Liver test results - each month I notice my liver Test ALT is creeping up slowly, obviously a GP can be dismissive or say it’s is “ok to have a slight rise”, but in my eyes any rise is a worry, what are your thoughts please.
Liver test results: Liver test results - each month I... - NRAS
Liver test results

According to my mtx booklet it should be under 50. My nurse specialist once told me that because I'm on mtx they don't act until it's higher. Can't remember if she said 60 or 70, think it was 70. Mine once went up to 267, had to come off all my meds, it did go back to a normal range straight way. Was told that they don't really worry until it's in the six hundreds.
Wow I am surprised how high the reading can go, do you think it affects your health with mild rises, like anything over 50. I appreciate doctors do not panic, but to ignoremild rises concern me.
If you don't mind me asking what is your result . x
60 and seems to be creeping up each month, doctor said they do not do anything until it’s over 70 or 80.
Mine has went up to 800s... very scary...
I would be a head case if it went that high, I would look for a alternative medication rapidly.
They don’t know why mine goes up that high yet.. it’s happened out of nowhere 3 times in the last 6 years each time it lasts about a month. They think it may be caused by a medication, but also think it could be autoimmune or a liver disease however I’ve been tested for all the main liver diseases and all cane back normal. Just praying it doesn’t happen again.....HOWEVER, know that you are okay! Your liver functions can go quite high without causing any real damage.
You have brightened up my day as I have a long way to go to reach your score - winner, winner, chicken dinner!!!!!
Yes even though mine has flared up those times for that long, when they’ve checked for serious damage they don’t see anything! Soon they are going to check my stomach to make sure no veins have thickened because of it, but no liver damage! So you are all in the clear also my liver always returns to normal ON ITS OWN! God is good! Our bodies are strong and resilient, sometimes they just need time and peace away from medicine.
Radishes are very good for the liver! Started eating a ton during my last flare up. I hate them, but think of it as natural medicine!
Hi, I agree with you! I found a free app Please check you meds and interactions with each! If I had your problem I would not take what ever you are taking. Tell your doctor you are concerned, even if he says it OK, there has to be something else.
Thanks for your comments, I will check out the page
I had liver tumours when I was 24 not due to these drugs but most likely according to my consultant to the contraceptive pill. I was lucky to survive. Consequently I see my liver consultant, who is the best in Europe, Professor Roger Williams. I suggest you go to see him. I told him when I was on Methotrexate and he couldn’t have been more alarmed. He said it’s toxic to the liver. I’m not on it anymore! I don’t mean to frighten you, I’m just trying to explain that if you want to find out, for sure, you need to talk to him. He only works privately now in Harley Street but he is the only Dr I truly trust. Make an appointment, he can help.
You’re welcome, it was only because I had a good friend who was a Dr when I was ill who pointed me to Prof Williams that I a survived. Whenever I can, I pass it forward. I saw him last June in Harley Street. These are his main contact details -
Professor Roger Williams, CBE
Director, Institute of Hepatology London
Foundation for Liver Research
Professor of Hepatology, King's College London
111 Coldharbour Lane
London, SE5 9NT
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7255 9832/33
Fax: +44 (0) 207 380 0405
http: //
What do you take instead of methotrexate that is liver friendly?
I’m actually on Humira now. I don’t think it can be described as liver friendly, per se. When I was on Methotrexate, I didn’t know of the toxicity to the liver. However, it was not effective for me, I was still experiencing tremendous pain. My rheumatologist wanted to prescribe Lefluomide (sp), when I reviewed that drug I was concerned, so it was at that point that I made an appointment to see Prof Williams and also have an ultrasound scan. He said that the latter drug was not as toxic as Methotrexate and I should never have had that. But still I was in excessive pain, so my rheumatologist switched me to Humira. I’ll write to his secretary today to let him know. You’ve prompted me, thank you. All I can advise for you, or anyone reading this, is to seek the best medical advice that you can, by the top Drs, they are the only ones that know or can advise. I cannot emphasise that enough.
Your post is very interesting. Doctors have always been offering me methotrexate and I always refuse because I taught an Egyptian dr 20 years ago and when I told him drs here wanted me on it he said ,’ I wouldn’t put my mother or sister on it. It’s so toxic.’ I caught Hepatitis A when I was 20 and I want to keep my liver as healthy as possible. Thanks for posting the professor’s details.
Thanks for the information
I have autoimmune hepatitis as well as RA, Osteoperosis, Fibromyalgia and ulcerative colitis. I see three different consultants for these conditions. It's taken me several years and a lot of tears to get them all to communicate with each other. I was having a nightmare with my meds. The autoimmune hepatitis is liver disease which has to be monitored and maintained for the rest of my life. This disease appeared a year having received 4 pints of blood. Strange that isn't it. However, had I not had the blood, I would have died. Hospitals only screen for major things such as aids. Some people said that I should have pursued this. I dismissed this due to the fact that although preventable, it was unavoidable as the NHS so not screen blood for everything, and I cannot prove 100% that the blood was contaminated. Despite this, my conditions are now being managed holistically which is all that matters. If you are worries about your liver readings, you could always request a fibro scan , which scans your liver and detects scarring. Feom that, if any concerns are raised, a liver biopsy would be requested. However, there are risks attached to that procedure and will only do if necessary. Have a good and relatively painfree day all.
Persistence is the key, as we are the ones that know our bodies best, have a happy day
If it makes you feel any better, my liver numbers have been up and down for 15 years with no serious damage that I know of. Finally they figured out that though I don’t have autoimmune hepatitis, the problem is related somehow to my RA. They’ve prescribed azathioprine and it controls it for the most part.
Damage to my liver in the future is my main worry, it saddens me to think I spent most of my life maintaining a healthy body, get RA, have to take drugs and I start destroying my once healthy liver prior to RA.
On the many medications I have been on for RA, my liver enzymes were usually a bit higher than they should have been. Then I found out about the supplement Milk Thistle. I take 1 500mg capsule everyday and 2 a day a few days before any bloodwork. My enzymes have never been better. Even my rheumatologist is now recommending it to his other patients with success. I have read that it’s a good idea for everyone to take it for liver health! Best to you!!
Buying some tomorrow, may even try the tea