Giving up work.: Hi I have been diagnosed with Sero... - NRAS


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Giving up work.

gailyb profile image
20 Replies

Hi I have been diagnosed with Sero Rheumatoid arthritis. in December 2016. So I'm new to all this. But my CRP is 132, My ESR is 107, and ferritin is elevated at 337. I also have severe degenerative change in my left hip and Freibergs disease of the 3rd metatarsal head in my right foot. I have really bad pains in my hands, wrists, Knees, Hip, neck, feet and I'm so tired. I was getting a lot of backlash from colleagues and was making me worse. I've been working at this pharmacy branch for 18 months. I've cut down my hours and I'm off work at the moment with the pain. I work in a very busy pharmacy and have done for over 20 years. and its not a good place to be especially when I'm expected to stand for 9 hours a day. I'm struggling. I used to love my job and worked had to get where I am. I'm sat here now sobbing at the thought of leaving work. I just keep thinking What's next. I'm not going to find another job as I'm 58 this year and I struggle now. Haven't a clue what sort of benefits I'm entitled too or where to apply for them. I've worked since leaving school at 16. Does anyone have any advice please.

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gailyb profile image
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20 Replies
Fran105 profile image

I'm so sorry to hear you are in trouble. Other people who are fit and well do find it hard to understand this disease, especially the way it flits around and the exhaustion that goes with it.

Your employer will have to do an assessment of how to help you achieve at work and help by making changes to how you work. I don't know what the proper terms for this procedure but it's along the lines of a fit note from the GP. I would take some time and not rush into leaving just yet. I do hope you get some relief soon.

gailyb profile image
gailyb in reply to Fran105

Thank you for your reply x

Beaches2 profile image


I felt just like you when I was diagnosed 3 years ago......I was in so much pain and felt so ill, I thought I would have to give up work. I wouldn't be able to manage financially if I stopped work.....I was in a state of panic. However, although it took time, we found a drug regime that worked well for me, and I've been fine at work for the past 2 years and expect to finish my working life as I had previously planned. It's very early days for you, chances are things will improve dramatically for you once you get effective treatment.

You will need to approach your employer, and if you have access to occupational health, then ask how to contact them. They will write to your employer to explain that People with RA are covered by the equalities act which means your employer must make " reasonable adjustments" to help you stay in work. This might be allowing you to use a stool/ chair to rest, having regular rest breaks, allowing for a flexible working could have a think about what might make your work life a little easier.

Don't give up your's far too early to know how things will pan out.....most people do just fine once they get things controlled and I'm sure you will too X

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Beaches2

That is sound advice gailyb........

when I was first diagnosed I was hobbling around on sticks & envisaged being in a wheelchair. Thanks to good rheumy teams over the years (18) I now lead a pretty normal life.

The odd flare throws me sometimes...but in the first year or two I would never have believed how the horrible pain could be tamed as well as it has been.

Sort out all the help you can from somewhere like the CAB. I'm sure the NRAS website has some good advice Too!

gailyb profile image
gailyb in reply to AgedCrone

Thank you so much for your advice. Xx

gailyb profile image
gailyb in reply to Beaches2

Thank you for your kind words and advice. Its really helpfulto know. Xx

gailyb profile image
gailyb in reply to Beaches2

Thank you so much for replying , I went to see my consultant and he told me I'm to have a new hip. So hopefully be a little less pain free there. I've agreed with my manager to except my work reduction hours. I'm just going in do my work and then hopefully enjoy the afternoons off. Summer round the corner too. I did ask about a stool but my job revolves me moving around a lot in branch. But I'm not going to give in to them, I will contact the occupational health again. Kind regards, Gail.

gailyb profile image

Thank you for all your replies. They really helped I've had a occupational health interview over the phone and explained everything to her. I went into work today and explained how I felt. One of the staff there that made me feel uncomfortable has now been moved. The pharmacist sent a report also regarding her behaviour towards me. So I'm feeling a little more optimistic. I'm also going to see a consultant regarding my knees and attending the early arthritis clinic. I haven't a clue what that is but will find out next week. It's nice to know I'm not alone. Everything has happened so quickly. I really appreciate your support xx

AgedCrone profile image

You take charge if it's your aches & pains....don't stop questioning until you are satisfied all that is available is offered.

Good Luck


gailyb profile image
gailyb in reply to AgedCrone

Thank you so much AC, for your reply. It's good to know I'm not alone. This site has been a god send.

Fra22-57 profile image

I thought of my sister when I read your story.She is a pharmacy technician in a busy medical centre.She struggles and is in enormous pain with her back. Her job as your is means standing all day.She has been offered a stool but she says it's not possible as she has move about .She has had two hip replacements.She loves her job too but some staff are lazy and she ends up with their work.

