Hi there.
I wondered if anyone had experienced a loss of hearing, potentially due to their RA.
I developed RA a year ago, and am currently on MTX and prednisolone after Sulfasalazine didn't help.
Six months ago I lost hearing in one ear, literally over a couple of days, and developed tinnitus. My hearing came and went for a couple of days and then didn't come back. The loss and tinnitus is now permanent.
I saw an ENT consultant who believes my RA was the most likely cause. I had a steroid injection through the ear drum but it didn't help. The consultant rheumatologist was very sceptical of a connection between my RA and hearing loss.
Since then I've had numerous audiology tests and now have a single hearing aid. The ENT consultant is still of the opinion the RA was the most likely cause given my age, that it's only one ear and the loss of hearing was so sudden.
As if developing RA wasn't enough to cope with. I'm finding the hearing loss and associated tinnitus very hard to deal with, although the hearing aid does help.
I wondered if anyone else had experienced anything similar or had any information about it. My own research has been inconclusive regarding hearing and RA.