replies to your post
I do blood with Life Labs love registered online to see - love
The facts you have been given are about right i.e. very slightly high, but nothing to worry about. I would be very worried indeed if I only had one white cell!
Thank you all for the great replies you are all awesome people. ☺
They look ok to me.
You’re in the us right? ESR <29 is good
CRP .8-3.0 is normal range
WBC 4,000-11,000 is normal