I am pleased that the occupational review has helped you and the bad people have been moved. Hope medication will improve your pain

gailyb profile image
gailyb in reply to Fra22-57

Thank you for your reply. How long was she off work for,?. I've been off for 11 weeks and getting hassle. The occupational health lady said I'm not well enough to come back, But the people at work don't understand that. Seeing the consultant today regarding my hip so hopefully I don't have to wait to long.

Fra22-57 profile image
Fra22-57 in reply to gailyb

First hope not long but second about 4 month.She did get hassle from her work with letters sent that sounded threatening but she is still there but struggling. She will retire next year but can't afford to this one

Candy profile image

Hi, Sorry to hear how unwell you are at the moment. I was diagnosed about 10 years ago and felt the same, wondering if I could continue to work. I was off six months until I a satisfactory drug regime was found. Even then, when I went back I failed to complete shifts because of pain. This was recognised by my manager and reasonable adjustments were made to my role. We are protected under the equal opportunities law, which means a work place has to make reasonable adjustments for you. I suppose what I'm saying is, my advice would be, to be kind to yourself, give yourself an adequate amount of time off sick to get to where you need to be, then consider your options. I found it very difficult to think things through clearly with the pain, and to be fair to myself, as I would end up thinking of the work load I was putting on others and that I was letting the team down. In reality this is not truly our concern but our employers. Sorry a long winded reply🙄, but I do feel for you and remember my time similar to this very clearly. Take care and let us know how you get on. Candy

gailyb profile image
gailyb in reply to Candy

Thank you Candy so much. What you say is exactly how I feel about everything at the moment. I've been off 11 weeks and am constantly being asked when do I think I am coming back into work. And the last week when I took my sick note into work I was told that I don't look ill and am I sure I have RA, I took my latest results into work and I felt I had to explain myself to them. I have to ring into work every week to speak to my manager. God knows why. It's company orders. I absolutely dread it. in case one of the other staff pick it up and they go one about how busy and short staffed they are. I want to tell them that it's not my fault. But I end up being too upset.

Candy profile image
Candy in reply to gailyb

I was about 4 months without the GP taking an interest in symptoms and the reason why was, I was presenting myself as well, which is what you do. I too work in health and it's a habit that you put yourself last and listen to others health concerns. Could you speak to HR, inform them that your early days into diagnosis and treatment and the effect the continual contact with work at present is having on you? As a security measure, I contacted my union RCN, just in case, and who were brilliant. I don't think people who have not experienced this type of arthritis understand how unwell you feel along with the pain. I know I couldn't have made any journey anywhere for months. Can you post sick note? Hope some of this is of help. Candy

in reply to gailyb

Keep in mind too gailyb, that most people have no clue what RA or RD is. My own mother (who was a radiology technician) thought it was "just a form of arthritis". When I explained to her what it really meant, I was at least gratified to get a quieter reaction from her.

The 1989 Dilbert cartoon (here: is a good example of what your co-workers are going through. If you are having a good day, you aren't limping particularly much, you don't have spots, you probably have all of your hair, you aren't coughing or wheezing, you aren't vomiting. So for them, you couldn't possibly be "that sick". Other than trying to educate them, which can be as frustrating as it is fruitless, there is little you can do to win the war. But if HR or the pharmacy owner (depends on how big it is I guess) can intervene for you, that should help.

I'm sorry you are going through this. I was blessed not to get RA until after I quit working, so I never had to deal with what you are, but I can imagine the scenarios.

I would agree with the other though... Don't throw in the towel quite yet - get as much help as you can first, and maybe they can support you in some other way, like assigning you all of the prescriptions located in a specific area that requires less walking or something.

Hugs... gentle hugs

gailyb profile image
gailyb in reply to

Thankyou so much for replying, I am getting a new hip soon so hopefully not in as much pain. I am thinking a little more positive today. I've agreed to the manager cutting down my hours even though I'm going to struggle a little. But with that I think I am going to use the reduction in hours to my advantage. One of the nasty staff has now been moved so we will see how the rest of the staff behave towards me. Kind regards. Gail.x

stbernhard profile image

Hello gailyb, The best advice I can give you is to phone then NRAS help line. They are very helpful, understanding and knowledgeable. They can point you in the best direction for may of the questions you have, I'm sure. Being diagnosed is a bit of a shock, there are so many questions and answers take time to come. As many people on this forum will tell you, it's possible to live a very good life with RA. All the very best and keep in touch.

gailyb profile image
gailyb in reply to stbernhard

Thankyou for your advice. I'm at the hospital today regarding my hip replacement, So at least I may have a date for that.

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