Benepali storage without fridge 15 hours: Hi everyone... - NRAS


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Benepali storage without fridge 15 hours

Benepalitraveler profile image

Hi everyone,

I am traveling on a long haul flight and have overlays for several hours in the airport. How can I keep benepali pens cool for 15 hours? Any idea on online products I could purchase?

Thanks :-)

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19 Replies
allanah profile image

Go into the diabetic website. They sell frio packs and boxes for those travelling with insulin and I've used them for my insulin and biologics.

Remember a copy if your prescription and tell the check in your carryingvpens. They are fine about it but may ask for your doctors letter.

Paula-C profile image

I'm not sure if Frio products keep anti tnf drugs at the right temperature. 2 - 8 degrees, I'd check before buying.

I bought one of these, not cheap but good. You are exempt from paying VAT.

TPaine profile image
TPaine in reply to Paula-C

Hi I bought the same but it froze my benepali, so lost confidence in using it so now I just delay injection if traveling when it may be hot, I think if it's just usual UK weather and I can carry it with me outside of a fridge then I would do that as it least it won't freeze. Wondering how you found your box?

Deniseelk profile image

I purchased a travel bag ( carry’s 3 pens) from Molly mojo for around £25 with a gel pack to freeze. Don’t forget when the Benepali is out of the fridge it is fine to use for something like 2 weeks. Do not re-fridgerate. I carried a customs letter to travel with the Benepali ( from my provider Healthcare at Home), copy prescription from my Rheumatologist and gel pack letter from Mollymojo ( comes with the travel bag). Remember not to allow the Benepali to go through any scanners, the customers officer took it away to do a swipe on it. Keep it with your hand luggage as the hold will be too cold for the Benepali. I also travelled with a travel sized sharps bin ( provided by Healthcare at Home ( however another time I just carefully placed the used pens back into the elastic slot of the travel bag and disposed back at home). The bag is ideal as it keeps the Benepali in the dark ( as it should be stored) and is insulated so also protects from knocks. Hope that helps!

helixhelix profile image

As long as you can keep it under 25 degrees its fine for up to 4 weeks (well that's what it says on the benepali leaflet). So don't need massive refrigeration. For my enbrel I have a small coolbag that the chemist gave me that fits a gel block, and a tiny digital thermometer, and that seems fine. The used syringes I just put back in bag for return travel.

I was told that with both MTX and Enbrel they can go through scanners. My healthcare at home letter said they shouldn't, so I phoned the manufacturers to check who said it was totally fine.

Scottishlad profile image

As Benepali can safely used after 4 weeks below 25c Frio products are probably suitable. Unfortunately my Cimzia has to be kept 2-8c so it is not easy for me.

Anyone traveling with temperature sensitive medication should carefully read the storage instructions that comes with their medication. Sometimes you find it is not as bad as you think.

Benepalitraveler profile image
Benepalitraveler in reply to Scottishlad

Ok thanks!:-)

juliea793 profile image

I use the Frio product and have used it since 2013. It holds two ice packs.

The most important thing is getting the letter from supplier and has to have I believe a 6 month date on it. No charge from HAH. I put drug in hand luggage and travel sharps bin in case.

I travelled in September and was still advised not to go through scanners.

Benepalitraveler profile image
Benepalitraveler in reply to juliea793

Thank you!

mbw159 profile image

Hi IV used the little packs there on about and it was fine the one I had you put it in cold water it blowes up and stays cold enough to travel with but do ask health care at home for a letter it says what the benepali is for and what's in it

Benepalitraveler profile image
Benepalitraveler in reply to mbw159

Thank you! :-)

Mandalou profile image

Hello there,

Firstly enjoy your trip and depending how long you are going away for, then personally I would in the weeks leading up to your trip bring your injection day forward day by day until it sits on day of travel then inject just before you leave home.

I would then not bother with all the faff and inject the day I got home if my trip was two weeks or less.

Since being on Enbrel then Benepali for nearly three years I fly long haul as a job and this works for me.

At the beginning when I wasn’t so confident I did as everyone else suggested and bought the reccomended cool packs from H care @ home.

I used it twice to tropical destinations and realised it still wasn’t ideal for many reasons then after having to miss doses of Benepali due to operations and chest infections and realising a leg wouldnt drop off , I developed my way of coping.

Good luck with your travels and equally good luck with your condition. Glad to see you are out and about in the world!


Benepalitraveler profile image
Benepalitraveler in reply to Mandalou

Thank you!:-)

nomoreheels profile image

The Frio pack does work very well. Simple too, no freezing ice blocks, so convenient too as you just immerse the pack in cold water for about 15-20 mins & it keeps the contents at temp between 18-26° for a couple of days. It's it evaporating that keeps the contents cool. We bought my h's one that takes 4 pens off Amazon & used it travelling through France & Spain in July, worked brilliantly. They claim it copes with temps up to 37°.

Benepalitraveler profile image
Benepalitraveler in reply to nomoreheels

Thank you!

AndrewT profile image

Dear Benepalitraveler,,

I don't know about Benipali, or even, quite what it actually is- beyond a Medication. I was on EPO (Epoetin, to support my failing Kidneys, some years ago now. I have now had a Transplant), though I didn't have to travel abroad. For travel, in the UK, we had a 'Car Cool Box' along with a Cold Block- the sort that you Freeze solid. Clearly, these syringes, needed Storing, in various locations. I found that, so long as you explained the importance, 'Venues' were happy to help. I Strongly suspect that, Airport, Planes and 'Stop Over' points will be equally accommodating- provided enough time, and information is given in advance. Be VERY careful to have ALL letters, correspondence and So On, READILY available. Security, Customs and Airport Officials may make 'Checks', at any time....Be glad, that They do this, with the amount of 'Idiots' about. The 'Key' thing is, to provide, any and all, Information that you are asked for. Cross ALL the 'T's, dot EVERY 'I' and be Prepared to be ASKED questions.

I remember, about fifteen years ago now, going Away with a group, that included Wheelchair Users. Our group was 'Boarded', a good thirty minutes, before everyone else and, after we landed, again we were the last to leave. That said it was all Handled Perfectly, with Steward(ess) being both friendly, and attentive. The Staff, from our Organisation, took care of the more Personal Care- IE toileting- of the Wheelchair Users.

Notwithstanding, all the above, have a good- hopefully 'Hassle Free' holiday. Enjoy yourselves, you deserve it- have fun.


Benepalitraveler profile image
Benepalitraveler in reply to AndrewT

Thanks AndrewT!

noramayhew profile image

Get one of the cool packs. I got one on Amazon. BUT don't make the mistake I made when I went to Australia in February. I took a chance on the cool pack staying cool for the duration of the journey (23 hours approx.) and my biologic drug spoilt. By the time I came home (4 weeks later) I was in agony. Long story short - I suffered a prolonged flare-up for months and had to have my drug changed (I was on Enbrel). Make sure the airline staff can keep your drugs in a fridge for the duration of the journey. I didn't because I was worried I would forget them but just make sure you remember. Don't take the risk I did.

Benepalitraveler profile image

Thank You!

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