when i go for appointment i have thermal heat test gun and when arthritis FLARE COMES I POINT THE GUN AT JOINT and it shows different heat to rest of body daft or what do you think
would this work : when i go for appointment i have... - NRAS
would this work

Inflammed joints are hot to the touch - you don't need a heat gun.
Well peeps when going for ra. Appointment could give readings to consultant to see if it helps mite not be hot the day
what happens when at appointment and their not hot and inflamed swollen you got your diagnoses off your experts i haven't its dragging me to floor this week some relief just used potty idea left knee 32c r knee 28 not red maybe a bit swollen leave you mind open there are lots peeps like me suffering waiting for appointments being left when a simple idea could help them i am ok jack 6/8 pound ebay could rely help a person c jannys post and call it that daft then not bothered well same here
Where are you located Paluko?
I have had RD for 20 years & have never heard of that treatment . It is not recommended in the UK.
If I tried to give my Rheumatologist "heat readings" I think he might think I'd at last lost the plot !
Don't forget you got your diagnocese lots have not ME so any info mite be good. Salford home of the smallest in the world don't come iam ashamed as to what's been same as Manchester Piccadilly gardens we should bring public hanging back
Hi Paul
When I had mine diagnosed I had an ultrasound scan on all of my suspected areas, the joint that where inflamed showed up as red flame like. It was quite amazing to watch, although there were quite a few which wasn’t so good, but it did confirm my diagnosis. 🤗
hi janny i thought i had heard of something but was joint active on the day or did it just pick it up anyway
Hi Paul
It was active, but all the blood tests I had were unclear, I’m not sure if it hadn’t been active weather it would of showed up or not, because I was anaemic I had every test going 🤦♀️🤗
hi jan so if they had not used ultra scan they would have said you aint got and more suffering poxy fellings was the ultra sound given or did you ask
Hi Paul
I was in hospital, because I had severe anaemia and had lost two and half stone in five months, after all the tests I had which was colonoscopy, endoscopy, a pelvic scan with the dye , chest X-ray, endless blood tests including culture blood test, iron infusion, blood transfusion and B12 injections, then one afternoon the consultant came to my bed with the ultrasound scanner and done the test, I was glad my sister was visiting me as we both just watched it in amazement, wish I’d got her to take a video 🤗 ha ha ha but sad I know but never seen anything like it 🤣🤣
that must have been such a relief jan so my potty heat gun test/ exam might not be so potty good on you jan are you now on meds for it got heat here going to try both hands at 90f 33c
Wow Paul you must be in so much pain 😖are you on any meds ? I’m on methotrexate, steroids, co codamol & ibrufen but they still upping my methotrexate & steroids as not quite there yet 🤔 let me know how you get on Paul 🤗
ta jan thanks for interest paracetamol like jelly babies when pain starts nefopam tramadol but must stick up ibuprofen but shhhhhhh not supposed take them so omniprozel at the ready and down they go and it works so far no probs but i didnt say that did i hope docs not in here this week as been absolutely fab but i am not sure shoulder getting sore its put upable if it comes back but ten days last time chin on floor phoned charity place he brought zimmer comode (oh dear) should have seen wife's face also one those push alongs with seat cracking idea only phoned with hope of zimmer brought the warehouse with him sorry if i am boring everyone as they will have thier probs but looking back at that flare i should have had on SLIP ON STEP NUDGE WINK AND GOT THEM to take me for some kind of check up but i didnt i was grim anyways time to shut up and who have thanks a million but to the flat world wallas its still thanks a mill sos helex going for my look and smell at tea must keep gob closed byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
sos jan again but it wound me up short sighted know alls i am telling you laugh laugh better take me pills it s starting again due to exercise of standing up wow
Know all's?
