Hello haven't written on here before. Was diagnosed with RA last August and im on methotrexate injection and hydroxychloroquine.The consultant hesitated at putting me on methotrexate as my liver function tests fluctuated.Eventually agreed to try it. Been ok with very little side effects but had a fibro scan and was told my liver was a little stiff and now they want to do liver biopsy. Im worried sick as if the methotrexate doesn't agree with my liver why don't I get offered another drug as still in a lot of pain most days. Anyone else had to have a liver biopsy?
Liver Biopsy: Hello haven't written on here before. Was... - NRAS
Liver Biopsy

Yes I had a liver biopsy, doesn’t hurt, have to lie on your left side, they put in local anaesthetic and then do biopsy, takkes about 15 mins I would say, then you have to lie flat for a couple of hours, don’t worry too much about it, I was ok and doing normal stuff the following day x
Hi i have been on MTX for 4 years and recently i had my blood monitored and it appears my blood markers have gone up to 98 which is very high so was taken off MTX for a while to see if the markers came down at all which they did a little, the consultant strongly suggests it could be the MTX so although i havent had a liver biopsy i attended an ultrasound scan last week but heard nothing back yet im not on any meds at the moment i had a strong steroid injection so hopefully that will get me through until i am back on meds.
Hope the biopsy comes back ok and you get sorted with meds.
I had a liver biopsy way before my RA was diagnosed. Since 2004, my enzymes were almost always a little elevated and it drove my GP nuts so he asked for a biopsy, which showed nothing. When I started having ankle and knee pain and was sent to a rheumatologist and diagnosed, it drove him nuts too. Then one day the Rheumy decided to change my medication from sulfasalazine to azathioprine. My numbers dropped. He added 5mg prednisone and they were normal. That’s when he knew that my autoimmune problem was responsible for the elevated enzymes. He never tried Methatrexate with me because of the liver problem and my current doctor won’t either. Any time my azathioprine is stopped, my numbers go up.
Please let up know what your results are. I hope the best for you.
I had liver tumours in my 20’s due to the contraceptive pill. Following biopsies, angiograms and many other liver procedures, I then had a partial hepatectomy. Major surgery with two lobes removed. Recently I had been taking methotrexate but it was not completely helping, so my rheumatologist suggest Leflunomide. I was concerned about that drug and so made an appointment to see my liver consultant - Professor Roger Williams in Harley Street. He is said to be the best liver consultant in Europe and he certainly saved my life back in 1994. He suggested that Leflunomide might be ok to take with very careful monitoring but said Methotrexate most definitely causes liver problems and I should not have had it and should not take it ever again. I would suggest if anyone has concerns they go and see him, it’s exoensive but could make all the difference.
I can't emphasise enough how important it is to see Prof Roger Williams if you have any liver concerns. He's the only Dr I trust and I've seen many over the years. He treated Georgie Best (the footballer), with a liver transplant, even waived all costs after Best was declared bankrupt. He's a very good man and exceptional Dr. I've attached a link about to his clinic in Harley Street. We can't live without our livers, but they can regenerate, as mine has. Prof Williams, is like an old friend now, with emphasis on the 'old' as he's in his 80's and still practicing, so don't leave it too late.
Thanks again for reply I was told I probably had non alcoholic fatty liver but want to do liver biopsy as when they did fibro scan said my liver seemed a bit stiff which would indicate scarring.
That doesn’t sound good Karen. Until they have done clinical tests they will have no idea what your diagnosis is. The NHS is slow with these things. But going private is expensive, unless you have health insurance, if you do, go see Roger Williams. I wouldn’t even be writing this now had I not.