DLA to PIP: To all those who replied to my post regards... - NRAS


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24 Replies

To all those who replied to my post regards DLA a little update.

I got the phone number online and gave them a call, I was told that they weren't taking anymore applications for DLA as it was being replaced by PIP.

I was asked at that point did I want to apply for PIP, to which I replied yes.

I then had a 20 min phone call with a lot of questions,which you`d expect I suppose.

Once the interview ended I was told I would get a form in the post, they couldn't say how long it would be before it arrived.

Has anyone else had to apply for PIP recently who could throw some light on what happens next?

Regards Tom

24 Replies
Philip profile image

Looking at the way things are at the moment it could be six months or more, the company who carry out the medicals ATOS who don't give ATOS are in all sorts of trouble, they have ceased doing work assessments for the cya and people have been left in the lurch unfortunately so please don't hold your breathe so to speak .

There are a few good websites around that might give you good advice and maybe answer some of your questions, I'm very sure you'll get told what they are by the good folk on hear and as I'm having serious memory probs I'll leave it to them.

I hope you manage to get your answers soon.


in reply to Philip

Hi Philip

Thanks for your reply, Yes it does seem I`ll have wait for a response from them. I think I`ll go to the CAB and see what they can do for me?


francherry profile image

Hi Tom,

I applied for PIP before Christmas and called the DWP and ATOS about it on Friday as I was getting fed up with waiting- apparently it can take up to 21 weeks before you get an appointment for an assessment interview! I asked if there was anything I could do to speed up the process but they said there wasn't. I now wish I'd applied for it much earlier but not sure if that would have made a difference. Would be interested to hear other people's experiences and how soon others got called to the medical assessment after applying for PIP.

All the best,


in reply to francherry

I wish I had the knowledge I`ve gained from this site last year when I first applied for DLA. I now know I was turned down because I just didn't give them enough info on the form. thank you for your reply Fran I do hope you hear something soon.

I will update my process as and when applicable.

Regards Tom

flutterbyski profile image

hi Folks, I applied 14October 2014 and finally had my assessment appointment on Monday, the 31st March - 24 weeks total. This seems to be the length of time they are taking - it is of course unacceptable but I don't think there is anything we can do about it..... I did call on various occasions to enquire as to the progress of my claim and continually got the response 'you are on the waiting list for an appointment for an assessment' which I thought was a slightly odd way of phrasing it. On the 12th March I phoned following an appointment with the rheumatologist to be told I had an appointment booked.

I dithered about applying for a year before I finally bit the bullet, I wish I had done it so much sooner than I did!

I went to the CAB to have them help me fill out the form but unfortunately I was the first PIP applicant they had seen so they couldn't be terribly helpful.

I wish you all the best for your application


in reply to flutterbyski


I see you have been for a medical assessment for PIP, could you enlighten me on what to expect?

I have my assessment on 21st may which was a surprise as I only applied in April.

Regards Tom

flutterbyski profile image
flutterbyski in reply to

Hi Tom, the lady I saw 'seemed' to understand RA and so I thought the interview went very well. Unfortunately it seems she doesn't understand RA and has made strange assumptions. In the interview we talked about medications and what I actually manage at home and out and about. I would make sure you explain the fatigue that comes with RA and not assume your interviewer knows this. Mine saw me struggle on crutches for 8 metres and extrapolated this to say I can manage up to 50metres, my husband had helped me bath & washed and brushed my hair - she claimed I was 'well kept' and therefore did not need assistance, despite me telling her my husband had done these things. She asked me to 'pinch', just once, and concluded therefore that I could easily manage to chop vegetables. So, I would ensure you make it clear whether actions become increasingly difficult upon repetition.

I hope this helps, feel free to ask more.


in reply to flutterbyski

Hi Ema,

Thanks for replying, can I ask if you were awarded PIP?

Did you take any supporting letters from GP or Rheumy, I`m a little nervous about the assessment and want to make sure I do and say the right things.

I think its wrong they have to assess us, why isn't reports from GP and rheumy enough?

Its like they don't believe we have this horrible disease which sometimes don't show itself.

Thanks for your info.

Regards Tom

flutterbyski profile image
flutterbyski in reply to

I haven't yet received my award notice, I asked for a copy of the assessor a report and have spoken to the DWP about it as she has in fact contradicted herself within it, and confused left from right.

in reply to flutterbyski

Sorry to hear that, they sure don't make things easy,i hope you get sorted soon.


hatshepsut profile image

So pleased you have done the deed! C A B may be able to help, but don't forget the NRAS booklet on applying for PIP. You can ring the helpline and/or look online nras.org.uk.

Don't forget that if you are granted an award, it will be backdated to the date that you applied, so at least you won't miss out!

Good luck! M x

2plus2 profile image


I applied for PIP 9th September by phone, filled in the form with the help of the NRAS book. ATOS interview January 15th. Award notice March 27th. At least the payment was backdated from the first call. Payment awarded till 2017. So about 6 months. Good luck x

in reply to 2plus2


Can I ask you what I can expect at the atos interview?

Regards Tom

2plus2 profile image

I was asked about what I had written on the form, so re read it all before you go for the medical, we talked about how I could do specific things, preparing food, taking nutrition,managing therapy or monitoring health conditions, washing and bathing, managing toilet needs, dressing and undressing, communicating verbally, reading and understanding signs, symbols and words, engaging face to face with people and making budgeting decisions. This is for the daily living component.

She watched me walk, get in and out of the chair, examined my joints a bit like a hospital appointment. She was very nice and made me think a lot more about what I can't do as I tend to just struggle on and cope and think I'm ok.

I didn't get the mobility part as I can move more than 50 meters but no more than 200 metres, which scored 4 points and you need 8 to get it.

Hope that helps, let me know if you need any other details x

in reply to 2plus2

Hi 2plus2, my examination sounded much like yours but I didn't have much swelling on the day... Typical!! Did you have much "visible" evidence to show them on the day? It just makes me wonder how they make their decision because as we know RA can be and is very invisible.

2plus2 profile image
2plus2 in reply to

No unfortunately I have very little swelling, which I always feel frustrated by as I can't physically show how painful my joints are.

mille profile image

Does everyone get an interview when their DLA expires before going onto PIP?

in reply to mille

I`m not 100% sure but I think you have to re-apply for PIP when your DLA award ends?

mille profile image

Thanks Tom, Yes, you have to re-apply but not sure if everyone gets a medical. Good luck with yours, I hope you get it and it will be backdated if you do x

Thank you too!

Hi Flanners

We have a publication which you can download from our website on "How to Claim Personal Independence Payment" which explains what happens. I have put the link to it below:


Hope this helps and good luck,


(Helpline NRAS)

in reply to

Hi Beverley

Thank you, I mailed Gill and she is going to send me a booklet.

Thanks anyway.


in reply to

Ok, great. Hope it doesn't take too long to sort out!


(NRAS Helpline)

youngnanny profile image

Hi Tom yes everyone who is on DLA is going to be asked to apply for the PIP by the end of 2018 no one will be on DLA. Problem is this PIP isn't as easy to get unlike the DLA which you got and kept it for a long time. Depending on what you put in the form in the post depends on weather you get the PIP as outcome to the answers on the form or they still send to see you. For instance on applying for DLA years ago you would be considered bad enough if you couldn't walk anymore than 20 yards without severe pain, ive heard under the PIP they have reduced this to 10 yards.

Our grand daughter who has multiple sclerosis, who is trying to do the right thing and struggle to work still has twice been refused PIP. Hope you have good success with your claim



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