no more very dissapoited could not except the "invention" your words i did not invent and peeps want to to look foolish i have enough of experts in my life i worked as a fitter and seen pepole "idolized" for what ever reason 3 incidents of them would have cost thousands 1 car oh sir you need a new engine =spark plugs 10 quid still got it 2 boiler man o sir the jets gummed the divert valve you be better of with new one boiler maker came sent for b/gas and he turned up gas magic just like the all glowy and nice steam out hot tap and last the quack who sent me home from A/E THEN BACK IN 12 HRS LATER SUSPECTED SEPSIS 14 on i/v still bad but wanted home sos to go onnnnnnnnnnnnnnn it was only an IDEA TO HELP when i had my app for rheumy the out come was nooooooooo you all clear you havent got it go home take para cetmol grin and bear it so tell me what 10 DAYS STUCK IN CHAIR EVERY MOVE EXCRUCATEING ASKING FOR HELP WITH ALL NEEDS GROWN MAN ALL BUT IN TEARS A BIT OF WET EYE that feeling four wall snd chair and a window never ever want again but lurking behind me readt to ponce most will have or know about it the wife looks at and stop moaning there is death in my if i could stand up o i wish she had best quick if i pick up sos folks again i will stick with my "daft invention" come rain or shine DID THAT LOT SPELLING NOT BAD BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
wel will see how many "LIKES" "REPLIES" THAT GETS hay paulnomatesuk60 still missing words take paracetamol cures all might as well told me to get a packet of jelly babies so guess the words answer are me says eyes myself plus more
It does sound as though you're in pain & that can have an effect on us but please be civil, we're only trying to help you. The forum is moderated.
how am i not BEING CIVIL i have no bones to pick you "SOUND AS THOUGH I AM IN PAIN" so my pain is different than all yours is that because the expert said so if and i dont know your circumstances your condition i would not like to upset ANYONE but i not being put down like a dog cause i rile or have different ideas than a few peeps "SOUND AS THOUGH I AM IN PAIN" i had to read that that again wow on tramadol nefopam ibuprofen shhh are they toffees to me as new foreigner no immigrant to here and said something HE OR IS SHE does not like the chopper is out doesn't matter what i say it "INFLAMMATORY" well all i can say i been on bigger and from my way post /chat programs where you could have a different view and not BE threatened with 'MODERATOR" SO THERE IT IS FOLKS THOUGHT OF THE DAY FROM DAFT PAULNOMATESUK60 OR PAULNOLIKESUK60 OR PAULNOREPLYUK60 will be still here after this who cares "NOT BOVVER-ED" BYE BYEEEEEEEEEEEE
If you have hot, red and swollen joints it would be better to take a photo of them as that is objective. Anyone can write down a list of readings so it doesn't really tell the doctor any more than you saying your joints were inflammed on that day and that day.
helix mine does not glow red just very hot to touch so it would not show
could b anybodies knee then why do they use ultra sound seems your ideas r good mine crap
Ultrasound is totally different. It's taking a picture of the interior of a joint in a similar way to x-rays but at a different level. It isn't a measure of heat, inflammation shows up due to the degree of fluid in the joint.
I think you'd be wasting your money. You could probably use one for your own records, as scale of inflammation, but I doubt a Rheumy would rely on it for diagnosing you. If you have any joints that are hot to the touch you'd be better taking a pic of said joint (even if there's no visible inflammation), note how long that joint was hot & leave it at that. If your Rheumy wants to he'll arrange an ultrasound which is ideal for detecting early RD & tracking joint erosion etc.
There is such a thing as a dermal thermometer used in clinical situations but they're generally used in diabetes control not Rheumatology. It is used as a heat scale, which is in effect what you're attempting to invent, but Rheumy's are trained in assessing hot joints by touch. There was a small pilot study to see if it would be useful in Rheumatology but it's never been taken up. So, in your words, I think it's daft, your Rheumy will be fine doing what he does day in day out to check heat in your joints. 😉
i cant see how you can fob it off re jans post just done knees and ones 28 other32 i also you have diagnoses well a lot and are suffering again read jans post sos just using post to prove to non believers
well i paid 7 pound on ebay for it tested it with oven thermometer read the same