Good morning all, had my 2nd Rheumy appt yesterday. Bloods all okay, no sign inflammation, yet left hand and foot over last month been painful and swollen. He explained smaller joints don't always show. So he's put me up to 20mg methotrexate and added in hydoxychloryquinne 200mg aswell. I also had general steroid. I'm leaving off the hydroxy till I'm back from marbella in 2 weeks time. Any advice on hydroxy, I know a friend who went on it and was very sick for about 2 weeks, then she's been fine on it since. Any tips, I know with metho lots of water, and the time of day seemed to work for me, and advice gratefully received, as always. Thanks. X
2nd Rhemy app: Good morning all, had my 2nd Rheumy appt... - NRAS
2nd Rhemy app

I found hydroxy easy to take at full dose with no nausea at all. I was sorry to have to come off it though, as it worked so well with mtx and put me in remission. I had to stop because it gave me migraines with visual disturbances. Hopefully that won't happen to you. Remember you need an eye check up before you start it and at least annually whilst on it. I used to go more often as I treasure my eyesight and wasn't taking any chances! However, as I say, I wasn't able to stay on it because of the migraines. I hope it suits you well, and good luck!
Thanks for that, how long were you on it before you had to stop? X
Approx 8 months. I rue the day I had to come off it, although mtx had made me feel so ill I eventually had to come off that as well, (after 18 months of suffering!) and I don't think hydroxy on it own would have been enough to keep me in remission, so got changed to another DMARD.
Thank you, I do hope your present Dmard is working. X
Hi why do u have to check ur eyes on it? Thank u
I think it's because it can cause damage or changes to the retina in some people, so the rheumies tell you to have an eye check when you start hydroxy so that they have a baseline to work from and then if any subsequent eye tests, which as I say must be done at least annually, show any changes, they can stop the treatment.
Hiya millysmum I have had RA for 9 years and it's severe I was put on quin's and stopped them after 4 days they made me feel so unwell I'm on a new drug that needs funding but it's incredible it's called olumiant(baricitinib) 4 mg it's about £850 for 28 tablets so over the year it's close to £11,000 so your consultant should be able to help you but it all depends on your bloods and level of the disease but it's worth a shot as although I understand drugs work different on other people it could work for you
I take mtx and hydroxychloroquine and can say that the hydroxychloroquine didn’t cause me any problems. Good luck
Thank you, that's great, feeling much better about it now. Just going to be cautious and wait til home from Spain, then it's all systems go! So pleased it's working for you x