I'm just after some thoughts really. I found out I had RA last March. Last April I got a job I was so excited about as a nursing auxiliary in A&E. I loved it but my RA was not happy and I was not able to deal with the long hours and the random shifts. I then moved in the same hospital to Radiology in September. Now I really enjoy this job. It's varied, mon - fri, 37.5 hours a week with varying shifts but only ever days and no more than 7.5 hours. The hospital I work at is 23 miles away so a good hour or so traveling per day. There is a job going in my local hospital (7 miles away) which is an admin role rather than a patient facing job which mine is now. It's 30 hours a week and set hours 9:30-16:30 and the money is the same. I have been offered an interview. I'm in two minds what to do. Part of me is looking forward a bit with RA and looking for a less physical job with a lovely start time or to stay doing what is a job I do like but I do get very tired. What do you think? I do like admin tasks in my current role but my job currently is one where I am on my feet all day. I know I haven't even been offered the job yet I'm just running things over in my head.
Thinking of a new job: I'm just after some thoughts... - NRAS
Thinking of a new job

I would take the job if it's offered after interview personally. It sounds a lot less stressful considering you have RA to deal with. Good luck and I hope it all works out for you.
I can see trish's point of view. However, I'm thinking it can be seen as early days in relation to your RA , treatment , getting it under control, possible remission etc and iN this case, I don't know that I would anticipate things not getting better and therefore be reluctant to leave a job I love?
However, you will know your strengths and limitations and will decide accordingly .
Whatever the decision, I wish you all the very best .
My advice, go for it!! It's the best of both worlds and will hopefully make life easier, what's to consider!!
Good luck and 🤞🤞🤞
If you offer for a position with less commute time and same salary, to me it's a no brainer!
Darling you have to look longterm with ra,if your like this now what would you be like in years to come and you will answer your own question. Go for the interview thats my advice.xxxxx
I'd go to the interview & learn more about the job. .....If it still appeals after you know more about it, I'd go for it. The short commute would be such a bonus on bad days.
It sounds as if your employers are helpful, so once your RA is under control if the new job doesn't appeal you could always ask to move.
Good Luck whatever you choose.
Thank you so much everyone! It is early days with the RA and right now I can physically do my job for the most part. The fatigue is hitting me hard though and in my own time I have to say I don't do much because I want to rest. That aside I do work in a nice department and they have been training me to learn my role since September so part of me feels guilty for even considering another job. Again on the flip side I need to think of me and to maybe do less hours with shorter commute and in a job where I won't need to do 15000 steps in a day will probably be so much better. I wear my Fitbit in my pocket so I know how much I do 😂. I've learnt RA is unpredictable and I suppose I want to protect my future as much as possible with work. I'm only 45 so plenty of working days left in me I hope. I will go to the interview and see what happens. If I get offered the job it's meant to be. Thank you all again xx
Hmm. Fewer hours, same pay, not on your feet all the time, closer to home, a job you can do and enjoy? I think I'd go for that if offered. In fact, can I have the job? It sounds perfect.
Only joking
Big hugs Jan