Hi all
I just wanted some advice of you lovely people... my Partner has RA and was started on meth tablets 2 years ago but they sent him into a horrible angry depression so his meds’ were changed. Over 2 years we have tried different meds that don’t seem to be doing much so RA nurse convinced us to try meth injections low dose 10mg, since he has been on these injections his moods have been going down hill and his pain has been getting worse. Today he went to the loo as usual but this time he said there was an awful lot of blood from his back passage... so I wanted to know if anyone else has had this, he had a little bleeding on meth tablets and went to be checked out and was told everything was ok, but my worry is long term damage cause surely if ur bleeding from ur back passage this is not indeed normal... I am at the end of my tether now because it just seems a constant battle with doctors and the hospital who seem to think he is in remission even tho his bloods don’t say that and he has inflammation in ankle, knee and wrist... I just don’t know what to do now for the best...