Hi everyone, Does anyone have problems with hearing loss. I'm finding it harder to hear people and understand what they are saying, I've been back at work for 8 weeks and a patient came in for her prescription, I couldn't hear her properly and I asked her name about 3 times. I just couldn't get it. Well she had a right go at me and made me cry. I felt so embarrassed. She called me some really nasty names and cripple and idiot was some of them. I felt ashamed I had to tell my colleges that I couldn't hear her. Its knocked my confidence for 6. I'm sat here crying as I write this. Has anyone else had problems like this and if so what can I do about it.
Hearing loss: Hi everyone, Does anyone have problems... - NRAS
Hearing loss

What medicine are you taking? Some of them have side effects that make you hearing wonky!
I can't believe she cussed you out! How rude!!! Next time she comes in refuse to serve her! Illness is no excuse for her bad behavior!
The main drugs 'm taking are, Arcoxia 200mg, Hydroxy 200mg. Methotrexate 25mg per week, and co-codamol . I seem to 've getting worse since I started taking the hydroxy.
One of the major side effects that you need to report asap is hearing problems!!!! Call your rheumy or gp! I came off Hydroxycloroquine because it felt like I w was hearing everything through a tin can!!!
Wow exactly how I feel. Thank you so much . I thought I was going crazy. It's bad enough trying to get through the day . My hands don't work too well at the moment. And with my hearing getting worse. It knocks confidence.
Yes, I've had hearing loss for most of my life (since I was a very young child). My mother ended up up saying to people, "She's deaf, not daft" more times than I care to remember.
Other people can be completely asinine about deafness and gobsmackingly unhelpful, rude, and insensitive.
That said - medication, infection, age etc. can all affect hearing so if it's causing you problems, do report it to your GP as it might be straightforward fix. If today has been your only problematic incident, it might be a one-off but do monitor it as deafness can lead to eventual cognitive decline, loneliness, and a mass of other undesirables.
I know what you mean. I dread answering the phone and have stopped going out to social evenings with my girlfriends from work. Also the cinema is out now. Thank you so much for the advice.
OK, if it's phone, and you're having trouble following voices against background chatter or noise, then you definitely need a chat with your GP.
I'm not at all being flippant when I say that deafness is known to be a major contributor to a mass of other issues for all that it's invisible and the butt of 'comedy' scenarios.
I hope this can be resolved for you by an adjustment to medication. I avoid NSAIDs as much as practical because it worsens the tinnitus for me (I've been known to confuse it for a car alarm) and I have to be very careful about the vitamin D supplementation that the GP prescribed because it can have the same effect for me.
Not actual hearing problems, but I often miss what people are saying or completely fail to notice they are speaking (I have ADD). I feel your pain. Sometimes I'll be really trying to pay attention and I'll still miss what my bf says like 3 times in a row. It clearly annoys him, but it's not my fault so we just have to live and laugh with it.
Talk to your doc to make sure it isn't medication or anything and don't let it get you down. It's not your fault and you're completely rocking it by going to work and facing the issues you do every day. You are amazing and nothing is going to stop that.
Really sucks that your patient was so rude about it, but they were probably pretty stressed with whatever issue they had and I'm sure we've all make awful mistakes when stressed out. I'm willing to bet she feels pretty bad about that now. It was either a terrible lapse of control fueled by stress or she's a B word. Either way it's nothing for you to feel bad or worry about cos it's not your fault.
Good luck and stay awesome
Thank you for your encouraging words. X
I had to come off Hydroxy after 2-3 months because of increasing tinnitus - I don't know if it affected hearing as such but I couldn't hear what people were saying because of it.
it reduced when I stopped the hydroxy, but is still there and gets worse when there's lots of noise and chatter so I can't make out individual voices.
Stop the hydroxy! - they warn you about vision, but not so much about hearing
Hearing loss & tinnitus are both known side effects of hydroxychloroquine, as you'll see from the PIL tinnitus is an uncommon one & the frequency is unknown for hearing loss, both I think are cause to report. medicines.org.uk/emc/medici...
I know exactly how you feel. I suddenly went deaf in one ear over a month ago. I'm seeing an ENT specialist who has no idea what caused it, but put me on a short-term dose of steroids, which does appear to have helped although I'm sure I now have tinnitus. I've had 3 rounds of Rituximab and am due the next one in November, having just read this post I checked on the possible side-effects and found that Rituximab can cause hearing loss/problems, yet when I saw my Rheumy after I lost my hearing she thought it was probably a viral infection. I've also been feeling really unwell for over a month now (lots of different problems all at once), thinking I may have flu or a problem with my oesteoarthritis, or possibly now have lupus.
Have had the same problem but it was dismissed by Rheum as associated with meds. Been 18 months now of echo and hearing loss in 1 ear. Will share this info at my Rheum app next week