I was at my GP today,he looked back all drugs im on for lupus and it seems this itch started not long after taking hydroxychloroquine!!,had strong antihistimine with sedative,all different creams,got sleeping tabs as i had it can last for hours,exhausted with it,even lost time off work with it,feel im cracking up when it starts,like someone demented,it starts on legs and i run cold water on them,then re hot water thar seems to be better🤔,it unreal how hot i can stand water on them when itch at its worst,im going to come off them,cant stand it.
Itch and hydroxychloroquine.: I was at my GP today,he... - NRAS
Itch and hydroxychloroquine.

Hi Jeff
I too suffer from exactly the same side effect to Hydroxychloroquine.
Every thing you describe is what happens to me.
A particularly bad attack is totally disabling and only running your limbs under cold water or laying icy cold towels can give relief.
When this first started happening to me ( Ive now been on them three years) I made an emergency appointment with my Rheumy nurse who saw me at the hospital the same day I left a hysterical message on the helpline.
Anyway the outcome for me is that I am now prescribed Certrazine Hydrochloride ( antihistamine) at five times the over counter dose daily.
I.e. 50mg 5 tablets rather than 10mg 1 tablet.
This does not mean I take this much as I have fine tuned it through experience.
With my Hydroxychloroquine tablet in the morning I take one Certrazine and with my Hydroxy tablet in the evening I take 1 Certrazine and taking them at the same time controls my itch completely.
On the rare occasion I get that aura and can feel it brewing I pop a couple in. They are non drowsy and I get them on prescription.
Because I can't take Methotrexate because of my liver Hydroxychloroquine is vital as an addition to my Benepali injections and the health professionals say the benefit of it outweighs the itching side effect.
Honestly Jeff, I was every bit as bad as the awful experience you describe and now it's completely under control.
I always keep a foil of Certrazine in pretty much every one of my handbags/shopping bags and purse and the car so If I feel an episode coming on I pop a couple and it keeps a lid on it but as I said above taking it alongside the Hydroxy morning and evening is 9 times out of ten totally adequate.
Best of luck to you and please don't despair!
Oh thanks for that,i have benefitted a lot with hydroxy,stopping it i could go back to being re tired,also take azathioprine,my gp has emailed reumy,maybe i ask about tabs you on,but yeh i know when itch brewing in,its bloody awful,i thought it maybe menopause?,but wen gp looked back at notes,its been no long after starting hydroxy.
Certrazine is the proper name for Benadryl its a very basic antihistamine.
Speak to your GP, mine said it was impossible to overdose on them and it's really worked for me.
Like you say it's a shame to stop a drug that helps your condition. Defo not the menopause though.
Really sympathise with you at every level. Best wishes.
I had to stop it as the itch then continued into large septic blisters. However do check with your doc.
Have you the same problem with other makes of the tablets?
I had a skin problem with Quinoric make.
Had awful itch today again,stopped planequil for a week but been re unbearably tired,in and out shower,running it hot as i can stand it on my legs,its hellish,re getting me down,couldnt go to work cause of itch,im like someone demented with it,i was award pip,standard rate,im not same person i was,was going to apply for higher rate,im not copeing with this,i had to reduce hrs cause of health,has anyone else applied for higher rate half way through been awarded it,feel im going to need to drop more hours🙄,x