Hello I’m new here having had a diagnosis of inflammatory arthritis in December. I had campylobacter food poisoning 18months ago which left me with reactive arthritis. Unfortunately it decided to stay with me and now I’ve a formal diagnosis. This has been hard to get my head around, still doing battle with myself, as I was a very active, busy woman who refused to slow down. As I’m learning you’ve no choice with this disease to slow your pace, hard when you work full time plus! Exercise has been very hit and miss due to continual flares.
Anyway the reason for my post is I’m 5 weeks in taking methotrexate tablets and having nasty gastric side effects. Taking Omeprazole and folic acid to help. The rhemey nurse has said I can have injections if this carries on. I have struggled with weight my whole life but am managing to maintain a healthy weight despite minimal exercise. At my routine blood test this week chatting with the health care assistant she remarked that I shouldn’t go on the injections as I would bloat out and get huge - very helpful I hear you saying!! I’ve noticed some bloating with the tablets but nothing too bad. Can anyone tell me if you are more likely or do gain weight as a result of methotrexate injections please? I did when they gave me steroids but that is expected. Help and reassurance would be gratefully received.