Currently taking cimzia for RA. Has anyone had this work for them long-term without bad side effects?
Cimzia?: Currently taking cimzia for RA. Has anyone had... - NRAS

Till someone comes along, Jurkey1, here’s some folks’ experience with Cimzia (from NRAS forum Search 🔎 ):
There may be some "without bad side effects" in the lot.
From NRAS website:
• Sara Warren’s positive Cimzia experience:
• "Cimzia” Search 🔎 results:
Wishing you well, Jurkey1. 😌 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞
Merely an ‘Aside’, these folks (I’m familiar with) have had ‘mixed-bag’ experiences with Cimzia:
• Lor (Canada 🇨🇦 ):
• Somerset King (UK 🇬🇧 ):
Hi Jurkey. I used Cimzia with great success for 5 years, then a year whilst it became less effective. I was on MTX with it at varying doses, then MTX and Hydroxychloroquin. I was happy with it and had no bad side effects until it stopped working for me. Hope it works for you.
Hello Jurkey, CIMZIA is the one drug that helped me get back control of my life over RA. I have been on it for six years now without any side effects whatsoever. I hope it will work as well for you as it does for me. All the very best.
Cimzia works well for me. In my case I find it works best for me if I inject in the belly as I cycle a bit and there is little subcutaneous fat on my thighs. I had slight reactions at the injection site if I used the thigh. I get a little blanching around the injection point, but no other problems.
Hi I would be interested as I been on cimzia for 5 months. No side effects although have put on a stone in weight. I've not noticed any improvement to my RA at all. I also take sulphasalzine with no side effects. Plus a mild anti depressant for nerve pain.
Get a bit concerned at times as I have just the one kidney, I go for monthly blood tests so doctors can keep an eye on me
I have been on Cimzia for about 5 months as well. So far, it has helped. Few sideaffects....feel better than I have in a really long time.
I've been on Cimzia for 18 months with no side effects except I can move again and have no pain. No clue how long it will be effective but I am grateful every single day I am pain free and can move again. I am also on 10 mg Leflunomide daily.