New here and want to share my history with you. On Dec 2015 went to primary doctor due to sore throat and while there told him “oh by the way, my index finger is swollen and really hurts.” Sent me to a rheumatologist who thought I had psoriatic arthritis ( I have2 brothers with that) and started me on prednisone. my one finger became my hand, then hands, then wrists, shoulders, neck and jaw joined the party. Due to my rapid increase in pain, swelling and blood work being off the chart (positive RF, positive ANA, and high inflammation markers), I was started on methotrexate and enbrel. Enbrel gave me a tooth abscess that required emergency surgery. Next we tried Remicade. That gave me drug induced Lupus. Next I was put on Actemra. Bingo! Relief! Only it dramatically lowered my white count. But it really really worked , I was put on Nuprogen injections to bring up the white count....except, the Nuprogen caused a 3 day flare. I lived like that for a while. 4 good days and 3 days immobile for a while... until I couldn’t bring myself to go to the hematologist for that injection. Currently I am on methotrexate injections and tapering the medrol
I’d like to introduce myself: New here and want to... - NRAS
I’d like to introduce myself

Hello and welcome
Sounds like you've had a rotten time. Really sorry. Anyway. Lots of folks here to interact with...all with similar issues.
Take care.
Hiya Sara, welcome. Well, you have been through the the mill, I'm so sorry. It sounds as though you have a good team around you though so hopefully whatever you consider next will help, without the unwanted side effects. Meantime, I hope the MTX will hold you in control, you'll need it tapering your steroids.
If we can help in any way don't hesitate to ask, or if you just want to share something even just have a rant we're here. We're a mixed bunch from all over the world so someone will relate to you but just so you know some med names, treatments & tests may be differ from yours, for example we don't normally qualify for biologics until we've tried 2 DMARDs. It's different guidelines & funding, depending on where you are. We do share a common disease, or group of autoimmune diseases so know just how it is. So, I hope you enjoy being here. 😊
Wow darling the things you have had to go through to get some relief. Hugs.xxxx
Hi Sara and welcome to this exclusive RA club - no subscription required but you have to have a wretched time to qualify 😘 But seriously, it’s not all dreadful when you settle on the right drug regime and adapt to the reality of a changed life. I hope this happens rapidly for you, you’ve had a rough ride so far.
Hi Sara and welcome. I'm so sorry to hear that you've had such a rotten time but, once the right combination of meds are found, you will be well on your way back to a better and less painful life. Wishing you well