Hi everyone, I have rd, unstable angina, emphasemia ( sorry about the spelling ) where I get out of breath very easily, why is it that when I meet people many that know me very well they say " my you do look well " . It makes me so upset and angry. What do others do when this happens, as I sure it must do. X
"" my you do look well "" !!!!!!!!!: Hi everyone, I... - NRAS
"" my you do look well "" !!!!!!!!!

I get that all the time
I just say Isn't the treatment wonderful! It makes me look good when I'm not?
So annoying!
My response, "Thanks, but you can't hear screaming on the inside"
They don't know what to say then.
I usually say I don't feel it inside. Then they look bewildered
I would take the compliment! Maybe you do look Well! Maybe they are glad to see you out and about. I prefer that to aw you look awful!!
I smile even if it's fake , they can't see the inside damage so they can't say you ok great but your lungs look awful.
Don't be sad . Xxx
I hate it when co workers come up to me and say "you're doing your job well. How come you're not working fulltime? You looked cured."

Suzzanedale that's very different to you look well.... that's verging on harassment and I would be having a little word with them ! And then the manager if it didn't stop
And what the heck does "cured" look like on other than a ham???
Well I have gained weight....lol
Ha ha ha - Silly Girl!

Yes people say that to me all the time. Sometimes when I'm feeling really awful and in pain I think it's amazing it doesn't actually show in my face. I must a good actress. Anyway I smile and say thanks, and think thank the lord I obviously don't look as bad as I feel!
I must look like a real dog because I can't recall ever having that said to me. The people who know me must be a genuine bunch.
πππi doubt it ... xx
That is so nice to hear wishbone!!! Your friends are a genuine bunch!!
This is a tad off on a tangent, but someone I (was) friendly with asked me could he catch MS & should he go to the Dr to be checked out. I simply said yes (I know I'm a bitch) the look on his face was priceless. What I wouldn't have give to be the perplexed Dr he seen. Needless to say, idiot is no longer in my circle of friends, up against people like this, tactless, ignorant, self centered, I could go on, we've got no chance really have we? IMO, they can justify themselves by distracting away from the issue, if they say you look well, they don't have to talk/ask about you, in other words, they are not interested.
I get complimented on a regular basis, so I think I should win an Oscar Award π for best actress 2017, (or at the least be nominated). My usual line is, 'thank you darling, I never go anywhere without my lipstick.' I might as well humour them. There's no point in trying to explain what I really feel in and outside. It would take too long and 'quite frankly my dears I don't think they give a damn.' π
Thankyou everyone for all your answers. I has cheated me up no end at some of your comments, you never know I may use some of them. X
Thought id let you know , i met a friend the other day and first thing she said was "I don't need to ask how you are , you look terrible " it really knocked me for six as I thought I didn't look so bad that day LOL π
I get that from my husband's best friend's partner. Unless I have a full face of make up on she insists I'm ill. I say if she persists with how unwell I look .. I was feeling fine, thank you. It usually makes her shut up .. For five minutes! She has fibromyalgia so you'd think she'd be more sensible on bugging me! She also thinks I don't have osteo and that RA is just feeling a bit tired and achy! That's all. I don't try tell her. Not worth it.
Ha ha , i will be turning in the other direction if i see her again