Hi all!
Just putting this all in one place as I've seen the question of how to alleviate the pain of injecting, Enbrel, Benepali, ect so many times here.
Starting with the best tip 1st...
1) Inject straight after a shower or bath. I have had some pain if I miss this step, but all the steps done together have given me 100% no pain success every single time for 4 years!
2) I leave my pen out of the fridge for a minimum of 45 minutes prior to injecting. When you think about it, we know the pen can be left out of the fridge for 2 consecutive weeks if needs be, and still be good to use. That's the official line, so don't get hung up on 30 minutes vs an hour for example.
3) Tummy is the best spot! An inch diagonally down from the belly button. Alternating sides each week.
4) Stretching the skin not pinching. Stretch whilst injecting. Once it's dispensed I give it a few seconds and pull back pen and let go stretching.
The extra things I do is swab with the anti bac wipes provided prior to injecting. And cover with a plaster/band-aid.
I feel all the steps are important, but injecting when your skin is softer after a shower seems to make the difference of no pain vs some pain.
Please let me know under here if you try it, and how it goes for you.