Finally scan come back for left shoulder. ..anyone else had a rotary tear cuff? ??...due back to rhumatolgy tomorrow as gp has refered me earlier than October...need something done or more pain killers maybe morphine patches...I'm told not to use my left arm much or left shoulder by gp ??...I work part time in a post office don't know how I'm goin to manage next week.
Rotary tear cuff agony ...anyone else have this ??? - NRAS
Rotary tear cuff agony ...anyone else have this ???

I suffered this in both shoulders some years ago and eventually had a steroid injection into the shoulder joints, with a smidgen of local anaesthetic as well I believe. The effect was dramatic and successful . The anaesthetic would have worked very quickly but the steroid has given sustained long-term relief. I quickly returned to being able to work out at the gym again with no relapse at all for the years since. I got mine by doing excessive press-ups and felt them go " pop" at the time. It caused difficulty and pain for many months until my rheumatologist sorted it out. The injections were not painful at all, no more than a bit uncomfortable as I felt the pressure increase in my shoulder as he did it. I would not hesitate to recommend this treatment for an inflamed rotator cuff! I currently regularly attend a gym and my shoulders feel fine. , this being some eight years after the original injury.
Yes, I had a rotator cuff tear - it was repaired in February and now is as good as new. Clemmie
You need tp see an orthpopedic surgeon who specialises in shoulders. I have had a tear in my right shoulder rotator cuff repaired and it is like a new shoulder. Good luck
I feel a bit silly reporting this but here it goes anyway. Playing with a couple of the grandchildren (pre dx) the older one and I tried out the new climbing frame. It was great. Lots of wobbly bridges, climbing ropes, cargo nets etc. Well, she slipped and I managed to catch her but felt something "give". At A&E later that evening I was told I'd torn the rotator cuff and given painkillers and told to rest it. It must have been a quiet night because the number of staff coming in to look at the old lass who'd hurt herself on the climbing frame was amazing. I could hear the giggles as they left. It took ages to mend but I reckon it probably served me right.
Thank you for your reply. ..I have grandboys too so hear where your comin from. .. yes mine isnt a complete tear but I work in a post office. ..I've been told not to use left arm or shoulder. do I do that in a job lol I don't know x
It really makes you wonder if the medicos live in the same world as you and me. I'm truly sorry you are having these problems and hope you find a solution very soon. Huge hugs
I had this too. Very painful- but will get better! Try and rest it...
How can your boss not pay sick pay? Isn't it a legal requirement? Injection should help, but for me stopping using it was key. Not easy... I really hope it gets better soon x
I don't know regarding the sick pay being I legal I'll look into it. to go physio first then maybe small op thank you for your reply x
Thank you for those replies earlier. ..been to rhumatolgy I've got to go through physiotherapy first...then if no results from this occupational surgeon. ..I asked couldn't I skip physio but was told this is the procedure. ..thanx again