I have a progressive neurological condition , which affects various parts of my body at different times, I am also registered blind. i have been on dla for about 15 years , I was told not to get in touch with them i will hear from them. I worry as so many people have heard and i havent heard anything. not that I complaining i dont like changing things, and stress makes me worse. is there a deadline when the process is suppose to end or are some people with indenfinate claims not have to go through it all.
dla to pip: I have a progressive neurological condition... - NRAS
dla to pip

try not to worry, they Will contact you eventually, by middle of next year at the latest as that is when DLA is ending.
there are various sites and help available to help you complete the form when it comes
benefitsandwork.co.uk and your local CAB office are both very good for example
It's a random process, no way of knowing when you'll be asked to apply for PIP. I was on DLA max award indefinitely but was invited to transfer to PIP last year. Although I had to go through the process and a F2F assessment, I am still on max award and, "for the longer term" which when I asked what does that mean, was told by DWP "indefinitely", so exactly the same.
Every adult receiving DLA will eventually be moving over to PIP. Like you, I was anxious because I didn’t know when it was coming. As it turns out, the process was relatively smooth and I was treated with a lot of dignity and kindness. I know you hear the horror stories but plenty of people do get PIP. I write social care reports for PIP as part of my job and I’ve known plenty of people to be awarded it without fighting. I know it’s easy for me to say “don’t panic!” but it’s nothing you have control over right now. If it makes you feel better, it’s useful to start reading the PIP guidance online as it saves time when you do get the form. This helped me a lot.
Hiya, yes as the others have said, try not to worry, they won't forget about you, I think it depends on where you live as to when they change you over. I can tell you what NOT to do! I already had dla for depression etc, then when I got inflammatory arthritis in 2013, I began to worry about when/if/how to tell the dla people that I had a new condition - real physical problems. When I hadn't heard from them about my changeover date to pip, by 2015 the guilt/fear that I wasn't being honest about my new illness, got too much for me, so I phoned the DWP for "advice", and as far as I can remember, was told that I should make a claim for pip right there and then, over the phone. Well start my application anyway, with no chance to back out! Some of the good folk on here know the saga which then lasted about 18 months...... Anyway, I think I made it worse for myself by jumping the gun, maybe I should just have waited till THEY told me, "right, we're changing you to pip now.". Don't know, it was hard to get the right advice at the time, becos of me living alone, and far from nearest citizens advice office. So, to sum up, just sit tight would be my advice, and, be sure to get help from CAB if you feel you need it.
All the best, Sheena