Maybe my thinkings a bit skewed- not sure.
I have a very aggressive RD and AS which fir 3 years has proven difficult to get under control. This has led to a significant amount of surgery, consistent flares and consequently, time off work.
I Recently suffered quite a significant flare and had been signed off Work for a month, despite my feeling I wanted to return.
Given the guilt I feel and the knock this young and driving had on my confidence, I advised my manager on the 11 Feb that following my return to work, I was going to reduce my hours, to which she agreed happily too.
However, she then that day informed HR that I had gone from 36.5 hours to 24 and that’s how they’ve paid me this month ( as opposed to full time sick pay).
Surely this is not right as not only did I state clearly that I wished to reduce my hours on my return to work but that I had been signed off sick on my contractual full time contract ( pay should’ve reflected this). I feel this should not have been done in these circumstances- my hours not reduced until I physically came back to work ?
Hope this makes sense?!
Am I wrong about this??