At work top of right hand started turning red & I could barely open & close it. My left arm I could barely lift without pain. I text my doctor pics & she said I was flaring. I just saw her the day before & had blood work done my sedimentation rate was 53 as compared to August when it was 22 so she knew I was flaring from that also. She increased my dosage of prednisone from 2.5mg to 10mg for three days then 5mg for three days then 2.5mg. I was supposed to come off the prednisone next week but that’s not happening yet. I’m feeling a lot better today but right hand is still swollen & a little pain. Is prednisone the go to when you have a flare? How long do the flares last?
Flaring: At work top of right hand started turning red... - NRAS

Depends what other meds you are on and how active your RA is. If your ESR is still over 20 then I guess you've not got the disease fully under control yet.
I hate oral prednisalone, and use strong anti-inflammatoires instead. My flares usually don't last long, but my disease is pretty well controlled.
I have IM steroids. My flares usually last a long time. The steroid helps a bit. However, my PsA is not well controlled as yet. Current meds not working, so grateful for the shots!
My consultant gives prednisone courses to calm flares when other NSAIDs don't work and when changing DMARDs . Varies dosage according to severity/longlevity of flare until it is dampened completely and then tapers gradually. Flares do vary in length, but if continuous can show need for a change of DMARD. I'm not keen on steroids, but prefer them to the flare!
After much trial and error, I now have a rescue pack of prednisolone. I take ten mgs for a week, then stop. I have had this for a year now and it seems to be working quite well. The only problem is deciding when to start. Sometimes it's all too obvious when I have a definite acute flare but other times it's lower grade and I just put up with it then.
I have palindromic rheumatism along with RA .To me that looks like pal.
I need to take 15mg Pred when I flare. After 48hrs the flare begins to subside dramatically. I have tried 10mg in the past but it does not knock it on the head. Hence I need to hit it hard with 15mg and then I come down quick sharp.
Is that you hand before or after prednisone?

I was on 2.5mg of prednisone but I took the 10mg that night the redness went away & pain subsided some the next day. Today I am feeling a lot better.
I was just wondering what it takes to get rid of that redness. I have twenty mg pills for a bad flare. I don't think I am having a BAD flare, but may be going into one. I don't know. If I take the Prednisone, I will want to eat and I cannot do that because I just had my last top five teeth pulled on Monday, and dentures put in. I have lost all my top teeth since I have had RA. My GP firmly believes the RA caused it. I have so much to do and no energy to get it done. RA is stealing everything from me.

Have you ever tried some soup or maybe a smoothie made with vegetables & fruit